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Top PVP "issues" with marauder


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This is not a PVE vs PVP thread as I love both, and i recognize that pvp fixes should not be priority but here is a list of a few things that bother me the most as a marauder in pvp encounters.


1. knockbacks - these things drive me insane as many knockback abilities not only knock you back or into various deadly environmental traps but also snares you or slows you as well. We have no sprint and no gap closer, our slow should not be an ability unto itself but instead tied to an energy builder that can be spammed. A force pull would even out the god awful hutball situation marauders often find themselves in and give us respectable time on target.


2. Rage buildup feels clunky and contrived. Vicious slash should be turned into a rage builder at the tune of 1 rage in combination with assault at 2. this will balance out rage building and change it from a feast or famine mechanic to a more manageable resources that can be built while doing steady damage in situations where you find yourself drained due to enemy abilities completely nuking your rage bar or in-between battering assault.


3. streamline the class. TOOO many buffs and debuffs to reliably keep track of. For example, Annihilation and the deadly saber component and it's links to beserk and bleed effects, effectively ties me up to a specific PVEish rotation that does not work well in a dynamic environment. Deadly saber for example costs an inordinate amount of energy, has a short effective uptime and long cooldown for an ability absolutely imperative to pvp success.



Overall the marauder is "funnish" in a masochistic way. But a few quality of life changes would go a long way to making it feel seamless.

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No offense, but I'm pretty sure your list should be more along the lines of:


1. Fix client-server lag and poor synchronization.

2. Fix UI bugs.

3. Make resolve work more consistently and increase the resolve provided by knockbacks.

4. Improve the UI to clearly distinguish between abilities waiting on a GCD and abilities that need more rage or need LOS.



I guarantee the first 2 things will make Marauders twice as effective.

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This is not a PVE vs PVP thread as I love both, and i recognize that pvp fixes should not be priority but here is a list of a few things that bother me the most as a marauder in pvp encounters.


1. knockbacks - these things drive me insane as many knockback abilities not only knock you back or into various deadly environmental traps but also snares you or slows you as well. We have no sprint and no gap closer, our slow should not be an ability unto itself but instead tied to an energy builder that can be spammed. A force pull would even out the god awful hutball situation marauders often find themselves in and give us respectable time on target.


2. Rage buildup feels clunky and contrived. Vicious slash should be turned into a rage builder at the tune of 1 rage in combination with assault at 2. this will balance out rage building and change it from a feast or famine mechanic to a more manageable resources that can be built while doing steady damage in situations where you find yourself drained due to enemy abilities completely nuking your rage bar or in-between battering assault.


3. streamline the class. TOOO many buffs and debuffs to reliably keep track of. For example, Annihilation and the deadly saber component and it's links to beserk and bleed effects, effectively ties me up to a specific PVEish rotation that does not work well in a dynamic environment. Deadly saber for example costs an inordinate amount of energy, has a short effective uptime and long cooldown for an ability absolutely imperative to pvp success.



Overall the marauder is "funnish" in a masochistic way. But a few quality of life changes would go a long way to making it feel seamless.


Sounds like your spec is wrong. I have no issues with Rage building as i have 1 move that builds 6 rage, and talents that reduce my cost. Watch your rage building and cost. This is not a class you can blind do whatever you want. It requires focus and understanding


Dont set your self up to get knocked into these traps. We have defensive abilities to avoid these. Instead of complaining, learn to anticipate it. Undying rage can save your *** after getting knocked into fire, especially after forseeing its going to happen. You face a sniper, or a Sorc, be prepeared to get knocked back, save your force charge. These things will make your life easier, stop making the class suit to your needs, and suit your playstle to it. If you cant do this, your playing the wrong class.

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no offense but I KNOW we have 1 move to build six rage, the problem is its feast or famine with rage. That is a problem. My defensive cd's are wasted if I get thrown in a fire. SO I am going to sac half my health to live through the fire and die as soon i re-engage the target? ok boss, sure. Edited by stevepidge
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no offense but I KNOW we have 1 move to build six rage, the problem is its feast or famine with rage. That is a problem. My defensive cd's are wasted if I get thrown in a fire. SO I am going to sac half my health to live through the fire and die as soon i re-engage the target? ok boss, sure.


Undying rage has a 1.5 min cooldown without talents or specs. it can be used quite often.


Whats your spec?

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This is not a PVE vs PVP thread as I love both, and i recognize that pvp fixes should not be priority but here is a list of a few things that bother me the most as a marauder in pvp encounters.


1. knockbacks - these things drive me insane as many knockback abilities not only knock you back or into various deadly environmental traps but also snares you or slows you as well. We have no sprint and no gap closer, our slow should not be an ability unto itself but instead tied to an energy builder that can be spammed. A force pull would even out the god awful hutball situation marauders often find themselves in and give us respectable time on target.


2. Rage buildup feels clunky and contrived. Vicious slash should be turned into a rage builder at the tune of 1 rage in combination with assault at 2. this will balance out rage building and change it from a feast or famine mechanic to a more manageable resources that can be built while doing steady damage in situations where you find yourself drained due to enemy abilities completely nuking your rage bar or in-between battering assault.


