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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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Um..........again, fire mages play different and have different talents........does that make them a different class? No.


Again, in DAoC Earth mages were different than fire mages, and cabalists. Yet all three shared a basic spell line.


Using WoW for comparison is your fallacy in your arguments.

Edited by Keihryon
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Oh lawd STOP comparing the game to WoW!


If anything compare it to SWG. A game in which you could switch from lol-Jedi to Bounty Hunter, and then to Spy or whatever you felt like that day.


yes, compare it to the game that died. making it more like this is a good idea.

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"Advanced Classes are ...


Advanced Classes are specialized careers that your characters can choose in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As your character becomes more seasoned through adventure, you will be given the opportunity to undertake one of two Advanced Classes. This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation. Your choice will not only make your character more distinct and powerful, but will also help further define the role you wish to play in Star Wars: The Old Republic.


Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc."


Game Info>Game System>Advanced class


Seems pretty clear that they are differentiating between Starter class, advanced class, and trees withing advanced class here. Anything other thing you wanna spew as fact while ignore things that don't back up your argument?


This ^^


Working as intended.



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You mean its fair because picking on some spurious wording on a website is the only straw you have to grasp that fits your agenda :)


Each CLASS does have its own unique story...Advanced Classes do not and neither do each spec tree have their own unique story....just the classes...just like you were promised.




Uh, it is on their official site. Are you that dense?

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yes, compare it to the game that died. making it more like this is a good idea.


Game is still going, last I checked. Just because a game doesn't have 11 million subscriptions, doesn't mean it is dead. The only MMO that I have played that is "dead" is SWG.


But, they did remove the base class from it a while back. I guess because of people like him, couldn't figure the concept out.

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The AC is the equivalent to a class, changing from a operative to a sniper would be like changing from a rogue to a hunter. 2 completely different classes with completely different mechanics and completely different play style.


You then have to consider that all AC's have differences in gear. If you switch from a sorcerer to an assassin, what is that assassin gonna do for a weapon? will Bioware have to start giving out gear for the people that respec? Going from a juggernaut to a marauder would leave the marauder with no armor and only 1 weapon. DO you want a naked marauder in your group?

Edited by nabrass
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Druids have melee DPS, Caster DPS, Healing, and Tanking....they are not different classes, you said pick something that is not caster to caster so I did, what's so hard to understand?


oh now i get it, you think this is world of pandacraft. sorry but no, that game is ---->

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The AC is the equivalent to a class, changing from a operative to a sniper would be like changing from a rogue to a hunter. 2 completely different classes with completely different mechanics and completely different play style.


You than have to consider that all AC's have differences in gear. If you switch from a sorcerer to an assassin, what is that assassin gonna do for a weapon? will Bioware have to start giving out gear for the people that respec? Going from a juggernaut to a marauder would leave the marauder with no armor and only 1 weapon. DO you want a naked marauder in your group?


Pretty sure people would think through their change and not just go into flashpoints with no gear. And if they didn't you wouldn't have to take them. It's not really an issue.

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The AC is the equivalent to a class, changing from a operative to a sniper would be like changing from a rogue to a hunter. 2 completely different classes with completely different mechanics and completely different play style.


You than have to consider that all AC's have differences in gear. If you switch from a sorcerer to an assassin, what is that assassin gonna do for a weapon? will Bioware have to start giving out gear for the people that respec? Going from a juggernaut to a marauder would leave the marauder with no armor and only 1 weapon. DO you want a naked marauder in your group?


Then under classes they should have to pick Marauder or Juggernaut not "Sith Warrior" and under classes they should have all those options not 4 options and then specialization which is long form for spec.

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Again, your "druid" to "warrior" analogy is absolutely stupid. Druid's inherently can be whatever they want. Learn to use proper analogies!


All I keep reading(considering thats all you keep typing) is if you dont agree with me you are STUPID. Well if thats how you wanna do this then fine... If you dont agree that AC's should not be respecable then well... you are stupid. See how that works?

Edited by Voidence
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Game is still going, last I checked. Just because a game doesn't have 11 million subscriptions, doesn't mean it is dead. The only MMO that I have played that is "dead" is SWG.


But, they did remove the base class from it a while back. I guess because of people like him, couldn't figure the concept out.


no, im pretty sure they pulled the plug a few months back in preperation for the launch of SWTOR. they even had a whole forum section dedicated to people from SWG to help them locate one another when ingame. maybe you should read the news once in a while.

