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Patch 1.1 is Extremely Underwhelming


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It wasnt till much later did WoW introduced duel-spec. This patch was surprising. The game will be barely a month old when this patch releases, and they are already adding new content? I have never seen this in a MMO launch, and i have been part alot of em.


Rift released with dual spec.


Why not SWTOR?


Worst. Argument. Ever.

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It wasnt till much later did WoW introduced duel-spec. This patch was surprising. The game will be barely a month old when this patch releases, and they are already adding new content? I have never seen this in a MMO launch, and i have been part alot of em.


Oh stop with WoW, try for once and get your point across without the WoW didnt or WoW did.


Really it is getting annoying.

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Target of Target is ALT+T.


Can someone expand on this FUD? "Target of Target" is the window that when I target something it shows me what that target has targeted. So say when I'm tanking I can simply target something and it will show me that targets health and what it is targeting beside it (supposed to be me). Alt+T does not do this, it acts like /assist. "Target of Target" when in reference to the UI is a VISUAL element of what your target is focusing on.


This is a basic feature of any MMO, especially in 2012.

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Look at WoW's 1.1 patch notes they released 2 new raids.


Same with Rift's 1.1 patch.


And that was their launch raids. So that would put it at pretty even par with what SWTOR has offered so far... So I am confused to why you even brought this up?

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It wasnt till much later did WoW introduced duel-spec. This patch was surprising. The game will be barely a month old when this patch releases, and they are already adding new content? I have never seen this in a MMO launch, and i have been part alot of em.


Hook, line and sinker.


Do you honestly believe this wasn't part of the release but was held back by a month to keep some subs? Wow.

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DuAl spec is nice, will be handy at some point, but I do not think it is necessary. Unless you really hate the role you chose for your primary focus. Sure it would be fun to try out madness a bit more in pvp, but as a healer I enjoy healing in all aspects.


UI is something that does need to get addressed. And they have stated it something they are taking seriously to work on. So if we could just a be a bit more patient, continue with some positive feedback on what you would like to see added(I am personally waiting until closer to the 20th when all the freeloaders who aren't going to sub start wandering off.


The bugs have a dedicated team and they will continue to be fixed in small patches along with probably some of the bigger ones addressed in the major patches(ones where major code needs to be rearranged).


If you aren't enjoying the game, then by all means leave. The game isn't going to see sweeping changes in their first patch. I am personally enjoying the game and I have single player games to fall on as I wait for more and more of my guild to catch up to me to start doing endgame.

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they didnt start developing this content in January...they had this already in the pipeline months and months ago.


I am sorry but, duh? Because developers just whip together Instances(Flashpoints) and Raids(Operations) in a few weeks time and throw it into a patch. Of coarse it was being worked on for months. Also even for you cry babies that say this should have been release content. You are the same whining there are bugs in the current operations. Maybe just maybe they held this for a month to clean it up to make it less buggy?


Please pick one thing or the other to ***** about. ************ about opposing crap is seriously a waste of time and perfectly good internet real estate :)

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It wasnt till much later did WoW introduced duel-spec. This patch was surprising. The game will be barely a month old when this patch releases, and they are already adding new content? I have never seen this in a MMO launch, and i have been part alot of em.


yep me neither been playing mmo's since 2000 and ive never seen one add content this early....epic move BW get in there.

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