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Bioware doesn't understand this simple concept, or rather couldn't give 2 ***** about it. People play games to have fun with each other, and a lot of times in games, it's vs people, because versing robots all day IS NOT fun. Remember Pong? the first video game? PvP. The reason those EA/Mythic guys still have jobs when they should be looking at new careers is because on their resume it says "lead designer on very successful MMO" when in actuality it should be something like "Lead designer on failed MMO that forced his company to be merged into another due to its failures". They will still get hired as lead designers in another company anyways, until enough companies go under.

So far I know this, if people didn't like pvp, games such as MW3 or any type of PvP game wouldn't have millions of people playing them. Maybe Bioware should actually care about these type of people not just because every player pays a monthly fee and counts, but that they are a huge portion of subscribers.

I played for years since Beta in WoW, and no, WoW did NOT have this many bugs. It was laggy only when it was initially released because the servers were full, but other than that, it was fairly balanced and did not have constant ability lag, rather server lag, which only occurred with 30+ people in the same vicinity.e A huge difference. This was probably because they were coming off of WC3 which was a PvP type game and they were prepared to make WoW combat based... which this game is too, but Bioware thinks is a solo story driven game, when the majority of time spent is in combat...

So no, WoW in beta and release was in fact Greatly superior to SWTOR in the beginning, and still even today.

10 Years later. Thats right, a decade later, still by far, a superior product.

I am going to unsubscribe. I was going to do it yesterday, but I really like Starwars, I may give another 2 weeks. Probably not though. It's sad I'm going back to pandas honestly.

Blizzard actually does somewhat care about its customers, at least on the customer service side. I've gotten a hold of them a few times over the years, and they can clearly see my played time and subscription time of years and years on end.. and they can't even see my beta played time. They go ahead and tell me they can see it.

In this game, they haven't said anything about their customers problems.

I remember an interview with a lead game designer when SWTOR was in beta, and he said the devs and employees at Bioware read the forums, they were just scared to talk to anyone because they didn't want to get flamed. Well guess what, if you don't have the balls, just pay someone minimum wage to lie on the forums for you. It will make you more money because you will keep many more subscriptions temporarily because you are giving a lot of people false hope they can cling to for months at a time, like a lot of people here who are going to wait till march for you guys to get your game semi functional.

Honestly, Bioware, you guys are a bunch of Amateurs. Go hire/steal some blizzard employees, anyone who's played mmos for awhile knows that Warhammer and Galaxies were complete Flops.

Go hire some of your player base who are not complete morons and actually know what a good mmo would be like, because you guys sure don't and the people you hired sure don't. In fact, your game would have flopped in the first few days and would never have made those Xmas sales if it wasn't for the Star Wars brand, which has nothing to do with you, Bioware. Go to Arenajunkies.com and hire a Gladiator for a consultant for 8 bucks an hour. All they care about is bragging rights, they don't even want your pathetic money. They have years and years of high level experience and skill in video games, exactly what you guys lack, and you might get money inducing information for you game for FREE! thats right, FREE!

You guys might want to look at some Free to play models, because that's where you guys are headed in a few short monhts. In fact, I hear your EA/Mythic guys have a lot of experience in that field, you might want to ask them about that.

Bioware, you *********** amateurs.

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The guys that did the pvp in Warhammer worked on this. I mean seriously, after all the success that game had and being a pvp based mmo, I can see why they made the decision. Clearly they were the best candidates for the job. That game is still going strong with millions of subscribers simply because the pvp was so awesome.


/end sarcasm


BioWare, please fire these incompetent DeVry graduates. They clearly have not learned from their past mistakes. A F2P Korean developer wouldn't hire these guys.


I was fan of Warhammer Fabular System ...

played Warhammer Online Sience Closed BETA :) + Year after release. Warhammer SKILLS was LAGY like hell... game was unplayable in PVP. (in Beta and few months after release) SAME AS HERE. The total lack of balance in PVP even until NOW.


/start sarcasm

So yes Best Candidates.

/end sarcasm

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. PvP is my end-game, and well:

We'll see. But no way I'm gonna pay for that warzone experience, it's simply terrible.

A pity.


