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Please add the Cerean race to playables!


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I would like to see a couple of species added to the list of playables.

Rodian, Mon Calamari, Kel Dor, Cathar and Togruta are the five I'd like to see the most.

We already have companions that belong to some of these species,

so I really hope they'll make the jump to playable species at some point in the future. :D

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  • 5 years later...
How do you resolve the problem of helmets?


who says you have to? most do not work with Twi'lekks and Togruta and we still have those.


We have 'Cerean' items that get found in loot drops and such, so they cannot say the galaxy has no contact with them, so I want to play a Cerean as well

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It'd be nice if all the races weren't the same height. I'd love a Jawa race or something to that effect.


Would be, but they would have to redo all the armor design and rigging as well as make all new animations for every single cutscene/quest/story/combat. And there are alot of animation in this game, was impressed, few of them are re-used, but it's still an epic amount. It's probably why we will never see a race that doesn't have the same body and height like the jawa you mentioned or the yoda race, which is unfortunate.

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