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Help with Retaliation


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I constantly miss using this skill at the correct time due to the fly text getting swamped in battle. Not looking for easy mode but is there any way to make the skill icon more conspicuous when it's available or to make the fly text easier to see?


Anyone have any tips other than mashing the button or looking at the icon every second?

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I constantly miss using this skill at the correct time due to the fly text getting swamped in battle. Not looking for easy mode but is there any way to make the skill icon more conspicuous when it's available or to make the fly text easier to see?


Anyone have any tips other than mashing the button or looking at the icon every second?


I like to use this ability a lot, considering it lowers the cooldown of cloak of pain for me (anni spec) and it provides good burst since it isn't constrained by the GDC.


I mapped mine to the "Q" key for easy access, and it's the 2nd ability on the bottom hotbar so it's right in front of my face and I can see it when it lights up.

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If marauders walked around with full rage bars all the time I would agree with you, but we don't. Marauders are a great class and i consider this ability one of our only problems. We don't have the rage to run it pretty much ever. It needs its cost reduced or it needs to be a rage builder to be useful. A rage cost thats anywhere between 1 and -2 would be acceptable.
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You have many more abilitys that rage is better to save for. If you use your last 3 rage on this ability your mismanaging your rage. As anni you could save it for: deadly saber, rupture, annihilate, force scream, or vicious slash(which only costs you 2 with talents and does the same-ish damage and resets your rupture). Every one of those abilitys has a better damage:rage ratio. If you can somehow find the point where one of these other ability is not available to use the rage on let me know. Hint: you won't.


The point I should make is its just worse then vicious slash which has no cooldown. So you need to work on the math side of thing.


Also way to be a dick for no reason during a civil discussion.

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You have many more abilitys that rage is better to save for. If you use your last 3 rage on this ability your mismanaging your rage. As anni you could save it for: deadly saber, rupture, annihilate, force scream, or vicious slash(which only costs you 2 with talents and does the same-ish damage and resets your rupture).


1. If you only have 3 rage left and a high priority ability is about to come off cooldown, you've mismanaged your rage.


2. Force Scream is terrible for efficiency in Annihilation. Never ever use it unless you're out of range in PvP and need to finish someone off and Vicious Throw is on cooldown.


3. You are not factoring time into your comparison. The OGCD nature of Retaliation is significantly good. For example, in the span of a single GCD you could:


(a) Use Vicious Slash for ~1000 damage at a cost of 2 rage (tangent: with 33% chance to reset Rupture in Anni assuming you haven't already reset Rupture within the last 6 seconds, scaled in efficiency for how much time your Rupture has left on its natural cooldown).


(b) Use Retaliation and Assault for ~1400 damage at a cost of 1 rage.


Option (b) is significantly more effective.


4. I specifically stipulated "before you get your 31 point attack".

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Separate note: I recommend you set up a model to simulate an attack sequence with and without Retaliation. The Retaliation sequence is more efficient in all cases except for a full Carnage spec, since your filler (Massacre) is so good compared to the fillers of the other 2 specs.
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I try to avoid using Retaliation in PvP unless im just overwhelmed with rage and lots of stuff is on CD(pretty rare to happen) incredibly useful in PvE though especially with Cloak of Pain, we have a ton of Rage to use and i use this way more often with this spec. And its not target specific, you can parry one guys move and use retaliation on another.


and FYI, i am Carnage spec'd.

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