Agreed. WZs are terrible. However, they are where Carebears go to PvP. Any true PvPer knows that. If PvP is your true endgame, then you are not limited in the least. OPvP fights are a lot more fun, much more balanced, and very easy to find if you look for them. Just last night, a massive battle on Belsavis:




All these QQing PvPers that don't even really PvP in this game. No wonder they are unhappy and quit. lol

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If people lack material to get mad about, here's why I quit:

  • No lv50 PvP content. Ilum could be about PvP if factions were balanced, but it's a Empire zergfest and will stay one forever. It's also 50km long.
  • Factions are not balanced. Potential solutions were numerous. They implemented none.
  • No algorithm whatsoever to balance the amount of healers, premades, gear or lv50 in WZ. Nothing. When it's random draw, they mean it. It's 2012. I guess they need a PhD to do the math: (3+1)/2 = 2
  • PvP gear is both random and unrewarding. You just have to play a lot. No skill required. I don't see the point.
    And once you're done farming, you're done. Nothing left to do. Wut. People will get bored fast.
    They tried to do something like honor ranks, but you actually had to win to reach r14 and stay there.
    And yeah, randomness sucks. Randomness is nice on secondary bonuses, not on main rewards (battlemaster).
  • Only one WZ if you're Empire: Huttball. It's small and ugly. The voice is annoying.
    Cold War is also ugly and boring. The speeder is annoying.
  • All there is to do once lv50 is farming bags in these small and ugly places for hours. Maybe they'll add new warzones over time.
    They'll still be ugly and boring because obviously they suck at design, or they're anticipating a Wii port.
  • PvP guilds can't tag as a full team and compete. Casuals still get farmed by 4-man teams. The worst of both worlds. Genius.
  • Even though ColdWar looks like total **** your FPS still drops with a 6950 because the engine sucks balls.
    Designers can't design, CMs can't manage, and coders can't code.
  • No search function on the boards. Webmasters can't webmast.
  • Can't attack enemy fleet or any civilian places. It is forbidden to have fun. Cities are empty anyway and guards are worldboss.
  • There is no strategy at all in XvsX. You hit people until they die, and try to LoS sometimes. A zergfest. That's it.
    Can't kite unless sniper. Can't keep people out of the fight because crowd controls are 4sec single-target.
    They tried to do something fast-paced. Well, it's a fast-paced zergfest.
  • Gameplay is fundamentally okay, but it's laggy and buggy. They said they'll fix it. One day. I don't buy it. It'll still suck.
  • GCD is too long. And not enough skills usable on GCD, so the gameplay is not dynamic. I guess the servers would explode under the load.
  • Healing sucks. Not rewarding enough, too static, doesn't heal enough. Raid frames suck. Debuff icons suck.
  • No macros, no add-on, fixed UI. 2012.
  • All the classes are the same. Boring. All the races are the same. I wanted to play a snail thing, they're cool.
  • And the userbase: worse than WoW. Worse than everything except maybe GW.
    No strategic communication, chat is full of angry little kids blaming low levels and everyone else but themselves.

Don't tell me they need a few months to "sort it out".

The single player RPG experience was great but there's nothing to stay for, PvP-wise.

Nice try. Should have made Kotor3 instead.

Edited by Lywald
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I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about...I wasn't throwing an idea around, but instead it's just a simple metaphor. I understand gaming companies want to make money, but making money by throwing an unfinished product on the shelf kind of stinks. Yeah, yeah, yeah...it's an MMO. I get that, but it really should be more polished than this after being in development of 6+ years. If you didn't understand my Model T metaphor than let me explain. I think the average gamer comes to expect more from their games and as technology and our experience increases so should our expectations from gaming companies.


No you didnt understand me. It is impossible for a company to make a perfect finished game. Esp with mmorpgs there is no way of telling if the game is finished before letting it play millions of people over a long time. I know that there is a betaphase, but only a small percentage of the actual playbase participates in it . So in this phase they try to get rid of the major flaws so that on release date they can offer at least a playable environment, and i think for my part they did the best job since the invention of mmorpgs. I had no problems creating my acc. All quests worked for me, i had a button to get me out of glitches. Everythign was there to give me a great starting experience although till lvl 10 it's a bit boring. So back to track there was never an mmorpg before that made a nice start like this. And still the people are unsatisfied because they can't see how much work it is to put such a truck out on the gamingmarket. I don't say that we don't have to complain at all, but on a moderate and social rate. I swear to u the developer won't work faster because you tell them their game sucks and you unsub if they not do what you demand. It's simply as that.

