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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So I did it.


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although the game is pretty good in term of pve/leveling, i did it. Pvp is my end-game, and well:




if it can make them move.

We'll see. But no way i'm gonna pay for that warzone experience, it's simply terrible.

A pity.


And yes, sadly, i'll have fun with pandas. No other choices.


good. **** bioware....wait wait...that is wrong. Bioware makes some good games. What i mean is...**** the bioware pvp development team.

Edited by Nowhere
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Im the same and ive done the same too.Im not sticking in a game that has 0 customer response nor the ability to balance the PVP like other mmo's.I'll be dancing with the pandas on MOP expan too lol.

TOR you made me happy but then you gave people the ability to abuse the PVP with biochem stims/adrenals and simply lame competition.

Thanks though lol

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Im the same and ive done the same too.Im not sticking in a game that has 0 customer response nor the ability to balance the PVP like other mmo's.I'll be dancing with the pandas on MOP expan too lol.

TOR you made me happy but then you gave people the ability to abuse the PVP with biochem stims/adrenals and simply lame competition.

Thanks though lol


I'm off too, sick of this crap its a medicore game which does not even pretend to be balanced.


Not back to wow thouhg, but I'll take a break from MMOs until GW2 comes out, at least Arenanet seam to be sticking to not releasing before its ready, I'm quite prepared to wait for quality.

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They are already working on the delay issue, which will be fixed.

And the mirror class imbalances will obviously be fixed.


Seeing as you have played WoW though, I do not understand how you can be this impatient?

I rather want them to take time releasing bigger patches with better changes, then releasing a patch every **** that just ****s up the game even more, like they did in WoW.


No patience at all.

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I still have 6 days of game time.

Hopefully ( I honestly hope) they'll correct it before the 19th/20th.

But something says me inside to not sub for a borked game based on empty promises à la "we're looking at ability lag, we're doing something". Who know if they even can correct it? perhaps all that happens because of their game engine which desnt like some mother cards or something?


I run the game 100% fluid on all games, BF3 full utltra no lag what so ever on 64 players maps,

Total War games full ultra, thousands of units, no lag.

And here, 20 players, ... unplayable? It must be a joke.


My feeling? extremely disappointed. I feel somehow betrayed, cause I wanted to be able to enjoy the game, the universe. But developping my toon futher in such circonstances, ... no I cant.


Maybe next Tuesday we'll see something? But no way for me to give them 13€ for what it is now. They correct it first and we'll see after.

Edited by Draksen
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Opinions are formed on first impressions. This is basic marketting.


First impressions aren't good, people leave.



Absolutely this. Also word of mouth.



Casuals leave the game quickly, especially with the kind of reputation this game as being more of a single player game than a true MMO. Your hardcore crowd is the one that keeps a subscription and is where you make all your money. So you launch to cater to the casuals that would be gone in a month or two anyway, and piss off all the hardcore players by ruining every in depth and hardcore aspect of the game, from crafting to raids to pvp? Not a smooth move there, especially with as many internet forums with hardcore MMO/RPG players saying that endgame sucks as there are.

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The guys that did the pvp in Warhammer worked on this. I mean seriously, after all the success that game had and being a pvp based mmo, I can see why they made the decision. Clearly they were the best candidates for the job. That game is still going strong with millions of subscribers simply because the pvp was so awesome.


/end sarcasm


BioWare, please fire these incompetent DeVry graduates. They clearly have not learned from their past mistakes. A F2P Korean developer wouldn't hire these guys.

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Absolutely this. Also word of mouth.



Casuals leave the game quickly, especially with the kind of reputation this game as being more of a single player game than a true MMO. Your hardcore crowd is the one that keeps a subscription and is where you make all your money. So you launch to cater to the casuals that would be gone in a month or two anyway, and piss off all the hardcore players by ruining every in depth and hardcore aspect of the game, from crafting to raids to pvp? Not a smooth move there, especially with as many internet forums with hardcore MMO/RPG players saying that endgame sucks as there are.


