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Running out of Hotkeys.


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Complexity does not equate to impossibility. BW has already stated we have one of if not the most complex rotations (even though it really isn't, but the point stands) in the game. While it has a steep learning curve to excel at it's by no means impossible. Becoming creative with key-binds and committing them to muscle memory make it easy.


I have a Naga and all of my spells are pretty much keybinded and I have my annihalation rotation down, but it still doesnt change the fact that the rotation feels to big, this is only level 50 to imagine with expansions. Some of the abilitys are just plain stupid and not needed for the class, but you feel like you have to use them all to benifit. Some spells need merged into others for sure, sor for example, a hard hitting spell should apply a bleed also rather than having a hard hitting spell and a bleed seperate.

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I use the cursor keys - this is the first MMO I've had to get creative with my bindings :) was a challenge but got it working now.


Up / Down / Left / Right (Cursors - movement)

Del / End / PgDwn / PgUp / Home / Ins / Enter / # - Primary

Shift + Del / End / PgDwn / PgUp / Home / Ins / Enter - Secondary

] / [ / ' / ; / BckSpc / / / - Lesser Used Abilities

Mouse 3 + 4 + 5 - Force Charge/Obliterate/interupt

1 / 4 / 7 - trinkets + med pack

f12 / Print Screen / Scrol Lock / Pause - Fury abilities


Yes I play weird ;) I tried for 3 days to play with esdf as my movement but just felt weird.

Edited by Draexnael
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i researched this extensively and planned out my keybinds when i started marauder.


all i use is 1-6, shift+1-6, control+1-6, alt+ 1-6, VQE, shift + VQE


that's 5 bars of 6 slots, way less than some classes in wow (*cough* frost death knight)

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I use ASD and Mouse 1+2 for movement.


1 - 5 for abilities I don't use often

Q, W, E,R, T for abilities I do use more often

Mouse 4 and 5, shift + Mouse 4 and 5 and alt + Mouse 4 and 5 for movement abilities


Mousewheel left and right, Mouse "+" and Mouse "-" for interrupts and heavilty used abilities


shift + mousewheel left and right, alt + mouse "+" and mouse "-" - procced abilities

alt + mousewheel left and right, shift + mouse "+" and mouse "-" for cooldowns


Shift Z, Shift X, Shift A and Shift S for things I can't figure out where else to put them.

Alt Z, Alt X, Alt C for consumables

Alt A, Alt S, Alt D for CC abilities

Edited by Xeres-
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Thing is, most abilities the Marauder has are way more situational. Depending on whether you're in PvP or PvE, these moves vary greatly. You're far less likely to use the healing debuff or the slow in PvE, for example (you might have to on occasion, but when leveling you'll rarely ever need to).
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I use the oldschool paging system from DAOC / vanilla WoW (abilities on 1,2,3..0,-,=).


Bar1 (shift-1): goodspam, goodspam, goodspam, spam, interrupt, execute, charge, ragedump, ragedump, ragedump, medpac.

Bar2 (shift-2): ravage, smash, heal debuff, pew pew cooldown, choke, runspeed, blank, frenzy

Bar3 (shift-3): blind, cc break, defense 1, defense 2, stealth, pve defense, (null), defense 3, (null), aoe mez

Bar4 (shift-4): ooc buff, ooc buff, trinketbuff, trinketbuff, bloodthirst, (null), trinketbuff


I roll my face over 3-2-1-4 for deadly saber, rupture, battering assault, assault. When I have rage to dump (and 2-3 are down), I roll my face over 9-8-0 (annihilate, vicious, retaliation).


When I want to hit a defensive cooldown, I swap to 3 and hit random buttons. When I want to blow something up, I swap to 4 and hit random buttons). When I want to do something tricksey (ALTERNATE COMBAT EXECUTION) I swap to 2 and press the buttons.

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I can't seem to hit any combination of ctrl+# or shift+# effectively and accurately in combat. For some reason my hand won't get that kind of muscle memory.


I've adapted to using a nostromo n52, and have definitely gotten used to it. My maurader started levelling with just 1-6 and alt+1-6, and mouse-clicking some of the other abilities. I kept messing up in the 20s and hitting or missing the wrong ability and plugged the nostromo back in. Except my oooold belkin n52 died so I had to get a new razor-branded n52. Of course, I couldn't find a way to import my old profile so I had to re-enter everything. Grrr.


Actually, first I started a couple new characters and went from 1-12 on a sorcerer and a consular, figuring out a good way to map out general keys. Then I went back to my maurader and removed every icon from all 4 bars, and grabbed them all fresh from the abilities window. It took another level of general questing to get the muscle memory right, and I can now fight more efficiently than before.


What I did was to leave the main bar keybinds alone, set the bottom-center bar to bind to alt+[1234567890-=], and bind the right bar to shift+[1234567890-=]. I leave the left bar to toggles/forms/sprint and things I rarely want to click like quick travel and fleet pass*. Then in the nostromo profile, I set up 3 of the gamepad keys to act as toggles between different colors on the gamepad; I'm not sure if I can explain it better, other than they act as modifier keys similar to how alt/ctrl/shift work for your keyboard. Between the base/non-modifier color and 2 modifier colors, I can hit 1 thru - [i leave the = key off intentionally] on 3 different trays with a combination of two nostromo keys. Plus, with the nostromo, my fingers never move more than 2 keys away from home row; so I don't have to strain or stretch my hands in order to game.


That's only 2 of the 3 color toggles on my nostromo. The third color state is set up for another 14 possible keybinds, of which I'm only using 8 or so. I've got these keys set up for things like map, crew skills, speeder, bag, set-focus-target, get-target's-target, and the like. The idea being that I can hit any window, skill, or UI function I want with a few rare things I leave to mouse-clicks [20min cooldowns, medpacks] to keep them from being wasted.


All of this actually started years ago with my Burglar in LOTRO. There I was actually worse off, as I had 6 bars available to me, and filled 3 full bars with nothing but class/racial/trait/legendary skills I wanted at a moment's notice. Then there were 3 more bars I filled with long cooldown skills, mounts, consumables, and toggles. While I want more toolbars here in SWTOR, it's easier to manage than LOTRO.


* I also drag each character's main crafting skill from the crew skills window here. Open up the crew skills window and drag your biochem/cyber/arms/etc skill here. I do this so I can go to the crew skills trader, close my bag window, and open the crafting window so I don't buy the wrong type of crafting stuffs.

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