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Giamonti-prime's Merc Pyrotech Guide


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Also for killing healers... generally what I do is ignore the healer till its clear they're busy. Then I watch my heat (or vent to 0) then pound their brains out with my normal cycle + a fusion missle and a stun. Nearly every time this spike in damage that they weren't ready for knocks them clean over.


If you do get a healer who you just start a normal cycle on and starts healing up. I'll get so my dot is ticking then let my heat drop to 0 while continuing to spray them with rapid shot. Once at 0 heat I'll do my burst cycle (dart, incend missle, rail, fussion, unload, rail, stun, rapid, rapid rapid). While this will push my heat clear up to 100, the healer is dead :p


So to answer someones question earlier, do I use fussion missle? On almost every cooldown. Basically I find personally to be using fussion missle fairly early because it hits mutliple people, lays down another dot, and is often the tipping point for putting folks HP in the panic zone. Which is what I think of as the point where someones HP drops into the 1/3 range and they get stuck thinking what to do rather than charging you head on thinking they have a chance.

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Why is this stickied? there's no real good info here. no stats, gear lists or anything of that sort.


Im lvl 62 merc and ive played all three trees. Firebug is fun and very mobile but to say you can burst as high as arsenal. No. Nothing in Firebug tree is gonna come close to the frontload damage arsenal can put out. Wear 2 pieces of rakata gear for the +15% crit chance bonus on tracer (55% please). Its not uncommon to do 12k damage in 2 globals. And you could set the frontload burst up to be higher then that even.


Not a good enough write up to be stickied imo.


Everyone clap for the first hater of the post :)

Edited by tconeal
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Why is this stickied? there's no real good info here. no stats, gear lists or anything of that sort.


Im lvl 62 merc and ive played all three trees. Firebug is fun and very mobile but to say you can burst as high as arsenal. No. Nothing in Firebug tree is gonna come close to the frontload damage arsenal can put out. Wear 2 pieces of rakata gear for the +15% crit chance bonus on tracer (55% please). Its not uncommon to do 12k damage in 2 globals. And you could set the frontload burst up to be higher then that even.


Not a good enough write up to be stickied imo.


Sure... on one target that stands perfectly still if you're not getting your face pushed in by a Jedi. It's pretty well established here that in PvE, there is no doubt that Arsenal puts out more damage than Pyrotech. But in PvP, secondary considerations to damage apply, such as mobility and survivability. Arsenal has really only one strategy (TRACER TRACER TRACER TRACER TRACER HEATSEEKER RAILGUN--UNLOAD?), but Pyrotech can adapt to different situations.



First level 62 in the game also, wow.


He means Valor rank. Though to be honest, Valor rank past 30 gets to be a bit redundant, since everyone just farms Illum for 60.

Edited by Suzut
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Yes, pop thermal sensor override to negate its cast time. It's situational and good 1v1. I will occasionally use TSO for a power shot if rail doesn't proc on first power shot. But fusion missle is still a good ability. I can see where you might not lean on it as much as our other abilities but as the op pointed out if coupled with TSO it can put out some good extra pressure.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'm only at level 25 so I don't have TSO yet but this is still good information.

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For a PvE aspect, I use it all the time. It's a really high damage dot, that if you can afford the heat and cast time, is a great weapon. Just make sure your tank has acquired a good bit of the aggro, as in don't pop it as soon as your tank engages a mob. And also obviously try to hit grouped mobs.


In fact, just last night I was doing a couple quests with a juggy. I would spread my dots around while she was getting some good aggro. Then when the time was right I used thermal detonator, fusion missile and pop off DFA. I'll just say, that **** was fun. They burned down quick.


Good stuff, thanks for the information!

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Also for killing healers... generally what I do is ignore the healer till its clear they're busy. Then I watch my heat (or vent to 0) then pound their brains out with my normal cycle + a fusion missle and a stun. Nearly every time this spike in damage that they weren't ready for knocks them clean over.


If you do get a healer who you just start a normal cycle on and starts healing up. I'll get so my dot is ticking then let my heat drop to 0 while continuing to spray them with rapid shot. Once at 0 heat I'll do my burst cycle (dart, incend missle, rail, fussion, unload, rail, stun, rapid, rapid rapid). While this will push my heat clear up to 100, the healer is dead :p


So to answer someones question earlier, do I use fussion missle? On almost every cooldown. Basically I find personally to be using fussion missle fairly early because it hits mutliple people, lays down another dot, and is often the tipping point for putting folks HP in the panic zone. Which is what I think of as the point where someones HP drops into the 1/3 range and they get stuck thinking what to do rather than charging you head on thinking they have a chance.


