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Arsenal PVP Tips


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Apparently some people are having issues as Arsenal in PVP. Hopefully some of this will help.



I'm not having any difficulty in warzones except when coming across melees with a lot of damage reduction. I always get the 75k damage medal and on non-quick matches I get the 300k damage medal. I normally also get the highest kills, but I'm an objective person and normally guard points so sometimes those get voided. >_<


DPS Rotations:

SUSTAINED:Tracer Missile x3 -> Heat Seeking Missiles -> tracer x2 -> Railshot -> Unload -> Repeat but mix in unload when off cooldown until Heat Seeking is ready again.

BURST (not being targeted): Relic (crit) -> Tracer Missile x5 -> Heat Seeking Missiles -> Railshot

BURST (being targeted): Relic (crit) -> Tracer Missile x3 -> Heat Seeking Missiles -> Railshot


1. Stay on the side lines. In Huttball, instead of charging for the ball at the beginning, stay on your side of the poison pools and start blasting either the huttball carrier or whoever is attacking your carrier. If they have the ball and you see hostiles going onto the upper walkways, clear them out to prevent the enemy carrier from passing to them.


2. If you get the huttball, pass it to someone else in a viable position to get it ASAP (and by viable I mean someone in a good spot or someone who can take hits/jump/speed). You're far more valuable doing damage than carrying the ball.


3. Avoid front on contact. If someone is going for you, LOS them. They typically give up and go for a closer target. At that time pop back out and start nailing them.


4. If someone continues to focus on you, save your shield + heal over time till they start actively hurting you, stun dart them and use one of the DPS rotations depending on how far away they are from you. Once they are in range, jet blast them back then unload to slow their approach on you (assuming you have pinning). Continue DPS rotation that's viable at the time. Once in range again, rocket punch them backwards (assuming you have knockback). That should be enough to take down ANYone on you unless they are using a damage reducer or medkit spamming.


5. If all else fails, use your instant attack ability and nail them with concussion missile and hightail it out of there. Do make sure to check their resolve meter to ensure that the concussion missile will have an effect.


6. If going after a runner that's low on health, run after them and use your primary rocket and timed rocket. Beware the heavy heat of this, though.


7. If there is a large crowd, use your relic (crit), then use your insta cast for your AoE rocket fire, then use Death From Above.


8. Doing a normal playstyle should give you enough medals, but one that most don't bother to think about is healing. A very quick medal that's easy to grab is to simply heal yourself when you're hurt. If it's a crit and you have enough stats, it'll easily be a heal over 2500 and you'll get the 2.5k heal medal. If you're on defense on Huttball, you could just stand in the fire for a second, heal, and you're good to go. It's more beneficial to heal someone else for it if someone needs healing, however.

Edited by RpTheHotrod
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DPS Rotations:

SUSTAINED:Tracer Missile x3 -> Heat Seeking Missiles -> tracer x2 -> Railshot -> Unload ->


Just want to point out, doing 3xtracer before HSM is not a good choice once you're well geared. Even at 2xtracer into HSM I often find myself not getting the 5k+ HSM to count as my target is already close to death when it hits. Also waiting for 5 tracer before railshot is just never gonna happen in a decent fight. If you're able to to cast 5 tracers on someone before either of you are dead there's just something wrong (unless the target is a tank or getting heavy heals ofc).


What you really want to do is bring them down steadily with tracer and then burst them down with HSM, rail and rocket punch when you believe it's gonna be enough. If you catch someone off-guard 2 tracers should be enough, while in a decent 1v1 you're probably gonna have to resort to an Unload first then a single tracer into burst.


Also, don't use crit relic.. power is way way better :p Although I should probably again point out that I'm talking about decent geared people.

Edited by Airees
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Thanks bud. :) I'm over on Krayt Dragon as Dantek if you happen to be there.


haha hey bud, i was reading that thinking "duh" with most of that stuff, i see so much QQing about our "lack of survivability" but really we are awesome as anything but a huttball carrier. im hawntir

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Just want to point out, doing 3xtracer before HSM is not a good choice once you're well geared. Even at 2xtracer into HSM I often find myself not getting the 5k+ HSM to count as my target is already close to death when it hits. Also waiting for 5 tracer before railshot is just never gonna happen in a decent fight. If you're able to to cast 5 tracers on someone before either of you are dead there's just something wrong (unless the target is a tank or getting heavy heals ofc).


What you really want to do is bring them down steadily with tracer and then burst them down with HSM, rail and rocket punch when you believe it's gonna be enough. If you catch someone off-guard 2 tracers should be enough, while in a decent 1v1 you're probably gonna have to resort to an Unload first then a single tracer into burst.


Also, don't use crit relic.. power is way way better :p Although I should probably again point out that I'm talking about decent geared people.


Tracer x3 gives you the full stack of x5 if you are talented for it in your spec so continuing to keep doing tracer before HSM is a waste of DPS as you're pushing the CD longer than it should be. As long as you're not flagging yourself down as a target you should be able to go full stacks on people.

Edited by RpTheHotrod
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Arsenal is amazing in PVP, you want to use your burst combos with High Velocity Gas.


Always look for places where you can step in and out of LOS in case you get targetted or where you can knock people off a ledge or far away from you if they decent to come kill you.


Knock people down to half health while stacking Tracer to 5 (3 shots), Explosive Dart, Heatseeker, then Rail Shot. The Dart, Heatseaker, and Rail Shot will all hit at about the same time doing tremendous burst damage and if someone hasn't gotten an absorb or a heal and your gear is decent, they are likely dead.


If your heatseaker combo is down, proc a Barrage and then use Unload until you can do a burst combo to finish them off.


Also look for opportunities to AoE, a good Dart + Fusion Missile + Death

> From Above combo does wonders in Voidstar and Civil War. Try to use your

Thermal Sensor Override for one of the more expensive attacks like Death or Fusion Missile.


Keep Power Shot on your bars in case someone is actually decent enough to lockout your Tracer Missiles.


Save your Power Surge for an emergency heal and don't forget to use your Energy Shield and Kolto Overload if you are getting focused.


If someone is stupid enough to solo defend an objective, pop a Electro Dart on them, they will either break it with Determination or they will sit through it. Follow it up with a Concussion Missile and take your objective while they're CCed.




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