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Power or Crit? And what does Surge do?


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Among the choices I am facing now for goodies to add to my orange gear are enhancement mods that are either Endurance/Crit or Endurance/power.

What are the benefits of crit versus power?

Should we be balancing these two additional buffs or focusing on one more than the other? Thoughts?

(btw,if it matters, i am running a Watchman spec).



Oh...and what does surge do for us?

Edited by Talyndor
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As watchman I like mostly crit and surge on my gear. I have crit of 30% and 80% multipler unbuffed, I'd like to get that to about 35% and 85% but I haven't gotten lucky with mods thus far.


I use a crit/surge relic and a power adrenal. As watchman you need to keep in mind that zen guarantees 6 crits so to some degree crit isn't as useful as it could be for watchman specced sentinels. That said surge is amazing and usually comes with crit on the same mods.


So I think getting crit to a certain point and keeping surge as high as possible without it being wasteful due to diminishing returns is the way to go. After that get power.


Just theory though.

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I'm watchman as well, and dumped a bunch of crit in favor of accuracy and power. Here's how I'm putting things at the moment, discounting endurance as it comes with everything anyway:


Strength > accuracy (to 100%) > power > surge > crit


I'm seeing great results from this. I tried a crit/surge heavy build and it felt too inconsistent to me. Some fights would be over in seconds, others would drag on as the crits failed to go off. With this current build I'm crushing mobs and the heavy crits are icing on the cake. Throw a Zen burst in with overload stacks and cauterize and it becomes ridiculous.


Can't wait for a log though :/


And to answer your question about surge: it increases the amount of damage that a crit hits for.

Edited by Talorra
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Str, surge>200, crit>300, power,surge>200+,crit>300+, will, acc.


Stat priority. Pretty much all three specs.

Overall stat needs are pretty close. Not enough variance to actually change stat priority.


Str is obvious, and #1. 5% stat buff, scales with every other stat, even itself. its crit buff, is on a separate dim return value from crit rating.



Surge at baseline, is the single biggest damage gain. Especially as you get crit% talents, gear. It suffers from diminishing returns however, so you do not want to stack surge and only surge. Keep it balanced with crit.

Crit is right behind surge in relative power. And it also has diminishing returns.

(IIRc they are soft capped at 50%. Meaning as you get closer to 50% of each, it takes more and more rating to raise your %. And they will never actually hit 50%. aka, it takes 5 crit rating to raise from 1% to 2% crit chance, it takes 5000 crit rating to raise from 45% to 46% crit chance. Made up numbers to illustrate the point)


Power is linear. At 70 surge, 100 crit rating, power is way behind them in value.

But at 250 surge, and 300 crit rating, lets say you now have an augment slot. +25 power, crit or surge. At 250 surge, that 25 surge will give you .25% damage, and at 300 crit rating, 25 rating is .3% chance. While 25 power is +5.75 damage always. So again, at 70 surge, 25 surge rating will be like +10% crit damage. which is clearly way more then 5.75 damage. (Power value is correct, its .23 ratio. surge/crit are just examples, not actual)

also, bear in mind, 25 str augment is pretty much always best.


Eventually however again, your base damage will be high enough that crit chance and surge are better again. As power wont scale with base weapon damage, or str. Exact values on this.. no way to really judge. for example. 5.75 damage is more powerful with 700 mainhand damage, but less powerful with 1000 mainhand damage, in relation to the .3crit% asserted before.


Acc by all tests seems to be awful. Actively remove the 41 ACC enhancements from any of the pvp/raid gear you get. Replace with crit/surge ones. Any acc you get here and there, elsewhere is ok. but by all means it is a terrible stat currently. Incidentaly acc is ok, but by no means should you go out of your way to get it. and in fact, as stated, when its costing you other stats, get rid of it.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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Str, surge>200, crit>300, power,surge>200+,crit>300+, will, acc.


Stat priority. Pretty much all three specs.

Overall stat needs are pretty close. Not enough variance to actually change stat priority.


Str is obvious, and #1. 5% stat buff, scales with every other stat, even itself. its crit buff, is on a separate dim return value from crit rating.



Surge at baseline, is the single biggest damage gain. Especially as you get crit% talents, gear. It suffers from diminishing returns however, so you do not want to stack surge and only surge. Keep it balanced with crit.

Crit is right behind surge in relative power. And it also has diminishing returns.

(IIRc they are soft capped at 50%. Meaning as you get closer to 50% of each, it takes more and more rating to raise your %. And they will never actually hit 50%. aka, it takes 5 crit rating to raise from 1% to 2% crit chance, it takes 5000 crit rating to raise from 45% to 46% crit chance. Made up numbers to illustrate the point)


Power is linear. At 70 surge, 100 crit rating, power is way behind them in value.

But at 250 surge, and 300 crit rating, lets say you now have an augment slot. +25 power, crit or surge. At 250 surge, that 25 surge will give you .25% damage, and at 300 crit rating, 25 rating is .3% chance. While 25 power is +5.75 damage always. So again, at 70 surge, 25 surge rating will be like +10% crit damage. which is clearly way more then 5.75 damage. (Power value is correct, its .23 ratio. surge/crit are just examples, not actual)

also, bear in mind, 25 str augment is pretty much always best.


Eventually however again, your base damage will be high enough that crit chance and surge are better again. As power wont scale with base weapon damage, or str. Exact values on this.. no way to really judge. for example. 5.75 damage is more powerful with 700 mainhand damage, but less powerful with 1000 mainhand damage, in relation to the .3crit% asserted before.


Acc by all tests seems to be awful. Actively remove the 41 ACC enhancements from any of the pvp/raid gear you get. Replace with crit/surge ones. Any acc you get here and there, elsewhere is ok. but by all means it is a terrible stat currently. Incidentaly acc is ok, but by no means should you go out of your way to get it. and in fact, as stated, when its costing you other stats, get rid of it.


I wouldn't totally agree with you on everything you said. If you are talking PVP your Stat weights would be correct but in a PVE environment the stat wieghts change. You single biggest dps increase will be from ACC I believe that for Set according to Sith Warrior.com the sweet spot is around 105.80% ACC then stack Power or Crit/Surge whichever you feel is better.


The majpr problem is without combat logs it's impossible to truly know what the best stats are so we are guessing really. For myself I want to get to about 75% ACC with my offhand that would be that roughly every fouth hit with the offhand would miss that in and of it self is a huge increase in dps with out stuff that hits with both sabers.

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