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Giamonti-prime's Merc Pyrotech Guide


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Merc Pyrotech is laughably underpowered in 50 brackets compared to other specs.


Grinding up the lower levels was fun and I was on even footing with other classes most of the time. Not so in 50 brackets.


The most problems come from bubble blowers and hamburglars. They just will not die. I don't have any problems with heat, but my attacks don't get them past 50% before they just heal it all back up or stealth away and come back and kill me in 3 hits.



Merc Pyrotech needs an interrupt somewhere high up in the tree, desperately.


I'm not sure what you mean. I top dps as a Pyrotech every battleground while getting minimal deaths. If they are healing all that damage then their dps is going to be extremely small. Stealthies are a joke to me because everytime one goes into stealth I pop stealth scan on top of me. Its just a reaction; and if they get away, hop onto the next guy.

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I'm 2 thirds champ and 1 third cent gear. I usually come in top 3 of the dmg meters also... a lot of the time top. If it's a full round that we do I usually do a little over 300k dmg. An interrupt would probably make us OP... I need electro dart to take down a healer solo...but the game isn't about solo is it. It's about team work... If I line up my dots + burst with my team mates burst then we can take down pretty much anything, except tanks...and I think every class has that problem.
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I stopped using missile blast after I left the first planet. Its good for doing on demand burst, but its not worth the 30 heat and 1k max damage it does.


Found out the hard way that it is essential for staying alive in Eternity Vault, lol. Otherwise, I don't use it either.

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I'm a battlemaster (rank 62) and have alot of experience with both arsenal and pyrotech. When i first started to pvp, i thought like many people in this thread, that arsenal was better because you can easily hit 200k-300k in any warzone while doing your thing.


When i first tried out pyrotech, i wouldnt be able to hit 300k, because i was playing it like an arsenal spec. The two specs offers a completely different playstyle and it does take some time to get used to the pyrotech spec.


Now that i know how to play as a pyrotech, i hit 400k-700k (depending on the warzone) damage in each round i play. I doubt i will hit up to 700k damage in arsenal spec, but maybe there are other players out there who have mastered the arsenal spec and can tell me that im wrong.


Give pyrotech a chance and have fun!

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Pyro is surely better than Arsenal when soloing warzones. But IMO, in a good premade, Arsenal can do really well.


Higher damage I did on a game as Arsenal was 711k, on voidstar (mix of champion/centurion gear). A sorc healed me all the way. We losed the game, but I merely tried to beat my damage. Enemy team was pretty bad too and rarely jumped on me.


Here's a screenshots of the scoreboard : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96/screenshot2012012920592.jpg/


I really think the two specializations shine in their own way. Just need to find the gameplay that suits us best.


I really like the pyrotech specialisation, especially in PvP. But I can't afford to play pyrotech in Ops. Principally because of the pushback on Powershot and Unload (dont know if 75% pushback resist VS. 6% ranged/tech crit is a good tradeoff).


PS : Sorry for my bad english, it's not my usual language.

Edited by jaywow
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Hehe, didnt take long until someone could confirm a 700k+ Arsenal wz. Nice one, mate.

Its been a while since ive been Arsenal, since i raid in pyrotech as well (dont really have any problems with pushbacks cause im not supposed to be hit anyway).


But since you have proved that it is doable to push it over 700k, i will respec and try to do the same. I'm guessing your using the 2 piece bonus from the pve set, +15% crit on tracer, i used to use that as well in pvp, its really nice.

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Hehe, didnt take long until someone could confirm a 700k+ Arsenal wz. Nice one, mate.

Its been a while since ive been Arsenal, since i raid in pyrotech as well (dont really have any problems with pushbacks cause im not supposed to be hit anyway).


But since you have proved that it is doable to push it over 700k, i will respec and try to do the same. I'm guessing your using the 2 piece bonus from the pve set, +15% crit on tracer, i used to use that as well in pvp, its really nice.


Heya. When I broke the 700k mark, I didnt have any PvE piece. I was rank 55 or something. So only Centurion/Champion stuff. Now that I've got some rakatas and BM stuff, I run with 2 PvE + PvP Champs/BM.


I would like to get another game like this where I can spam my skills headlong to see how much damage I can pull.


On a side note : on encounters like Soa, or Bonecrusher, don't you suffer pushback on Unload and Powershot ?

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Just a quick THANK YOU to the OP.

I finally decided to make the switch to Pyro last night and 1st few warzones I hit were all 6+ medals and 250k Minimum also feels good to be more free to run and hurt!


Im now sold to this Pyro build for PvP ...