3. streamline the class. TOOO many buffs and debuffs to reliably keep track of. For example, Annihilation and the deadly saber component and it's links to beserk and bleed effects, effectively ties me up to a specific PVEish rotation that does not work well in a dynamic environment. Deadly saber for example costs an inordinate amount of energy, has a short effective uptime and long cooldown for an ability absolutely imperative to pvp success.



Overall the marauder is "funnish" in a masochistic way. But a few quality of life changes would go a long way to making it feel seamless.


1. We do have a gap closer, it's called Charge, and if you know you're about to be thrown into a trap pop undying rage, you can literally walk through the fire with it on and take almost no damage, losing half your health is better than all your health.


2. Half the talents on the tree give you things to help with rage or reduce rage costs, not to mention battering assault that gives you 6 rage


3. Besides our hour buff we have 3 buffs

Berserk - should be used when trying to burst someone down or if you're alone

Predation - use in team fights, or when trying to get somewhere fast

The last one is on a 5 min cooldown and should also be used in teamfights, great for taking out healers fast and clearing the area.

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This is not a PVE vs PVP thread as I love both, and i recognize that pvp fixes should not be priority but here is a list of a few things that bother me the most as a marauder in pvp encounters.


1. knockbacks - these things drive me insane as many knockback abilities not only knock you back or into various deadly environmental traps but also snares you or slows you as well. We have no sprint and no gap closer, our slow should not be an ability unto itself but instead tied to an energy builder that can be spammed. A force pull would even out the god awful hutball situation marauders often find themselves in and give us respectable time on target.


2. Rage buildup feels clunky and contrived. Vicious slash should be turned into a rage builder at the tune of 1 rage in combination with assault at 2. this will balance out rage building and change it from a feast or famine mechanic to a more manageable resources that can be built while doing steady damage in situations where you find yourself drained due to enemy abilities completely nuking your rage bar or in-between battering assault.


3. streamline the class. TOOO many buffs and debuffs to reliably keep track of. For example, Annihilation and the deadly saber component and it's links to beserk and bleed effects, effectively ties me up to a specific PVEish rotation that does not work well in a dynamic environment. Deadly saber for example costs an inordinate amount of energy, has a short effective uptime and long cooldown for an ability absolutely imperative to pvp success.


Overall the marauder is "funnish" in a masochistic way. But a few quality of life changes would go a long way to making it feel seamless.


I was from the "marauders are fine" camp, but now with all of the 50's geared out I'm having a really frustrating time. I feel like the class doesn't put out enough dps considering you have to wade around in the 'mosh pit' while other classes are on the fringes mashing 1-2-3 and getting similar results. Not only that but I feel like all of the CC's are designed to man-handle OUR class --we have no CC to speak of and our cc break is on a 2 minute CD (sometimes it doesn't fire either)



Edited by HBninjaX
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I was from the "marauders are fine" camp, but now with all of the 50's geared out I'm having a really frustrating time. I feel like the class doesn't put out enough dps considering you have to wade around in the 'mosh pit' while other classes are on the fringes mashing 1-2-3 and getting similar results. Not only that but I feel like all of the CC's are designed to man-handle OUR class --we have no CC to speak of and our cc break is on a 2 minute CD (sometimes it doesn't fire either)




If your Carnage, Camo breaks roots as well, if your not, Camo while rooted still prvents you from being hit for 4 secs unless someone is smart enough to aoe where you were knowing you cant move.

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This is not a PVE vs PVP thread as I love both, and i recognize that pvp fixes should not be priority but here is a list of a few things that bother me the most as a marauder in pvp encounters.


1. knockbacks - these things drive me insane as many knockback abilities not only knock you back or into various deadly environmental traps but also snares you or slows you as well. We have no sprint and no gap closer, our slow should not be an ability unto itself but instead tied to an energy builder that can be spammed. A force pull would even out the god awful hutball situation marauders often find themselves in and give us respectable time on target.


2. Rage buildup feels clunky and contrived. Vicious slash should be turned into a rage builder at the tune of 1 rage in combination with assault at 2. this will balance out rage building and change it from a feast or famine mechanic to a more manageable resources that can be built while doing steady damage in situations where you find yourself drained due to enemy abilities completely nuking your rage bar or in-between battering assault.


3. streamline the class. TOOO many buffs and debuffs to reliably keep track of. For example, Annihilation and the deadly saber component and it's links to beserk and bleed effects, effectively ties me up to a specific PVEish rotation that does not work well in a dynamic environment. Deadly saber for example costs an inordinate amount of energy, has a short effective uptime and long cooldown for an ability absolutely imperative to pvp success.



Overall the marauder is "funnish" in a masochistic way. But a few quality of life changes would go a long way to making it feel seamless.


Looks like someone has no clue how to play his class. And instead of trying to learn, you''re simply asking to make things easier. At least try and learn the class before you start making these half assed posts.

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