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questions to pvpers


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Risk meaning you actually lose something when you die. Back in Original EQ when they first introduced PvP servers you could loot 1 item off of your enemy. They eventually took that feature out, and basically killed the risk vs reward.


On Meridian 59 if you die you lose everything, Likewise if you kill someone you get all of there equipment and they lose skill %s.


So in order to compete, you need to basically devote your life to the game (see EvE).


Thank you BW for not doing anything even approaching that. If you want PvP with risk, go join the military.

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So in order to compete, you need to basically devote your life to the game (see EvE).


Thank you BW for not doing anything even approaching that. If you want PvP with risk, go join the military.


Only a nerd calls real war, pvp.


Also, I doubt you necessarily mean to devote your life to a game just because you can loot one item from a killed enemy. If you are good (lets say in a balanced and fair pvp system) you will have more wins than loses naturally resulting in you having more gear than you actually need.


I doubt you will be more successful by playing 24/7. If you suck, you suck

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i ve been reading these forums for the past hour or so and 2 question keep coming back to my mind.

What part of the advertising/marketing of this game made u think pvp would be any good?

everything i saw ,in my point of view,screams that this game is pve first ,story-telling first.

What made u think the game would have any kind of classe balance for pvp?

Again pretty much the same point here,in my own very little opinion this game screams pve/story...not pvp game of the year

Not trying to sound like im better than anyone ,if anything im much worse,but i honestly want to know from you pvpers standpoint.

tldr : why buy swtor for pvp,when the advertising/marketing screamed pve?

ps english not my language so i apologize if grammar is messed up


Hi, in response to your english thanks for pointing out it isn't your first language. I've removed the spaces in your op to make it a little easier to read.


In response to your question, I can tell you my personal story on this matter:

I actually didn't intend to PvP much when first playing TOR. I joined it for the story and for the PvE. Coming from WoW most recently, I didn't enjoy PvP much there so didn't think I'd enjoy it much in TOR.


However, after starting to PvP to get some gear I discovered that I was having much more fun playing PvP than I was anything else. I didn't understand why either, because many threads are correct in stating that the CC can be frustrating, it's laggy, it's unresponsive compared to other MMO's, and there are some balance issues.


Why then, was I enjoying PvP so much? After thinking on it a few days I finally figured out that it was because the PvP was on the same server. There is a healthy competition between everybody, and it's even how I met my new guild. Also, I ended up being pretty darned good at it. When I join a WZ and someone says, "oh yay (me) is here, we're gonna win!" I must admit it makes me feel pretty good.


TL;DR version: PvP is fun for me because I'm good at it, and being on the same server all the time this is recognized.

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That is a better way to explain this. You should try BattleField 3 if you want a game that is designed for PVP. This is designed for PVE. Once PVP'ers understand this the forum will be quite.

I'll gladly watch how many are left when all the pvp'ers re gone


And btw you got it wrong, bf3 is a team-based-fps (much more team based than anything in swtor btw) and not a pvp, the next upcoming thing ll be gw2, and that ll lead to swtor lossing quite an amount of players....

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Risk meaning you actually lose something when you die. Back in Original EQ when they first introduced PvP servers you could loot 1 item off of your enemy. They eventually took that feature out, and basically killed the risk vs reward.


On Meridian 59 if you die you lose everything, Likewise if you kill someone you get all of there equipment and they lose skill %s.



i think your touching an entirely different problem here,imo,having to do with gaming being alot more mainstream today than when eq1 was around.Most eq1 players were old dnd players(the board game)so risk vs reward seemed appropriate to them cause if u die in dnd..well u die.

But when lil jimmy dies and has to run naked to his body to discover his favorite sword is gone....TO THE FORUMS!!!!!my opinion


In swg u could perma-kill a jedi if he died 3 times in 24 hours,guess how long that feature lasted?


thx to everyone who posted

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i think your touching an entirely different problem here,imo,having to do with gaming being alot more mainstream today than when eq1 was around.Most eq1 players were old dnd players(the board game)so risk vs reward seemed appropriate to them cause if u die in dnd..well u die.

But when lil jimmy dies and has to run naked to his body to discover his favorite sword is gone....TO THE FORUMS!!!!!my opinion


In swg u could perma-kill a jedi if he died 3 times in 24 hours,guess how long that feature lasted?


thx to everyone who posted


I loled at the last sentence of the first paragraph :p

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So in order to compete, you need to basically devote your life to the game (see EvE).


Thank you BW for not doing anything even approaching that. If you want PvP with risk, go join the military.


Hardly. Once you master the psychology and mechanics it doesn't require anymore time investment to be good.


Psychology was always my thing. That is why I am considered Elite on Meridian 59, and not many people have that title. I can make opponents back down through fear, I can make them lose concentration because the thought of losing on a game where death matters makes a huge difference.

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Hi, in response to your english thanks for pointing out it isn't your first language. I've removed the spaces in your op to make it a little easier to read.


In response to your question, I can tell you my personal story on this matter:

I actually didn't intend to PvP much when first playing TOR. I joined it for the story and for the PvE. Coming from WoW most recently, I didn't enjoy PvP much there so didn't think I'd enjoy it much in TOR.


However, after starting to PvP to get some gear I discovered that I was having much more fun playing PvP than I was anything else. I didn't understand why either, because many threads are correct in stating that the CC can be frustrating, it's laggy, it's unresponsive compared to other MMO's, and there are some balance issues.


