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Done, Unplayable PVP.


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I'm about done with warzones too, premades are pretty much sorc/assassin or sage/shadows now, they're the only 2 classes needed to dominate a team with. I was in one the other day (queued solo but joined a premade with these), the assassins put guard on the sorcs and hides near them then pops out when the sorcs get attacked, and they all have force speed to escape or run the ball in huttball. In the first ~3 weeks of TOR, warzones were fairly balanced and fun because there weren't that many 50's geared up and not many had access to 400 biochem yet, now that there are, it's becoming visible and I hope Bioware is watching closely.


Consumables is another issue, it's actually changing the balance of the game and makes 50's geared with expertise an even greater threat.

Edited by Sookster
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Meh, I was just in a Huttball match with some clown who had so much stacked potions etc., 4 people were laying into him and couldn't kill him.



PvP is a near joke at this point.




Im a biochemist, so you know.


There is a 90 second shared cooldown between all healing potions, if you use self made.

The PVP healing potions however is different but also have a cooldown.

What you fail to realize is that some classes, say the vanguard for example, have some self heals once per minute, weak but its there.


3 lvl 20s trying to kill a lvl 50 powertech or vanguard is not going to work eitherway, if the PT or VG knows what he is doing.


Level up and gear up and enjoy.

Playing warzones under lvl 40 is almost a joke due to the gear difference of higher levels.

Its just not worth it more then to get gear to help you solo pve better.

Warzones however are great and the PVP potential and class balance in TOR is awsome.

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Most of the players in the guild I am in, which is a PvP guild on a PvP server, are now planning to change focus to PvE until something is don't to fix the state of PvP in the game.


Same, pvp-based guild on a pvp server (we were very pvp heavy in SWG), even some hardcore pvpers in our guild pretty much stopped and has been doing hardmode flashpoints lately.

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I am not sure how saying there is a mirror class really changes anything?


The complaint is that there is clearly an imbalance, there are plenty of videos that prove it, it was an obvious imbalance that never should have happened, and when it was clearly proven to be the case, there should have been a hot fix to correct it.


Yet nothing.


Been weeks......still nothing.


That is what makes this game amateur and unappealing to people that don't want to play flavour of the month.


This is a not too bad single player game, they only made an MMORPG to milk you of your money.


If they took away the MMO aspect of this game, I think it would actually be better.


The imbalance is the expertise advantage. People wouldn't be doing as much damage without the expertise stat. I see Juggs and Guardians critting 10k, Snipers and Gunslingers doing 6-8k, Operatives and Scoundrels doing 6-10k, Sages and Sorc's stacking dots, and cc's, Shadows and Assassins doing 5-8k, Powertechs and Vanguards doing 4-8k, Mercenaries and Commandos doing 4-8k.


Everything is fairly balanced, it's just those who have the battlemaster/champion gear compared to those who don't, is a huge advantage, which makes them seem overpowered.


I personally as a sage, have no issue with any class, except Juggernaughts and Powertechs. Yeah operatives can be annoying, but once I live through their initial stun, I shield, dot them, heal up. They try to vanish, dot ticks them out, and I destroy them.

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I'm about done with warzones too, premades are pretty much sorc/assassin or sage/shadows now, they're the only 2 classes needed to dominate a team with. I was in one the other day (queued solo but joined a premade with these), the assassins put guard on the sorcs and hides near them then pops out when the sorcs get attacked, and they all have force speed to escape or run the ball in huttball. In the first ~3 weeks of TOR, warzones were fairly balanced and fun because there weren't that many 50's geared up and not many had access to 400 biochem yet, now that there are, it's becoming visible and I hope Bioware is watching closely.


Consumables is another issue, it's actually changing the balance of the game and makes 50's geared with expertise an even greater threat.


Really? Most pre-mades on my server is Juggernaughts/Marauders/Powertechs. On Republic side it's whatever. Also I maxed out all my crew skills before level 40. Maybe you should also do premades. I play as a Republic sage, and I rarely lose, except to those Jugg/Mara/Power premades geared out with champ/battlemaster gear.

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Back to back warzones with 4+ Operatives on Imperial side. Everyone on republic the team being dropped in no time flat. Can't Heal, Can't CC. They are all just facerolling Fotm.


Ain't coming back even if there's a fix. They let this go this long without a fix, no telling what's next that will be unaddressed.




Force yourself to play with more than "grav round" spam?

Edited by mandrillagon
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That has little to do with balance though.


That is more to do with people wanting to be Jedi/Sith rather than "ordinary"


Right...and it just so happens that this class is one of the strongest ranged classes with strong defences, heals, damage spells.


Maybe you play one yourself?:-)


They choose this class cause its very powerful and easy to play, and widely known for it.

And thats that.

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