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Underpopulated servers


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To start off: PvP Non crossrealm is fkin amazing BioWare - thank you. Keep it up! (When you stop it i stop playing).


To the point: My server is one of those underpopulated. I won't go as far as calling it dead, but i want to be able to enter a warzone pre 6pm and post 12am. Also, I havent fought an empire team at all this far: Played 200+ warzones. That is pretty peculiar. Anyway, will you soon be merging servers now Bioware?


I love everything except for the part about my server being underpopulated. And i won't reroll trolls. Any response possible from bioware on eta on merges?

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I am just curious, do you not get bored pvping the same people and the same guilds all the time?


Personally, I'd love if they would merge the servers to increase the population on the servers.


Non XR pvp allows me to build a name and reputation for myself.

It allows for my team to play the warzones the way they are meant to be played, random teams that is. It's actually PvP with objective and not a zergball gankfest. This is my opinion.


Why would you support crossrealm pvp?

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I would expect to see mergers / transfers and closing of servers in another month or so. Most other MMO launches I have seen wait at least 2 months from launch to begin this process. With the free 30 days coming to an end soon, I forsee populations dropping even further, and BW waiting a little longer to monitor server levels then begin closing and merging the severely underpopulated servers. Its just a waiting game at this point.


As for cross-realm PvP, hopefully they will start it up soon. On my server there is no issue with PvP times, but it is getting really annoying playing against the same premades all the time, but i would imagine it would take a much larger player base to justify cross-realm PvP.

Edited by Bivrington
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The main problem with pvp is that if you are not a geared 50 you might as well be a mob that gets farmed for commendations.


Xrealm would allow them to implement brackets without fear of long q times. Which would make pvp actually playable for casuals.


It would also increase the competitiveness of the game because you would have the same competition as anyone else. Nobody cares if you can beat noobs on random server x.


Reputation on a server is meaningless and a hold over from when games did not have the technology to xrealm and thus bring the entire game population together.


If BW ever plans to add a ranking system or ladder they have to go xrealm or else its meaningless.

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Wah! I picked a PvE server where people are too busy PvEing to play PvP in the Warzones. Wah! Merge the servers so I can find more PvPers on a PvE server. Wah!


Sorry, bud, but server mergers don't happen less than a month after launch. Want a big PvP crowd? Grow some balls and play on a PvP server. Nuff said.


Sorry if the truth hurts.



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