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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Serious bugs and cheating going on.


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Ok, my ping is always between 20 to 32, this is in warzones, havent tried world pvp yet.


You get attacked, they have already used force jump, you Knock them back, you see them fall into the ditch SUDDENLY they are next to you again.


You are kiting a player, you have him snared, you knock him back... he starts lagging and warping about and gets stuck in animation, he moves faster then he should be and is next to you again.


you are hitting a target, he sprints you stun him. you cannot hit him with any attacks even though he is infront of you.


You knock a player back, he is not resolve immune, the knock back does not even move him.


you throw a player of the bridge. it works. but suddenly he scored because apparently the knock back only took effect on your screen and didnt count.


you fight a player, before he is attacked he was moving normal, the second you fight and take the advantage he become jittery and laggy and disappears, then you see him chowing down on the health pick up and calmly rolls overyou since you used your CC in the first encounter.


i dont know what the hell is going on, i only know it wasnt like this at release, if its server side it was one of the crappy pig poor standard patches we are getting from bioware, if not then it has to be cheating.

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Seems like there could be some fishy program running around there in the wz's.


Couple of times I've seen people take a full duration stun inside the flame pits on Huttball without losing more than 2k health, then just casually saunter down the ramp to score. At first it was a powertech, so I thought, mmm must be a tank spec thing, then saw a sorc do it and was a bit :///


Not seen it enough of it to worry me, its more likely a bug or latency or some other explainable stuff lol

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Sounds like latency issues. The instant teleport after knockback happens if you mash your charge right after you get knocked back. On my screen I can appear next to the person and laugh.


None of it is an exploit, just the netcode needs to a little tweaking.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Leg shot a person right as the enter the flame trap, noone hits them. Right as the flame-trap activates, they transwoop 5 feet forward so that they are EXACTLY outside of the fame trap.


If this is lag, It's a major, game-breaking problem.


If this is cheating, it's a major, game-breaking problem.

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I have contact BW for weeks about the cheating going on in this game the response was, we're looking into it. With ZERO feedback to the community that BW actually takes cheating seriously it stands to reason that they just don't care that their game is being hacked to shreds.


The fact that that they released an MMO with no security to monitor memory and allow you to send false data back to their servers regarding your toon is beyond mind boggling.


So be a good pvp'er and just accept it and join in the cheating fun!

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You get attacked, they have already used force jump, you Knock them back, you see them fall into the ditch SUDDENLY they are next to you again.


I had this happen to me the other day. I was the person that got knocked off the top level in huttball, right afterwards I rubberbanded back to where I was before the guy knocked me back.


Chalk this one up to a bug rather than a cheat :)

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I am sorry, but Shoddy coding & lack of care by Bioware, you know people are using speed hack programs, etc..


We've seen stuff like in the pass, with all PvP period, it will continue in the future. People love to cheat, it makes them feel better about their life.




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I'm going to hazard a guess and say 99% of these problems are latency-related.


My average latency is 20-40ms and my FPS is always good, yet I've experienced exactly as you describe. People warping all over the place is hugely annoying.


I have a hard time believing so many people would risk their accounts with widespread cheating on a subscription-based MMO. Not saying that there aren't any cheats out there, but the majority are probably bugs waiting to be fixed.

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1. The majority of these issues are simple bad coding / infrastructure on BioWare's part. The server simply takes a ****long amount of time to update the client for certain position changes of your target. Can't tell you how many times I've charged a target and been "out of LOS" of them because they were actually 10m behind me. Or when they jump down from a platform and the client does not update their z-axis (they appear on top of the platform when they are really underneath).


It's typical of poor / unrefined MMO coding. Warhammer had similar issues for the first 4 months (but no issues this bad / widespread). WoW had similar issues for the first 3 years, and some issues were worse than what you see here in SWTOR. Rift's never really had these issues IIRC.


2. Speed hacks do exist and players have been temp banned for it.

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Saw a guy today in Voidstar standing inside the door, every time we would plant a bomb, he would defuse it and nothing was hitting him (AOE, single target). BW can just catch and ban cheaters and they need good community to help them do it.


Good thing would be to make server specific forums, that way community builds up, normal players from both factions start working together towards cheating free environment and cheaters are usually being caught much faster.

Edited by CommVeles
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I know there are abilities that allow you to leap to opponents and others that allow you to pull opponents, but are there abilities that allow you to leap or pull allies?


I've seen several occasions in Huttball where players in the "pit" are instantly teleported to their allies on the ramps above. If there are abilities that allow this, why is there no line of sight issues?

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There is a speed hack. A player on my server named himself Speed... and was using it. Promptly reported and was reviewed. It happens, make a note and report. BW will take care of it.


As far as the coding things, it's very frustrating to grapple an opponent, see them drop and them mystically hop out of the pit somewhere else. Doesn't happen often but maybe 1 out of 5 games (which is often enough).

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