Thanks for the information! I need to start using FM ;)

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Why is this stickied? there's no real good info here. no stats, gear lists or anything of that sort.


Im lvl 62 merc and ive played all three trees. Firebug is fun and very mobile but to say you can burst as high as arsenal. No. Nothing in Firebug tree is gonna come close to the frontload damage arsenal can put out. Wear 2 pieces of rakata gear for the +15% crit chance bonus on tracer (55% please). Its not uncommon to do 12k damage in 2 globals. And you could set the frontload burst up to be higher then that even.


Not a good enough write up to be stickied imo.


Why are you upset that this received a sticky. I'm sure the op could expand on it at anytime, either way it is a constructive post and those are very rare. Plus if you read the comments there has been constructive feedback in the post, no flaming or trolling just post about the topic. You are a fan of Aresenal , that's great. But do know that it's play style is not much cared for by the majority in this thread. We all agree it can pump out bigger numbers in the overall damage category , but it's not so drastic that it's the "end all be all".


I personally prefer the less "sexy" build. It's much easier to counter a Aresenal merc versus a kiting pyro. We also prefer the much more mobile style of play, very much a run and gunner feel rather then the cliche turret. As for your 12 k damage in 2 globals, yeah no... Maybe on a 0 expertise target but not on geared players. So enjoy that while it last. if at all...


Either way, this is a constructive conversation, either add to it or move on....

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This post was stickied because it contains good information and healthy discussion on the pro's and con's of Merc Pyro's.


Is it a cookie cutter spew of the perfect PvP Pyro on the first post? NO... and as you can see from the discussion that's because Pryo's are fairly complicated and effective strategy can vary.


If you don't like the thread... don't post. :p

Edited by Katlyna
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People need to stop saying what Valor rank they are as if it's hard to attain or makes them an expert on the game.


It makes me laugh every time. Farming rank all day for weeks, and having a full set of gear doesn't make you a good player or an intelligent poster. It means you have a lot of time on your hands.

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People need to stop saying what Valor rank they are as if it's hard to attain or makes them an expert on the game.


It makes me laugh every time. Farming rank all day for weeks, and having a full set of gear doesn't make you a good player or an intelligent poster. It means you have a lot of time on your hands.


*As a Battlemaster*

I try to stress this to my guildmates. Seeing a guy with Battlemaster does NOT mean he's good. The guy can be a really bad player but plays 24/7 and been farming warzones since day 1 of early access. To be honest, the battlemaster gear is BARELY better than champion. Most of my pieces give around +5 or 6 to my main stats and +4 to expertise...not that much even added up..

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I'm brand new to MMORPGs and even more of a noob at PvP. I'm a 31 Arsenal merc equipped for PVE. I only just started playing PvP (I figured what the heck, but I fell in love). I don't have heatseekers yet and I mouse-click. Though I'm never at the top, I'm NEVER at the bottom and I usually end up 4-6 at the end of the day. I've found that 1v1, I hold myself very well, if I get the jump on someone, I win always. My kd is mostly positive. I will admit that there are tons of players way better than me and I'm super squishy in a group, but that just means I have to stay on the outskirts. It seems to me all the classes are balanced if a brand new noob like me can do as decent as I do and I'm not even equipped or specced for PVP. As far as opening and burst damage, three tracers and a rail shot does more than 50 usually.
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I'm brand new to MMORPGs and even more of a noob at PvP. I'm a 31 Arsenal merc equipped for PVE. I only just started playing PvP (I figured what the heck, but I fell in love). I don't have heatseekers yet and I mouse-click. Though I'm never at the top, I'm NEVER at the bottom and I usually end up 4-6 at the end of the day. I've found that 1v1, I hold myself very well, if I get the jump on someone, I win always. My kd is mostly positive. I will admit that there are tons of players way better than me and I'm super squishy in a group, but that just means I have to stay on the outskirts. It seems to me all the classes are balanced if a brand new noob like me can do as decent as I do and I'm not even equipped or specced for PVP. As far as opening and burst damage, three tracers and a rail shot does more than 50 usually.


Your in the wrong thread my man....we know nothing about this tracer missle you speak of...

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Your in the wrong thread my man....we know nothing about this tracer missle you speak of...


