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Bioware, Stop Protecting the Baddies


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So then I might as well play naked. Hey why not.. it's how I want to play. Tough ******* if it negatively effects you. Hell I am a naked gamer.


If you want to play casual then don't play a game that requires skill, interaction with others or blocks of time. Play a game that caters to your casual play style. AKA Single Player games or games where you just can get up walk away, be terrible, play with your kids, cook dinner, smoke your mary j, aka not effect others.


Actually, when I decided to purchase SW:ToR I thought it was casual. I mean it's shining light was Voice Acting.. I missed the part on the lid where it said, people who are unable to play properly will be crying for add-ons within the first month.

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TL;DR: This is never going to change, eventually the hardcores and the casuals eventually split up into their own communities where they fit comfortably with like-minded people who play the game the way they want to play it, and feeling like they are getting the most out of their $15.







My dumdum is kicking in...I have issues what can I say? But maybe a good way of looking at this is...certain heads want TOOLS, reasonable I think. The more tools the better; ui, adds, what have ya. Problem comes when some heads take the TOOLS and turn them into WEAPONS.


Just me two credits worth.




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I played EQ for years, top guild on my server, every server first. Then I played WoW, top guild on my server, about half of the server firsts vs another very competitive guild up through TBC.


None of us ever had the attitude that the OP has. We had no problem carrying a few people who weren't min/maxers because - hey, they were cool guys, and we liked gaming with them. It was fun watching them have fun, and helping them see content they otherwise wouldn't see.


The MMO part of an MMO isn't solely a tool for elitist people to isolate and insult people who don't get quite as into the stats as they do. It's not a platform for calling people names and pointing fingers.


It is for some people, and WoW's absolutely AWFUL community has obviously come over here (as indicated in the first post), but I hope that in a month or two when they've all gone back to it these forums (and this game) will be much better off for it. The attitude of the OP is terrible, but if he wants to get in a guild and raid hardcore with like-minded people, it doesn't bother me at all. But if you PUG, be ready to accept the fact that the guys you group with might just be casual Star Wars fans who think new content is cool, and could use a little help here and there. Instead of being an elitist jerk and pointing at meters, try being a nice guy who carries the group and goes on his merry way when it's over.


I don't play MMOs with my friends so that they can squeeze every last drop of DPS out on a boss and get me my loot .005% faster. I play MMOs with my friends because I enjoy video games, and enjoy playing video games with my friends. People like the OP - you should try it sometime.

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Hi there!


While we do welcome all feedback, we ask that whether it is positive or negative feedback, that it is constructive. For better understanding on helpful feedback, please do see this sticky by Allison Berryman. We are closing this thread, as we feel the discussion has run its course, but we do strongly encourage anyone who wishes to submit feedback to please do so. We only ask that when anyone posts new feedback, it is done in a constructive manner.


You may want to check out the bug and suggestion compilation threads made by the community, which are being regularly looked at by our developers and provide a fantastic outlet for you to post constructive feedback.


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