Sorry bu nothing to do with being casual, hardcore, or whatever: we're discussing about game-breaking bugs, and the ability lag is game-breaking. For some of us, you should see it, even with our top-end computers, it makes the warzones unplayable. Simple as that. An even if you're hardcore.

Trust me, a 2 seconds cast delay on all skills forces the top hardcore players to unsub :(

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Sorry bu nothing to do with being casual, hardcore, or whatever: we're discussing about game-breaking bugs, and the ability lag is game-breaking. For some of us, you should see it, even with our top-end computers, it makes the warzones unplayable. Simple as that. An even if you're hardcore.

Trust me, a 2 seconds cast delay on all skills forces the top hardcore players to unsub :(



Oh I thought we were talking about why the problems with the game will lead to loss of revenue and extraordinarily negative consequences regarding the game as a result.



The guy I quoted said that first impressions are important, and that's what makes casuals leave, and word of mouth regarding how bad endgame is is what makes casuals not want to try the game and hardcore players unsub



And the game being broken doesn't help either, especially with word of mouth. I mean word of mouth killed pretty much every MMO ever that isn't named World of Warcraft, even though lots of games that are essentially dead right now have improved a lot since they first came out, those first impressions and word of mouth destroyed them. Like anything Cryptic makes, for instance.

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Without a doubt your logic is flawed.




Mmkay do me a favor, instead of some non sequitur regarding Kangaroos and calling me a noob, tell me how my logic is flawed, taking care to mention the fact that everything I said is right and is exactly how the vast majority of mmos have died in the last 3-4 years and that you are in no way correct in saying that my logic is flawed, especially without any kind of argument backing up that claim.

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All market research I've seen indicates STRONGLY that the vast bulk of revenue from MMOs is not from end level long term subscribers.


This is why micro transaction models are becoming more popular.


Raiding. PvP. That kind of end game development has been shown time and time again to be the sizable MINORITY.


It's true.

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All market research I've seen indicates STRONGLY that the vast bulk of revenue from MMOs is not from end level long term subscribers.


This is why micro transaction models are becoming more popular.


Raiding. PvP. That kind of end game development has been shown time and time again to be the sizable MINORITY.


It's true.



Unless BioWare intends to introduce micro transactions this point is moot.

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Absolutely this. Also word of mouth.



Casuals leave the game quickly, especially with the kind of reputation this game as being more of a single player game than a true MMO. Your hardcore crowd is the one that keeps a subscription and is where you make all your money. So you launch to cater to the casuals that would be gone in a month or two anyway, and piss off all the hardcore players by ruining every in depth and hardcore aspect of the game, from crafting to raids to pvp? Not a smooth move there, especially with as many internet forums with hardcore MMO/RPG players saying that endgame sucks as there are.


Actually your wrong the hardcore crowd is not what keeps the game running its the casual or as hardcore people like to call it the "carebear" crowd. These are the people that pay subscription costs and only play 10 to 15 hours a week. They are happy to get on and accomplish something which is why SWTOR is going to be a success. Blizzard realized this and dumbed down it''s game to cater to the casual crowd which is why it continues to see success.


The 1%'ers are just that a small vocal percentage of the actual playing force. For every hardcore person that actually posts in the forums there are 20 casual players that are over joyed on the immersion factor of the game. Star Wars fanboys/girls will support this game long after the vocal majority disappear and go back to griefing wow players in pandaland. The carebear majority with their Dual Core Dells and Gateways will continue to spend the money needed to continue development on SWTOR and just like wow which sucked horribly when it first came out, I remember all those people saying how wow would fail and how everyone would go back to EQ and DAOC but yet Blizzard keeps trucking away because the masses and masses of casual players continue to enjoy the game.


Sorry for being long winded, SWTOR is going to succeed, because they are actively communicating in many mediums to it's customer base, because they are making incremental changes. It will only fail if it ignores it's customer base. Just because you want something now doesn't mean your going to get it now. Yup PvP has a whole bunch of problems and through listening and investigating and correcting those items it will get better, it might not get done as quickly as the spastic red bull swilling 15yr old pvp fanatics want, but I have faith it will get done.

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