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Thinking of going seer spec.


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Hi peeps,


Level 34 Sage and finding the TK fun, however I like to heal in PVP and I find I cannot keep myself alive to good and even worse, my heals don't seem to be up to much when healing people in the warzone.


I know that if you take out the level 50's this will be a massive boost, however if I change to seer, will I notice a massive difference in healing others? If so, what spec should I be at 34 for seer please?


Also, I seem to have made the mistake on looking for willpower all the way on my equipment. Should it be +Power and anything else, or can anyone give me some advise on what I should be looking for on gear.


Finally, if I stay at TK spec, I am simply going up the TK tree. At the moment all my points are in TK and I know deep down, I am missing something else in the other specs.


Can anyone give me advice on what I should have at 34 talent wise if I do decide to stay TK spec.


Sorry for being a noob and I wish they put the search option back in so I could look for some of this info as I bet I am not the first to ask.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Solomace
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I find seer spec works well for me. Im only lvl 24 so far though. A lot of my PvP playstyle so far revolves around trying not to be noticed so i can heal in peace. Rather difficult if the oponents are any good, but fun to learn.


I did what i think is the "standard" for healers, with 5 points in the middle tree for the 9% bonus and the other one for extra force. They are so good no sage should be without them.


Rest is all in healing tree, rejuvenate and anything that boosts it is very handy. Personally i went for the one for less pushback to advance a level in the tree. I found the second tier to be rather lacklustre all through and just put points a little here and there (think i opted out of the 4% healing recieved).

Edited by Sipanek
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Hi peeps,


Level 34 Sage and finding the TK fun, however I like to heal in PVP and I find I cannot keep myself alive to good and even worse, my heals don't seem to be up to much when healing people in the warzone.


I know that if you take out the level 50's this will be a massive boost, however if I change to seer, will I notice a massive difference in healing others? If so, what spec should I be at 34 for seer please?


I'm a 35 Sage spec'd for healing. I've taken a handful of options from the other 2 trees but most of mine are in Seer. It makes a big difference to how much you can keep up. Rejuvenate and reducing the Force cost and recast on Force shield are both awesome.


Finally, if I stay at TK spec, I am simply going up the TK tree. At the moment all my points are in TK and I know deep down, I am missing something else in the other specs.


Can anyone give me advice on what I should have at 34 talent wise if I do decide to stay TK spec.



I would still take Will of the Jedi and Jedi Resistance from the Balance trees.

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Healing in PVP is a lot of fun, seeing the frustration of an enemy throwing everything at you and you easily heal through it.


However, one issue is that if you don't do any dps, don't expect to get many medals/valor from pvp. Which makes it difficult when you want to start getting gear at 50.


but good luck and have fun :-D

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Hello there!


Since you indicate that your spec should be about PvP that's also what following builds have in mind. Let me also note that healing in TK Spec is useless, the occasional force armor and a heal to save the day might work, but anything more than that is a complete waste of time, and more importantly, force.


You get an incredibly buff to your healing by going through the Seer tree, so there's a choice for you to make - be the healer or be the damage dealer (There's a hybrid build thats sub optimal right now that I will include as well, but on that note let me assure you youre healing power will still be way below the one of an actual Seer.


Also, TK spec isn't that good for PvP, you're simply weak because of all that channeling time, easily interrupted and LoS (Line of Sight) kited.


TK Spec at 34 (PvP orientated)



Seer spec 34 (PvP Orientated)



Hybrid build spec at 50 (PvP orientated - pointless to show how this would work at low talents since you need to climb high in both trees to actually utilise any kind of "hybrid" build)



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Rejuvenation is great on its own, but the 1.5 sec cast Deliverance it provides is awesome. Its been the difference between life and death for me on a number of ocassions. Bubble having a low cooldown helps too.


I may not be the best judge, since I've gone Seer from the start, but there seem to be a number of very useful healing related talents in the tree, that I can't imagine not having.

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