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yes, compare it to the game that died. making it more like this is a good idea.


You mean a game that pioneered many MMORPG features ahead of its time and lasted over 7 years even in paralell to WoW enjoying such massive market dominance.


A game that was only killed off by the release of another AAA Star Wars licenced MMORPG...yes SWG really died hard and fast...



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Reading doesn't tell you about how it plays, sorry.


It helped me choose between going juggy or mara with my SW. I read about different specs, pros and cons, rotations, ect. I knew exactly what I was getting into and chose juggy no problem.


If you didn't do any research on your class and are unhappy with the way it turned out then it really is your own fault. The least you can do is take 2 minutes and ask in general chat, chances are you'll get some idea as to what each spec is about.

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Then under classes they should have to pick Marauder or Juggernaut not "Sith Warrior" and under classes they should have all those options not 4 options and then specialization which is long form for spec.


Yes they should have. BioWare did indeed add to the confusion.


Classes here should have been called "Stories", especially given BioWare's m.o.


Advanced Classes should have then been called Classes, because that is precisely what they are in the game - different abilities, different armor, different weapons, different role.

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Druids have melee DPS, Caster DPS, Healing, and Tanking....they are not different classes, you said pick something that is not caster to caster so I did, what's so hard to understand?


Actually, I didn't say pick something that isn't a caster. I said WoW is not set up in the same way as SWTOR and is not an equal comparison. Once again. If they were the set up the same. You would pick some starter class, say "hybrid" at level 1 when you rolled. Then at 10 you would pick between a paladin, druid, etc. Then, choose your spec from there. How come you can't grasp that the two are not set up the same.



Level 1: starter class

Level 10: Advanced class

Level 10, after choosing advanced class: Specialization


In WoW:

Level 1: Class

Level 10: Spec.

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It helped me choose between going juggy or mara with my SW. I read about different specs, pros and cons, rotations, ect. I knew exactly what I was getting into and chose juggy no problem.


If you didn't do any research on your class and are unhappy with the way it turned out then it really is your own fault. The least you can do is take 2 minutes and ask in general chat, chances are you'll get some idea as to what each spec is about.


So it's going to tell me that it feels clunky? That stealth is a joke?

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This thread has gone so far off topic that a post about the correct subject would be out of context.


What's with the nerdrage whine-fest?




edit: I'll venture a rational opinion. People not enjoying their AC means that they're not enjoying the game. If they don't bother to reroll, then they'll probably just cancel. It's enough of a punishment to relearn how to play as a new role. And it's the same story for either AC.

Edited by Monotoli
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Then under classes they should have to pick Marauder or Juggernaut not "Sith Warrior" and under classes they should have all those options not 4 options and then specialization which is long form for spec.


or maybe they wanted to give you a variaty of ways to play their storylines and simply missnamed their "Classes" and should have refered to them as story. that way when you create a character you would choose your story and at level 10 you would pick your class, then people like you would have no arguement whatsoever.

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Actually, I didn't say pick something that isn't a caster. I said WoW is not set up in the same way as SWTOR and is not an equal comparison. Once again. If they were the set up the same. You would pick some starter class, say "hybrid" at level 1 when you rolled. Then at 10 you would pick between a paladin, druid, etc. Then, choose your spec from there. How come you can't grasp that the two are not set up the same.



Level 1: starter class

Level 10: Advanced class

Level 10, after choosing advanced class: Specialization


In WoW:

Level 1: Class

Level 10: Spec.


WRONG! Again go to their Holocon! Under class it says specialization which then lists Maurader Juggernaut etc.

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You mean a game that pioneered many MMORPG features ahead of its time and lasted over 7 years even in paralell to WoW enjoying such massive market dominance.


A game that was only killed off by the release of another AAA Star Wars licenced MMORPG...yes SWG really died hard and fast...




If you try and argue anything other than SWG was an unmitigated disaster than you are wrong.

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Yes they should have. BioWare did indeed add to the confusion.


Classes here should have been called "Stories", especially given BioWare's m.o.


Advanced Classes should have then been called Classes, because that is precisely what they are in the game - different abilities, different armor, different weapons, different role.


At least someone isn't afraid to call out Bioware or admit if what they thought was incorrect, I applaud you sir.

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