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Bioware's unshaken confidence is troubling


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For a game that's only 3 weeks old, they are doing a glaringly fine job and should be proud.


Oh yeah, releasing a game in 2011 that doesn't have built in AA and high res textures not working.


GREAT job Bioware, it's like I'm really playing a game from 2002

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I have to agree as well.


Warhammer online devs were cheering at the finish line, making videos about how much of a success WAR was all the while, the game was crashing down around them.


The same thing is happening to SWTOR. Not a very big suprise though, Bioware devs are the most blindingly arrogant people I've ever seen.



It's interesting you mentioned that example. I literally thought this morning, "I know I've seen this before, but where? Oh yeah, WAR!!"

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For a game that's only 3 weeks old, they are doing a glaringly fine job and should be proud. It's a shame that there are so many jerks here that won't shut up, but they are doing a fine job ignoring them.


Hmmm....odd....here I thought my post was reasonably respectful. Here's a little life nugget for you: People who disagree with you aren't automatically jerks.

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Negative Nancies please go back to Ogrimar, Thrall misses your constant whining and complaining.




I've been around the launch of a lot of these games and not once have the developers come out and said that their game is perfect. None of them are, but SWOTR is a success because of a stable launch with a generally solid game from levels 1 through 50. Let Bioware take a breath and be happy about that.


I would bet every drop of blood that I plan on extracting from Darth Zash when I kill her in the next few levels that Bioware is not resting on their laurels and they have a long range plan that addresses a lot of what gets hashed out on this board. Also we can't forget that Bioware is run by EA... nuff said.

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No company in their right mind does this. Have you ever once seen Microsoft apologize profously and release statements about constant bugs and security holes that need to be fixed? Has there ever been a month that there weren't 50 or so updates released for Windows and Microsoft product? The answer is NO.


It's a new game, it has bugs, they are addressing them pretty fast. Get over it.

That's just a ridiculous comparison. This is just an MMO that people can take or leave, at a point where there are more MMOs available than literally ever before. That's a big difference from Microsoft, who has made a point of putting themselves in a position where they're distributing operating system software that many people feel they outright need. Switching to a Mac, for example, is a bit bigger of a decision/investment than cancelling your current MMO sub and trying out a new one. Microsoft can afford to to appear distant.


In addition to your flawed comparison, you're also apparently out of touch with how a few other MMO developers do things. Trion with Rift and Cryptic with Star Trek Online are ridiculously transparent with their development efforts and the players really seem to appreciate it. In fact, Cryptic attributes it to one of the main reasons they managed to turn their subscription numbers around to what they consider a success (well before they went to a free to play model).

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It's interesting you mentioned that example. I literally thought this morning, "I know I've seen this before, but where? Oh yeah, WAR!!"


The enormous elation from finally being done with a project most of them put 2-? years of their lives into will definitely cause that kind of thing. It kind of makes me sad..what do the devs think of their own game?


Do any of them think to themselves, "this is by far the greatest accomplishment of my carrer (or life? who knows)". I really do feel like a piece of filth sometimes when I point out the flaws in this game and why they are so bad.



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Hmmm....odd....here I thought my post was reasonably respectful. Here's a little life nugget for you: People who disagree with you aren't automatically jerks.


It has nothing to do with agreeing with me or not. It has to do with people that clearly don't like the game coming to the forums to make a butt of themselves rather than logging off an playing something else.

Edited by Glowrod
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Oh yeah, releasing a game in 2011 that doesn't have built in AA and high res textures not working.


GREAT job Bioware, it's like I'm really playing a game from 2002


Yet the game still looks better than WOW, WAR, LOTRO and AA is getting patch in the next patch.


Why outrage on something that is already being fixed unless you only want to outrage for the sake of outraging?

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Yes Bioware should be wringing their hands at the utter failure of having what is being called the Smoothest MMO launch ever and 3.2 million subscribers and growing (according to the investment firm Crowley & Associates) their glaring issues like not being able to resize your UI and not being able to run flash-points all day Via LFD is just inexcusable when will they stop swimming in their Scrooge McDuck Vault of money and realize they have failed?????




People didn't fall for this lie of a statistic the first 97 times you posted it in various threads. Why would you think they'll fall for it now? Everyone knows TOR doesn't have 3.2 million subs. You just make yourself look bad when you post this reference to an article that doesn't say what you claim it says.


