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Breaking your Spacebar


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New solution: make a new server and remove story/voice content so that the spacebar users can grind to 50 on womp rats and then pvp.


(you know its what you really want)


Give me back the Game that was taken away from me a month ago? Yeah, I would choose that game at its height 6 years ago over this Pile.


Btw, you are STILL grinding 50 Justicars/Black Sun/Sand People/..whatever iconic figure SW lore offers

Edited by Kunra
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Give me back the Game that was taken away from me a month ago? Yeah, I would choose that game at its height 6 years ago over this Pile.


Btw, you are STILL grinding 50 Justicars/Black Sun/Sand People/..whatever iconic figure SW lore offers


You're calling SW:TOR a pile and praising SWG's gameplay?


I'm out.

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>buys a game with full voice acting

>complains about breaking the space bar to skip it





Funny thing is that BW designed the ability to 'skip' the voice acting long before beta testing even started.


So apparently even BW did not intend for people to watch the voice overs.


So to imply that people are incorrect in using the option BW designed into the game, is flawed.



The criticism is about the quality of the story, and the inability to captivate the gamer so much that 'spacebar' use is a rarity -- rather than something that appears to be far more common.



I have the subtitles on and only spacebar the alien stuff after i've read it. Otherwise i enjoy the story....



I just read the text and then spacebar, for the most part. While I like the Voice overs, some tend to be too wordy and/or poorly acted, so I prefer not to waste my time sitting through it.


I also did not purchase the game, for its 'story' and 'voice acting', but rather was looking for a Sci-Fi MMO and some Sci-Fi gameplay.


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You're calling SW:TOR a pile and praising SWG's gameplay?


I'm out.


Each their own, personally I liked SWG PvP 10x better then what TOR has to offer. That being said, the only MMO I ever played was SWG. People just have different standards.

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Each their own, personally I liked SWG PvP 10x better then what TOR has to offer. That being said, the only MMO I ever played was SWG. People just have different standards.


I agree. Not only did SWG have better PvP, it had other features years beyond this game.


SWG had better Space Combat by a factor of 100. Hello, SW..Star Wars, ie, Wars omongst the Stars?


Hell, even at the end, it had PvE Atmospheric /Ground Combat and PvP Atmospheric Combat.


Aint a single thing this game offers better then that, period.

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I agree. Not only did SWG have better PvP, it had other features years beyond this game.


SWG had better Space Combat by a factor of 100. Hello, SW..Star Wars, ie, Wars omongst the Stars?


Hell, even at the end, it had PvE Atmospheric /Ground Combat and PvP Atmospheric Combat.


Aint a single thing this game offers better then that, period.




I do think that BW rested too much on the VO/Story being an anchoring point for subscriptions.


Having played 2 troopers and 2 smugglers (to see both ac builds), I find myself immediately 'space baring' repeated content, rather than spending time 'enjoying' the repeated VO's --- which is very similar to how I do not 're-read' every repeated quest dialogue in other non-VO games.


Imo, story is only interesting the first time you experience. The second or third time, it just becomes part of the 'grind', imo.



Had BW implemented more non-story aspects that were popular in other games, I think they would have larger customer satisfaction.


It almost seems like they went out out of their way to not include things that would seem like an obvious inclusion in a game for 2012.


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It is a niche of the niche audience.



Of the MMO crowd... the least of them, casuals, hard cores, Rps, Min/maxxers, Raiders... The 'Static Story driven single player crowd' in that MMO atmosphere is the least of impact and immersion. The lowest denominator. It was the high odds on a ludicrous craps shoot.



They SHOULD have went with a different title. NOT Star Wars to try their first go at this market.



With Star Wars you are going to get all walks of life.. you are going to get that scrutiny of fan boys that tie all to canon. You are going to get the house wife entertainers, the kid who has read all the books, the grandpa who see it first hand at the release in the theater.. All wanting a different thing...



THAT is where the SWG thing comes in looking too good. So many avenues.. so much space to stretch out... SO MANY encompassed...



Bioware hedged the bet on the fringe element. Those single player static story folks... and THOSE never make enough to warrant an MMO.... :(

Edited by Uben
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It is a niche of the niche audience....


They SHOULD have went with a different title. NOT Star wars...



I agree. Imo, I think it would have been a happier game had it been a smaller f2p BW game, like using the Mass Effect ip or something.

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It is a niche of the niche audience.



Of the MMO crowd... the least of them, casuals, hard cores, Rps, Min/maxxers, Raiders... The 'Static Story driven single player crowd' in that MMO atmosphere is the least of impact and immersion. The lowest denominator. It was the high odds on a ludicrous craps shoot.



They SHOULD have went with a different title. NOT Star Wars to try their first go at this market.



With Star Wars you are going to get all walks of life.. you are going to get that scrutiny of fan boys that tie all to canon. You are going to get the house wife entertainers, the kid who has read all the books, the grandpa who see it first hand at the release in the theater.. All wanting a different thing...



THAT is where the SWG thing comes in looking too good. So many avenues.. so much space to stretch out... SO MANY encompassed...



Bioware hedged the bet on the fringe element. Those single player static story folks... and THOSE never make enough to warrant an MMO.... :(


Uben? As in, Uben from FE?

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I always listen to class story content.


Side quests can shut up though. Seriously lady, I don't need a three minute speech about how you left a box at your old house and you need me to get it because some crazy droids took over the area.

Edited by Zalanox
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I can't use the spacebar. I broke it when my head hit it repeatedly


First hit's came with disbelief (where are all the features?)


Second hit came with frustration (what is this freaking delay/ lock up!)


Third and final came with dozing off (boring abilties and combat after lvl 20ish)

Edited by Crogga
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This is Kunra Vong, day 1 Alpha vet for FE.


Dont know if you remember me, its been awhile.


I remember...BOS. When I seen the name I wondered. It is a unique name. It is great to see you over here mate. Sang is still a tad into FE.. though she plays less by far...

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