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How to unding \ , for the ones that dont know


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what is this I don't even...?


Try looking at your keyboard.

Bottom row, the first letter on the left is "z".

Next to that on the left, is "\".

"\" is default bound to open the customer service ticket window.


Alternatively, you could just use reading comprehension, a keyboard and your eyes....

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Not all keyboards have that button next to the "Z". To the left of my "Z" is "Shift"


On my keyboard, the button is directly above my enter key, so I end up hitting the button occasionally when chatting.

Edited by Ohnoto
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LOL that led me to think that the Americans have different keyboard mappings


English and American keyboards are radically different in where they put all the special characters. Drives me insane whenever I visit my family in England.

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Thank you for this information. I couldn't figure out what bloody key was doing it. It always happens to me during combat so I just close it and forget about it after it causes me to stop healing and my group dies as a result. Fun thing is I actually accidently submitted a ticket once that said random letters lawl
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