You've posted it so many times and been corrected on it so many times now, I am left to assume you're just willfully trying to deceive people with it.

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Yet the game still looks better than WOW, WAR, LOTRO and AA is getting patch in the next patch.


Why outrage on something that is already being fixed unless you only want to outrage for the sake of outraging?


Does it look better than WoW? Yes. Better than WAR and LoTRO? Lol... no.

Edited by Mannic
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It has nothing to do with agreeing with me or not. If has to do with people that clearly don't like the game coming to the forums to make an ***** of themselves rather than logging of an playing something else.


You're right, we have no right to be angry about paying 60 dollars for a single player WoW clone, and then being expected to pay an additional 15 a month to continue playing

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You're right, we have no right to be angry about paying 60 dollars for a single player WoW clone, and then being expected to pay an additional 15 a month to continue playing


You aren't expected to pay anything if you don't like it.


why not just move on to something you enjoy? I quit wow shortly after release but didn't hang around the forums, i went out and did something i enjoyed. You certainly have the right to sit on the forums if you want....it's a choice some of us find very strange though.

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Here's the deal: I want SWTOR to survive and flourish. I really like the game overall. However, there are GLARING issues with this game (I'm not going to rehash them here...no point in repeating it) and yet Bioware seems to be blissfully (blindly?) boastful of their game. I get how PR works, blah, blah (so don't attempt to give me a lesson), but I have seen ZERO humility on Bioware's part that indicates that they have heard their customers. :( Look at Trion. Whether you like Rift or not (I found it to be rather bland myself) that is a company working its a*s off for your $15 a month. They have approached the community with humility and open ears, and it has paid off. Meanwhile, Bioware is too busy spinning the hype machine and patting itself on the back to approach the community's concerns humbly and comprehensively.


Please know that I am writing this post as a fan of the game (and Bioware) and I really want the game to succeed. In my life, I have never seen an individual or entity succeed in the long term by avoiding self-reflection and constructive criticism.....ever.


Are you not reading the Dev Tracker forum? They are fulling addmitting a lot of issues and are working on them.

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Yet the game still looks better than WOW, WAR, LOTRO and AA is getting patch in the next patch.


Why outrage on something that is already being fixed unless you only want to outrage for the sake of outraging?



Does it REALLY???



Edited by Blackwater
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You're right, we have no right to be angry about paying 60 dollars for a single player WoW clone, and then being expected to pay an additional 15 a month to continue playing


Yeah you don't really have a right to complain. It's not anyone's fault but your own, you didn't research the product you bought at all. You must of never played a bioware game.


No they don't have 3 million subs yet. Some analysts predict we will be there by March 31st. I'm fairly optimistic, but not totally convinced we will hit that mark yet.

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That's just a ridiculous comparison. This is just an MMO that people can take or leave, at a point where there are more MMOs available than literally ever before. That's a big difference from Microsoft, who has made a point of putting themselves in a position where they're distributing operating system software that many people feel they outright need. Switching to a Mac, for example, is a bit bigger of a decision/investment than cancelling your current MMO sub and trying out a new one. Microsoft can afford to to appear distant.


In addition to your flawed comparison, you're also apparently out of touch with how a few other MMO developers do things. Trion with Rift and Cryptic with Star Trek Online are ridiculously transparent with their development efforts and the players really seem to appreciate it. In fact, Cryptic attributes it to one of the main reasons they managed to turn their subscription numbers around to what they consider a success (well before they went to a free to play model).


Well said.

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If you have a monster computer than can smash down the barrier this game has, then yes, this game can look AMAZING. Someone posted a whole thread about what the game looks like with a two thousand dollar computer or some nonsense.


IT CAN BE DONE. Is it realistic? No.

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Yeah you don't really have a right to complain. It's not anyone's fault but your own, you didn't research the product you bought at all.

Yeah, you're right.


I should have read the back of the box where it said "This game has broken open world PVP and the leveling experiance is the most linear of any MMO on the planet"



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It does on my machine not sure what you are running ...386? LOL


The really sad part is that neither WAR nor LoTRO is particularly amazing graphically, and WAR is at least on par with TOR, and LoTRO's DX10 graphics blow TOR out of the water.

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Yeah, you're right.


I should have read the back of the box where it said "This game has broken open world PVP and the leveling experiance is the most linear of any MMO on the planet"




You're still in your free month. Cancel your sub, then take the game back to the store for a refund claiming false advertising. Then you can move on.

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