Why then, was I enjoying PvP so much? After thinking on it a few days I finally figured out that it was because the PvP was on the same server. There is a healthy competition between everybody, and it's even how I met my new guild. Also, I ended up being pretty darned good at it. When I join a WZ and someone says, "oh yay (me) is here, we're gonna win!" I must admit it makes me feel pretty good.


TL;DR version: PvP is fun for me because I'm good at it, and being on the same server all the time this is recognized.


thanks for the reply

I find myself in the same shoes as you,i enjoy the pvp quite abit even if messed up.

i dont disagree with that at all,its fun in a messed up kinda way.

my question is aimed at everyone saying ,i quit Because pvp sucks.

Also my point isnt that pvp isnt broken or that pvp shouldnt be expected in a star wars game,my point is what made u think pvp would be the focus point of the game.

To me the selling points were :companion system,voice acted story and high customization of character.nothing in there says pvp to me.Maybe my grasp of the english language isnt good enough to get my point across,but i try...

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i ve been reading these forums for the past hour or so and 2 question keep coming back to my mind.


What part of the advertising/marketing of this game made u think pvp would be any good?


everything i saw ,in my point of view,screams that this game is pve first ,story-telling first.


What made u think the game would have any kind of classe balance for pvp?


Again pretty much the same point here,in my own very little opinion this game screams pve/story...not pvp game of the year


Not trying to sound like im better than anyone ,if anything im much worse,but i honestly want to know from you pvpers standpoint.


tldr : why buy swtor for pvp,when the advertising/marketing screamed pve?


ps english not my language so i apologize if grammar is messed up


The box said Star WARS. Not Star Raids. Basic understanding of the English language made me assume the word WARS meant pvp. Kind of like Mario Cart means its Mario in a go-cart. If its a raiding game why have 2 factions that are red to each other? So was I wrong in assuming a game based on a universal conflict between good and evil would be a pvp game?

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thanks for the reply

I find myself in the same shoes as you,i enjoy the pvp quite abit even if messed up.

i dont disagree with that at all,its fun in a messed up kinda way.

my question is aimed at everyone saying ,i quit Because pvp sucks.

Also my point isnt that pvp isnt broken or that pvp shouldnt be expected in a star wars game,my point is what made u think pvp would be the focus point of the game.

To me the selling points were :companion system,voice acted story and high customization of character.nothing in there says pvp to me.Maybe my grasp of the english language isnt good enough to get my point across,but i try...

well I enjoy pvp to lvl my char, maybe doing a few PvE content while playing pvp....

.... I hit 50.... the pve gets... boring? Yes boring is the word, so I play PvP and well we know the issues....


about the "high customations of character" - that's a joke...

The companion thing is take from gw, the whole voice thing is new in a mmo as far as I know

Edited by Kengaro
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The box said Star WARS. Not Star Raids. Basic understanding of the English language made me assume the word WARS meant pvp. Kind of like Mario Cart means its Mario in a go-cart. If its a raiding game why have 2 factions that are red to each other? So was I wrong in assuming a game based on a universal conflict between good and evil would be a pvp game?


not saying your wrong.And there is pvp in the game.3 warzones and Ilum.

Im saying based on how the game was advertise pvp wasnt the first tought.The whole universal conflict between good and evil does imply pvp i give you that point.


edit to kengaro


i understand that,wich means u bought the game for pve.it got boring so u did pvp.now if u quit it would be because the voiceactin/storytellin sucked wich is what this game was sold on.

pvp was not what they sold this game on ,so IN MY OWN OPINION,quitting BECAUSE pvp sucks ,is kinda silly.I also agree that "high customization"....yeah not really.

Edited by carliiiiito
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i ve been reading these forums for the past hour or so and 2 question keep coming back to my mind.


What part of the advertising/marketing of this game made u think pvp would be any good?


everything i saw ,in my point of view,screams that this game is pve first ,story-telling first.


What made u think the game would have any kind of classe balance for pvp?


Again pretty much the same point here,in my own very little opinion this game screams pve/story...not pvp game of the year


Not trying to sound like im better than anyone ,if anything im much worse,but i honestly want to know from you pvpers standpoint.


tldr : why buy swtor for pvp,when the advertising/marketing screamed pve?


ps english not my language so i apologize if grammar is messed up


It's exactly what I thought it'd be. I had to try it to be sure. I did not want to be a TOR basher withouth trying it. It is a console game with chat. I think many hoped it would be more.

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I love my PvP and my PvE. Even in WoW I pvped a lot in the 2600 range the last few years (forever BG9 Duelist) but the thing is with this game, playing as Republic without PvP, I would have quit.


I'm a relatively sociable person yet for the last 12 days I have been fervently trying to get into Hard Modes and raids. I came over from WoW with my (very) long term guild but they haven't levelled quite as fast as me so PvP has been the only real content.


Sure I've pugged Eternity Vault and Bonecrusher these last couple of weeks and done extremely well but I have been unable to pug an even semi successful hard mode. Even trying through Republic Fleet chat, the social panel and with various people I've met through PvP/Ops, there still isn't the player base Republic side to actually run Flashpoints with any ease which sounds wierd bearing in mind I pugged the raids but it's true. This is even on Space Slug, one of the highest pop US realms.


TL;DR - PvP is the only real thing to do on SWTOR and even then it's a frustrating experience a lot of the time. Thankfully, I'm relatively patient.

Edited by Beelzebubs
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so voiceacting,companion system,flashpoints with decision makin,customizations vs pvp server...and u knew it was a pvp-centric game?

ok then

like i explained before, the companion system is a pvp-mmo feature ;) Makeing it easier for you to lvl and acces group-events alone....

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