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our equivolant to grav round


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commando's are pummeling tanks with grav round as it ignores sheilds, I assume that is our unload? but do our shots ignore shields?


I hear my power tech friends complaining about it and was wondering if we have the same effect on their tanks.

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I'm not sure if it's the abilities or just the higher accuracy of DPS classes when they itemize. In PvE you need 110% acc to combat an increased natural defense of bosses. In PvP I believe every point over 100% begins detracting from the opponents' defense scores. So DPS with high accuracy SHOULD be landing more hits, even when the opponent pops their defensive abilities.


I'm honestly not sure. I wish they had a tooltip that described why some abilities we have change so drastically from PvE to PvP.

Edited by SheepishOne
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Why isn't this in Powertech then? XD


because when i hear tanks complaining that force powers and grav shot ignore their sheilds, i ask myself what we have that ingnore sheilds.


people keep talking about our "mirror" but that is a huge difference. If it is a bug in the system then it belongs in the PT forum, if it is a mechanic then i want to know where our "mirror" to that skill is.

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No, we don't have any shield piercing attacks.


Check the combat text...


Absorb and no number.


Absorb or a significantly lower number than normal.


a.k.a our attacks don't go thru shields.


combat text? you have combat text? when did they add in a combat log and I missed it?

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so anyway, i did some looking on the pvp and PT boards and apparently shields only work on "weapon damage"


so kinetic, energy, force etc cut right through. When I get home I am going to do some testing to figure out our best attacks vs a tank, i don't think missles are "weapon damage" so TS might be the answer, unload i would think is weapon damage.

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Mercs get permanent 35% armor penetration, but 5 stacks of 4% each armor penetration on 3x Tracer missile. Not sure if missile attacks ignore shields. I know those attacks aren't linked to my weapons' base damage, just to my aim/power/crit stats so maybe they don't count as normal weapon damage when considering shields. Edited by Pwny_Express
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Mercs get permanent 35% armor penetration, but 5 stacks of 4% each armor penetration on 3x Tracer missile. Not sure if missile attacks ignore shields. I know those attacks aren't linked to my weapons' base damage, just to my aim/power/crit stats so maybe they don't count as normal weapon damage when considering shields.


yeah i think rapid shots and unload would be our only weapon based damge thinking about it, would be good to know that against a tank dont unload or you will drop a load


roflol :)

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I don't really understand the point of the OP. Of course certain attacks bypass shields. Did you see warriors using their shields to block warlock dots and mage fireballs in WoW? Shield generators are only meant to work against certain types of attacks.
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