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If people lack material to get mad about, here's why I quit:

  • No lv50 PvP content. Ilum could be about PvP if factions were balanced, but it's a Empire zergfest and will stay one forever. It's also 50km long.
  • Factions are not balanced. Potential solutions were numerous. They implemented none.
  • No algorithm whatsoever to balance the amount of healers, premades, gear or lv50 in WZ. Nothing. When it's random draw, they mean it.
    It's 2012. I guess they need a PhD to do the math: (3+1)/2 = 2
  • PvP gear is both random and unrewarding. You just have to play a lot. No skill required. I don't see the point.
    And once you're done farming, you're done. Nothing left to do. Wut. People will get bored fast.
    They tried to do something like honor ranks, but you actually had to win to reach r14 and stay there.
    And yeah, randomness sucks. Randomness is nice on secondary bonuses, not on main rewards (battlemaster).
  • Only one WZ if you're Empire: Huttball. It's small and ugly. The voice is annoying.
    Cold War is also ugly and boring. The speeder is annoying.
  • All there is to do once lv50 is farming bags in these small and ugly places for hours. Maybe they'll add new warzones over time.
    They'll still be ugly and boring because obviously they suck at design, or they're anticipating a Wii port.
  • PvP guilds can't tag as a full team and compete. Casuals still get farmed by 4-man teams. The worst of both worlds. Genius.
  • Even though ColdWar looks like total **** your FPS still drops with a 6950 because the engine sucks balls.
    Designers can't design, CMs can't manage, and coders can't code.
  • No search function on the boards. Webmasters can't webmast.
  • Can't attack enemy fleet or any civilian places. It is forbidden to have fun. Cities are empty anyway and guards are worldboss.
  • There is no strategy at all in XvsX. You hit people until they die, and try to LoS sometimes. A zergfest. That's it.
    Can't kite unless sniper. Can't keep people out of the fight because crowd controls are 4sec single-target.
    They tried to do something fast-paced. Well, it's a fast-paced zergfest.
  • Gameplay is fundamentally okay, but it's laggy and buggy. They said they'll fix it. One day. I don't buy it. It'll still suck.
  • GCD is too long. And not enough skills usable on GCD, so the gameplay is not dynamic. I guess the servers would explode under the load.
  • Healing sucks. Not rewarding enough, too static, doesn't heal enough. Raid frames suck. Debuff icons suck.
  • No macros, no add-on, fixed UI. 2012.
  • All the classes are the same. Boring. All the races are the same. I wanted to play a snail thing, they're cool.
  • And the userbase: worse than WoW. Worse than everything except maybe GW.
    No strategic communication, chat is full of angry little kids blaming low levels and everyone else but themselves.

Don't tell me they need a few months to "sort it out".

The single player RPG experience was great but there's nothing to stay for, PvP-wise.

Nice try. Should have made Kotor3 instead.


Dang, preach on Brother.

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March 2012 or March 2013?



I keep my opinion and decision: sub canceled until they correct it--- someday. hahaha


Seriously? March? Isn't that a bit too late to fix something like this? There are certain things they should be focusing on around the clock. This should have been looked into before release, and certainly should have been fixed by now.


People I know already quit the game. I'm always willing to give devs a chance to prove their worth before I quit. If this is how they're going to do it, they will lose a lot of people QUICK.


If the dev team is taking time to relax a bit after working for so many years, they made the wrong decision. This is the time they should be working hard as hell, which it seems they aren't (though, they might be... I don't know).


After what happened to WAR I really doubt they will handle the problems in a timely manner. EA seems to only care about box sales. After that the game can be down to one server.

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To the OP: So long and thanks for all the fish. Also, I'm -tired- of people who -have- to post about them leaving. Honestly, I, and many others don't care. At all. That you're leaving.


P.S. there's still a ton of people staying.

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Hello all,


Feedback is always important and we always appreciate constructive feedback, whether positive or negative. Allison has a great thread with information on what we are looking for in feedback.


We know that the community is always looking for developer input on issues and one of the best ways to keep up-to-date on developer posts is through the Developer Tracker. A couple examples of what you can find on the developer tracker right now: a couple posts from Damion on the slicing nerf, and dungeon finder as well as Georg's comments on cover.


There is also our new blog feature where developers will give their thoughts on certain aspects of the game as well as giving clarification on issues - upcoming patch notes can also be found on the blog.


We are going to go ahead and close the thread but we did want to point out a couple of spiffy threads where you can give us your feedback on bugs and suggest features you would like to see in-game:


The Suggestion Compilation Thread

Ultimate Bug List


Both are great threads that are updated regularly so we highly encourage you to add in your feedback to one, or both of those threads.

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