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Rampant Mis-Use of Cloaking


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I have a complaint. I'd like someone at Bioware and Lucas Arts to investigate. I have seen Tusken Raiders cloaking and un-cloaking.


I have seen other NPC's do this as well. It appears when you opened up the "assassin" skills or other classes that have "disappear" you've allowed many NPC's to vanish.


Now I have a whole range of issues with players having cloaking to begin with, but I can suspend my lore issues when you are dealing with player characters.


Where I draw the line is with NPC's in world using these.


I will write Lucas arts and provide specific examples if a developer doesn't address this issue.

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In this time period Aeten II is still rich in stygium crystals (not as rich as it was in KoTOR but still enough to make cloaking easy to get),


Aeten II running out of stygium crystals (+Republic's ban on exporting them) is the reason there is very little stealth in movie period's.


And then the planet was destroyed in-between Ep 5 and 6.

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I have a complaint. I'd like someone at Bioware and Lucas Arts to investigate. I have seen Tusken Raiders cloaking and un-cloaking.


I have seen other NPC's do this as well. It appears when you opened up the "assassin" skills or other classes that have "disappear" you've allowed many NPC's to vanish.


Now I have a whole range of issues with players having cloaking to begin with, but I can suspend my lore issues when you are dealing with player characters.


Where I draw the line is with NPC's in world using these.


I will write Lucas arts and provide specific examples if a developer doesn't address this issue.


I prefer to think of it as Tusken Raiders using camouflage to gain a suprise advantage. I mean, we already know they march single file to hide their numbers, who's to say their craftiness ends there?

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because its completely impossible for an npc to have the same cloaking belt that tech-players use? or the same force skills assassins use?


I intentionally stayed clear of messing with "force" based powers to mask a person and force users as a whole in this time period.


The cloaking is a HUGE lore issue. It is clearly being misued when NPC's are cloaking without the force to do so. They should not be cloaking except in instances where its intentional. NPC's like Shadow Assassin troopers.


All NPC's who get Advanced Classed should not have access to the cloaking skill.


Technology speaking the lore of star wars does not support the numbers and length of time players/NPCs are remaining cloaked and/or have access to that technology. I can dive into the "made-up" technology parts more but frankly don't want to waste everyones time. They can look it up themselves. Its not star wars lore. It's poorly done and needs a developer to adjust the NPC's to restrict cloaking to specific types of NPC's only.


AKA Force-Users, Cloaking Allowed NPCs.


It was awful to see Sand People Cloaking and you can support bioware and still think something is broken.


I support this game, but do not think Cloaking is being done right in this game. I am suggesting an easy fix to NPC's. I didn't post redo all the classes cloaking is not allowed.


I said I don't think George Lucas intended for Sand People to use cloaking devices.


So fix the NPC's so that only those that should be cloaking use it please.


Thank you.

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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i don't see a major issue with this, we know mandoloriens were working on tatooine and they have access to this tech very possible the sand people killed them and stole it, also i love how some of them pop out of the sand very cool
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i don't see a major issue with this, we know mandoloriens were working on tatooine and they have access to this tech very possible the sand people killed them and stole it, also i love how some of them pop out of the sand very cool


The stolen tech piece would make sense if it wasn't every Tusken Raider of a certain AC. As specified I also noted many other NPC's exhibiting the exact same abilities.


I could deal with the "random" hey that tusken has a cloaking device.


This isn't random. Its every NPC with the AC's that have "cloaking" as a skill. I view it as a story/lore issue. It's not a "bug" until its stated by a developer as unintended.


Pop up from sand = cool.

Use Cloaking Device = garbage.


I've seen them drop down on zip lines in buildings. That is cool. I've seen them Jet pack into the fight. I've seen Genosians fly into the fight.


I am talking about NPC's using a skill that would appear to give them access to cloaking devices, which is a violation of story.

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What you're asking is for them to place (minor) story issues above gameplay. That isn't going to happen, even in a story-driven game.


Tuskan Raiders often steal technology. As pointed out, Mandalorians have been a constant on the planet in the past three hundred years--they have access to cloaking. To keep it streamlined, yes, certain "ACs" of enemies will be granted cloaking by default because it's simply -easier- that way.


In the grand scheme of things? This seems like a non-issue.

Edited by Valdonvel
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What you're asking is for them to place (minor) story issues above gameplay. That isn't going to happen, even in a story-driven game.


Tuskan Raiders often steal technology. As pointed out, Mandalorians have been a constant on the planet in the past three hundred years--they have access to cloaking. To keep it streamlined, yes, certain "ACs" of enemies will be granted cloaking by default because it's simply -easier- that way.


In the grand scheme of things? This seems like a non-issue.


Lets just have everyone have lightsabers. My non cloaking class would like cloaking devices too. I want my ship to cloak too. I'd like to wear mandalorian armor on my jedi knight. I want a klingon companion. How about we add a death star. I want an X-wing. How about we just ignore other major story factors.


Somethings matter in story in lore to make the game period feel correct. Things like Tusken Raiders and other NPC's misusing specials are examples of items to be fixed.


If they can take the time to ensure weapons have class restrictions they can ensure NPC attacks have npc type restrictions. Just because you don't have an issue doesn't mean a bunch of people don't see things like this and think its a joke bioware cannot even control npc's using special abilities.


According to some apologist posters of bioware they can just go ahead do butcher whatever they want.


If you cannot hand everyone red color sabers but everything gets cloaking devices you don't see a problem? Lore forbids having jedi with red sabers, BUT OH..... Lets give Tusken Raiders cloaking devices. I thought the person who said air strikes where being called in as well. That makes absolutely zero sense as well.


I am tired of people the apologists for Bioware on these issues. You can actual point out a clear issue with gameplay in story and lore and have an expectation that someone will look into the issue and address it.


Sure its a harsh response, but please. I demand bioware get certain details right. If you don't fine. Go troll some other thread about loot drops or dumb stuff.

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I have to say I have less issue with the fact that there is such a big use of cloaking in the game as much as I'm not entirely sure how they have personal cloaking devices. Maybe its and issue of lost technology or some such like that but in the era of the Movie's and beyond im not sure i haven't taken the time to read much into the stealth tech of this era. My issue is though that in the era of the movies and what not (3600+ years after this game) nothing smaller than capital ships with the exception of the TIE Phantoms even have a cloaking device, and there is no such thing as a personal one period. So that makes my only question if that far in the future they don't have the technology to make one that small how do they now? If its an issue of lost tech than so be it but it still seems strange to me that they couldn't replicate it that far in the future.
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