I probably am, but the reason I looked at this thread was because I wanted to know if there's a definite reason for me to respec for PvP. I'm not completely convinced. It seems that for now (maybe different at level 50), I have no problem doing both PvP AND PvE. It seems I'm not quite as mobile at PvP, but when people are mobile, it's usually because they are about to die or are fighting someone who is not me. I don't need mobility for Melee and other casters are usually just as stationary as me. I'm not saying I don't move, but it's not as bad as it's made out to be. My question is how much of a difference does Pyrotech make at Level 50 than Arsenal? Arsenal has one or two PvP skills, and it seems the contrary in Pyrotech.

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If someone tells you that you can't pvp in Arsenal, they're talking out of their ***.

If someone tells you that you can't pve in Pyro, they're talking out of their ***.


Pyro players often can't handle the "turret-style" that Arsenal brings.

Arsenal players often can't handle the more intense heat management that Pyro brings.


That doesn't mean you have to be one or the other only. Good players are the desirable commodity, it means a lot less what your spec is. Arsenal is, however, more forgiving to bad players to allow them to be pretty decent anyway. Pyro forces you to pay more attention and be more meticulous in your rotation, and also forces you to learn how to play mobile and control the field of play with your presence or lack thereof.


I have gone through the first 43 levels as Pyro, and will finish the last 7 as Pyro as well. This game is not hard enough to warrant needing to be a certain spec to level with. And if you know how to manage your heat and take the valuable heat talents, laugh at anyone who says Pyro can't be competitive in pve. They can come back once they have combat logs.

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I leveled to 48 as arsenal and the last two levels as pyro. Arsenal is easier to play and it seems to me like more damage but without a Combat log there is no way to verify this. I have only pvped as Pyro as it seems more fun then spamming tracer missile for more than half my key presses.


I'm undergeared and only 14k hp and about 5-6% expertise, but what I'm having most problem with is melee force dps. I can't get away from them...I can't dispel there slow on me. How do you guys deal with these guys? Especially if they get to me without using their leap ability. Help please.


Also is there a self cast key like in wow alt+key press casted on self.

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I probably am, but the reason I looked at this thread was because I wanted to know if there's a definite reason for me to respec for PvP. I'm not completely convinced. It seems that for now (maybe different at level 50), I have no problem doing both PvP AND PvE. It seems I'm not quite as mobile at PvP, but when people are mobile, it's usually because they are about to die or are fighting someone who is not me. I don't need mobility for Melee and other casters are usually just as stationary as me. I'm not saying I don't move, but it's not as bad as it's made out to be. My question is how much of a difference does Pyrotech make at Level 50 than Arsenal? Arsenal has one or two PvP skills, and it seems the contrary in Pyrotech.


We run and gun, catching the world on fire... Versus the turret style of play. Neither one is better then the other just different playstyles... I like mobility...easier to kite

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I leveled to 48 as arsenal and the last two levels as pyro. Arsenal is easier to play and it seems to me like more damage but without a Combat log there is no way to verify this. I have only pvped as Pyro as it seems more fun then spamming tracer missile for more than half my key presses.


I'm undergeared and only 14k hp and about 5-6% expertise, but what I'm having most problem with is melee force dps. I can't get away from them...I can't dispel there slow on me. How do you guys deal with these guys? Especially if they get to me without using their leap ability. Help please.


Also is there a self cast key like in wow alt+key press casted on self.


As long as you're targeting an enemy, you are also technically targeting yourself.


Combustible Gas Cylinder + Sweltering Heat + Jet Boost + Electro Dart.


How is a Melee Force-User out-kiting you? Just practice more. You have all the tools.

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As long as you're targeting an enemy, you are also technically targeting yourself.


Combustible Gas Cylinder + Sweltering Heat + Jet Boost + Electro Dart.


How is a Melee Force-User out-kiting you? Just practice more. You have all the tools.


Yeah just a L2P issue really I think. Also need a bit of gear too.


So I can just hit the dispel button while kiting an enemy and it will dispel myself... that's awesome.

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Yeah just a L2P issue really I think. Also need a bit of gear too.


So I can just hit the dispel button while kiting an enemy and it will dispel myself... that's awesome.


Yes you can heal and cure while targeting enemy players. I think only time you need to worry about a target self bind is if you are bodyguard so u can switch between friendly and self. Remember that your RS applies slows so while kiting keep mixing in your RS (rapid) to keep the enemy slow.

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