I just hope its performance in PvE is good because I plan on doing both

Edited by crankypunk
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I'm honestly to lazy to find it after searching a bit, but I was wondering for PvE do Ares and Pyro do the same amount of damage? I know if PvP Pyro does more but I wanna play it for PvE but I dont wanna lower my DPS by not spamming 3 buttons.


no, since a boss is a single target. arsenal can pull much more dmg since pyro imo is limited by rng. arsenal on the other hand can multiply by how many arsenals are in the raid. heat signatures stack, or my guild got a great bug where they do on a 16man soa. hsm started hitting for 20k in 3rd phase when we stopped using railshot.


i was diehard pyro till i started doing more pve. pyro could use some improvement in the pve sector imo

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Just to add my little 2 cents worth ...


After my initial rotation as follows,


Incendiary Missile -> Thermal Detonator -> Power Shot -> Rail Shot


If none of those misses, most of my PvP targets drop from 100% to 50%.


If I want to draw out the battle and manage a little heat, then its Rapid Shot -> Rapid Shot, followed by Unload -> Rail Shot (if procced). Followed by more Rapid Shot until target is dead. If I need the target to die quickly then I'll skip the Rapid Shots and blow Unload straightaway and pray that Rail Shot procs. By this time, if the target is still alive, Vent Heat and rinse and repeat until dead.


Clusters of baddies? Fusion Missile followed straight by Death From Above.


Works a treat, everytime. I'm level 42 (just got Thermal Sensor Override so I'll change my rotation into Incendiary Missile -> Thermal Detonator ->Thermal Sensor Override -> Fusion Missile -> Power Shot -> Rail Shot -> Unload -> Rail Shot).


Respecced from Arsenal as I was tired of the pooping animation, and if no major buffs/nerfs occur I'm staying put in Pyrotech for PvP.

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the best pyro pvp rotation is imo incendiary -> thermal -> rail -> unload -> rail.


power shot and rapid shots are fillers when those are down. thermal, rail and unload should be used whenever they're up. the goal of pyro is to get rail procs, which is where the real ability to take someone down comes from imo.


and, if you have thermal override up (or if you really just want to burn someone down quickly and have the heat... or when there's a clumped group) you use fusion.


there it is, pyro distilled down to the simple :)

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I have a question on Unload and Alacrity; I am assuming that Unload has a base total damage spread evenly over 3 seconds. Does that mean that Unload hits harder per second if the channel time is shorter due to Alacrity? Edited by Metasher
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I have a question on Unload and Alacrity; I am assuming that Unload has a base total damage spread evenly over 3 seconds. Does that mean that Unload hits harder per second if the channel time is shorter due to Alacrity?


The ticks of damage are closer together but each tick hits for the same amount.



I just switched from Arsenal to Pyro and my effectiveness has shot through the roof, except when facing healers.

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I love pyro in PVP but how good is it for PVE?


I prefer it over Arsenal atm.

Automated Defenses enable me to cast free Fusion Missiles every 30 seconds and the execute period is really nice. As is the sustained damage from two elemental DoTs and Power Shot / Rail Shot.

Unload is a bit lacking and you can't debuff the targets armor for your group, but you're more mobile and flexible at switching targets.

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So glad I found this thread. I switched to Pyrotech in pvp and it's awesome fun - I feel I'm getting challenged, and have way more survivability in 1 on 1s. So thanks to OP and everyone else who has contributed. The theory and rotations have been a huge help.


Anyway, quick question: does anybody run Energy Rebounder and Automated Defenses in the same build for PvP? To me it seems a great defensive help from AD and a great way to hurl a free fusion or sweeping blasters with ER to help with heat control so the best of both. Something like this perhaps?




Between vent heat and ER it seems that being able to do one free attack (at 33 heat) every 30 or seconds is better than getting an additional 16 heat vented every minute and a half.

Edited by Diddley
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So glad I found this thread. I switched to Pyrotech in pvp and it's awesome fun - I feel I'm getting challenged, and have way more survivability in 1 on 1s. So thanks to OP and everyone else who has contributed. The theory and rotations have been a huge help.


Anyway, quick question: does anybody run Energy Rebounder and Automated Defenses in the same build for PvP? To me it seems a great defensive help from AD and a great way to hurl a free fusion or sweeping blasters with ER to help with heat control so the best of both. Something like this perhaps?




Between vent heat and ER it seems that being able to do one free attack (at 33 heat) every 30 or seconds is better than getting an additional 16 heat vented every minute and a half.


Yeah 100% agree,

I can fight 1vs1 , kill important target like ball handler or healer. It's more fun to made combo to kill someone while i still running :)

My experience is keep using Rapid shot on burning target if your heat more then 80... that instant, no cd and made around 500-1k damage ( Full BM gear) and it's no heat cost.

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