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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

All Hail Biochem, our new Overlord.


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Why do we go 49 levels just using our class skills, and then at 50 we add some dumb consumables that inflate the damage everyone can do.


What are you smoking, I've been using adrenals, stims, and medpacks since I could first get my hands on them. As soon as I figured out that i could make reusable adrenals, stims, and medpacks, I have been dumping most of my credits trying to farm the recipies that are best for my class.

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what other profession are worth leveling to 50 for the bop? aside cybertech that was fixed too.


i cant see anyone in their right mind leveling to 400 for a piece of gear that is easily attainable in an other way, just to quit after and level biochem.


My point is that it is an issue. Professions need to be treated equally. It's bad desing to just create special rules here and there all the time. There have been ample ideas to help stem the need to spec biochem without the changes they are proposing.

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Yes, I am in fact. We are several in the guild that are. Columi is easily attained from doing Hardmode Flashpoints, Rakata is easily gained from Hardmode Operations. So there you have it. We have the gear required, the biochem items are however still a very very very good addition. Also, 16-man is harder than 8-man, 16-man is a main concern.


For my personal gear status, I have 6-7 pieces of rakata, and the rest is columi. And I am only one person of our group. Nightmare is still a *****.


Thats the kind of information that is necessary in the first place. I have noticed that in game ( not necessarily on the forums) most of the time people complain about things beign to hard, then attemtp to do the content either underlevel, or undergeared.


For instance if i had judged the pve in this game off of doing the nar shaddaa bonus series at level 28 its safe to say i would be complaining that the pve was too hard. (personal enjoyment of that notwithstanding.)


though the blue stims persist through death, they aren't that far off in teh grand numbers scheme.

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I'm waiting for my reusable Lightsaber hilts from Artifice... you know, the ones that when I get them, I never need any more ever again and they're always better than anything else any non-Artificers can get. ;)


Kidding aside, I agree... Biochem is still, by far, the best profession in PvE. And lets face it, who's gonna be burning through blue medpacks in PvP, day in-day out?

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Thats the kind of information that is necessary in the first place. I have noticed that in game ( not necessarily on the forums) most of the time people complain about things beign to hard, then attemtp to do the content either underlevel, or undergeared.


For instance if i had judged the pve in this game off of doing the nar shaddaa bonus series at level 28 its safe to say i would be complaining that the pve was too hard. (personal enjoyment of that notwithstanding.)


though the blue stims persist through death, they aren't that far off in teh grand numbers scheme.



See the problem is, if we have to be in full Rakata gear to take down bosses that drop the same loot as is required to beat it, then we face a bit of a paradox.


And since we can't craft gear that is equivalent to T3, aka we can only craft items equivalent to that of HM Flashpoints, then we need to take Biochem.

Edited by Paralassa
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TLDR entire chain, but...


Nothing crafted should ever be BoP on the crafter or require the skill used to craft it if its better than stuff that isn't.


a crafter should NOT have any actual gameplay advantage over somebody who completely ignores crafting except for the financial advantage of not having to actually go to a crafter to buy the useful items in question.


Now, this could mean BoP mats that you can hire a crafter to turn INTO a BoP item for you.

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I'm waiting for my reusable Lightsaber hilts from Artifice... you know, the ones that when I get them, I never need any more ever again and they're always better than anything else any non-Artificers can get. ;)


Kidding aside, I agree... Biochem is still, by far, the best profession in PvE. And lets face it, who's gonna be burning through blue medpacks in PvP, day in-day out?


make yourself a critical orange artifice400 lightsaber and wait for the patch where we will be able to re-mod the hilts/armoring from operation drops. then you will have your reusable lightsaber that will always be the best... if you put the best mods in it :X

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