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You Call that a Nerf?


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It make sense to not want everyone in game to be a biochemist, wasting the time, effort and design of the other crew skills. However, given the nature of the nerf, it seems that BW doesn't understand WHY everyone is making a biochemist. A reduction in heal on the packs, will in no way shape or form get people to drop biochem for other professions. No other profession except Cybertech to a lesser degree, adds playability to your character. That needs to be fixed or no nerf you can come up with will work.



Non-consumable Consumables


Seriously? That's an awful idea, there is a reason consumables are consumable. The only way I can possibly think to fix this is to lessen what they do in relation to their consumable counterparts. Put the purples in line with the greens, and make the blues substantially better by comparison. People who want the best, will want the blues and will be willing to pay credits, however the way biochem is set up right now, they are not designed to make consumables. Two consumables should NOT be equal in material as a piece of armor. To fix this, each combine for biochemists, needs to be raised to 5-10 items per combine.


Okay, now you have a demand (blue consumables being the best in game), and the ability to supply above and beyond that demand. So now you have a market, for one thing though, consumables. So what's to stop everyone from just going biochem to save money on blues by making them themselves instead of buying them from the market? Now we get to step two.


Crafters Need to Be able to Make the Best Gear in Game


Right now the best gear comes from commendations, meaning no one has a reason to craft at 50. What needs to happen is mobs in Ops need to drop schematics for the best gear in game. And those schematics need to be bind on pick up. That way you don't have an Op full of biochemists, farming schematics for their alts. Raiding guilds will set up their raids to have a level 400 of each profession as not to waste the opportunity of getting a schematic for a better piece of gear for the entire guild.


These purple recipes should require a component, sold of the commendation vendors for the same amount as the piece is makes. So it's either for 10 tokens I can get a purple bracer or for 10 tokens I can buy this cloth and have my guildie make me a better bracer from the schematic that dropped last night.


The components will need to be transferable, and will of course end up on the market with dropping prices as the game ages. But that's when RE comes in. I know a lot of people hate it. But I love it. I realize for a game to work, it needs to eat some of what it puts out, or everything loses value. Well if you make it so those purple schematics that dropped can be RE'ed to get a recipe for ZOMG! UBER EPIC ITEM, then make the component to make it a rare rare Ops drop, people will keep running ops trying to get the material for this item, adding both value to crafters and playability to raiders.

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reusable items = removal of future sales and a hurting to the economy

no decay = no replacement of armor and weapons = a hurting to the economy

commedation, pvp, and other gear better than crafted = no point and a hurting to the economy


You can not have a solid crafting system and an economy in a game where you have crafting but loot itema are better. You can not have a good market if people never buy items due to lack of decay and destruction. You can not have a good economy when commedation, pvp, and other items are better minus a few items.


We need demand, supply, mass resources on market, and real crafting skills. "but crafters are so greedy i dont want to give them my money" why? You will sell resources to them at even a higher rate than you buy items. The more crafters you have the more competition which will lower prices. In SWG i wasa crafter for 7 years until i quit. I spent just as much out to combatants as i made due to the need for resources and items. Then i would make my items and charge a fair price around what other crafters were selling. At the end i ended up just supplying other crafters because i was making so much more in the long run.


In TOR, everyone is/can be self-sufficient and doesnt need anyone. This will never work if you expect the economy to grow at all. Every mmo game ever to be released or change to a loot system has failed in this area. Simply put not all of us want to go out and kill stuff and blow things up, we want to craft and run a business.


There is profit on both sides, but not if everything is a 1 time sale, or never needs repleaced. As in the real world, all companies would go under if it wasnt for wear and tear and the need for new items.


But so many here are young, and have no clue about real economics. Just the sense they think they know how an economy should be. Yet i dont see TOR's picking up at all this month since the slice nerf ;)

Edited by Onomas
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