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Exhaustion Zones on PVP Servers


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Heheh so you must be one of those people who are ganking people eh ? Unless its Ilum just exactly do you think you are getting in game rewards from doing this, As far as I know you do not get points in open world PVP unless its in an arena area, or a designated planet. The guy quoted as far as I am concerned is correct, it is, the lowest of the low.


Yes PVP is consensual - however there are also still a class quest to get through to. Personally I don't think open world PVP should be allowed, unless its in just the designated area area for that planet. Warzones were designed for that too, Use designated areas.


I only gank lowbies to make the area volatile and try to see if more get involved. I don't know if people do that anymore.


I got 2+v1 a lot on Voss and when I asked to form a counter attack in general I got belittled for it. People seem to have selective reading skills. They thought I was complaining for some reason when I clearly stated I just wanted to get back at this group of players with an even larger group of players.

Edited by Kabloosh
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Honestly, rolling on a PvP server makes no difference at all compared to a PvE server atm, I've got a level 35 and a level 34 on a pvp server, and I havent seen a single member of the opposing force at any time.


For people who enjoy PvP, doing some world pvp while leveling is fun, I'm aware that some people call it griefing or w/e, but they have a valid option named PvE servers.



Apparently players who enjoy pvp, outside of warzone, does not have any option to do so.


I find it hard to beleive you went 34 levels without seeing a single person of the opposing faction... Tattooine alone, i encountered about 20 Imps during my leveling there... Hoth, Balmora, Belsavis Every planet tatooine and on, ive encountered many of the opposing faction

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I fail to see what that has to do with anything?


Ganking lowbies is a good way to start a bigger fight, people will log on their mains or get help, it's the nature of a pvp server, people who doesnt like it shouldnt roll on one.



Anyone who's up for a "fair fight" can queue for a level 50 only warzone, world pvp will never be fair, someone will always be outnumbered, but that doesnt mean that it can't be fun.


I'll tell you what it has to do with it. He actually told you already but here it is again....

it's to deter griefers.


Just because you like attacking a level 20 with your level 50 doesn't mean the lvl 20 enjoyed it, nor does it garauntee a big fight because others will drag out their mains.


...and its not impossible for imps to get to the repblic part of tattoine. I've seen them all over the place.

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This thread is hilarious. Its full of PvE players ragging on PvP servers.


WE GET IT. You don't like open world pvp, you don't like ganking, you don't like the added danger.


And guess what, that's fine. Go play on your PvE server.


However, there are a large amount of players who do like this, and its really quite aggravating when PvE players are catered to on a PvP server.


Nope. I play on a PVP server. I realize its a PVP server. But the way the game is set up its not easy for a bunch of level 50 imps to go to anchorhead and just start slaughtering everybody. Is it impossible? I don't think so since I've seen imps in rep territory there.


This is probably so newer and lower level players won't be camped, griefed and so on. "Cuz if they are chances are they'll just quit. BW would rather have them sub than quit. Every PVP fight I've had we were evenly matched by a level or two.


I've been in PVP fights on every planet after tattoine (including tattoine). I've been ambushed, I've ambushed and I've seen the opposition all over the place. What I didn't see was a bunch of high level characters killing lowbies for kicks. YMMV, but thats kind of a good thing.

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While some (many) people want to gank low level toons, that isn't a good reason to remove the exhaustion zones. The GOOD reason is that you want to encourage roughly level appropriate fighting.


If you want to discourage ganking, there are other methods that could be used. I would like to see PvP servers designed to bring each side more in contact with each other so as to instigate battle. Maybe even add some quests to go kill other players.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Making it impossible for each faction to get to each other's city, on a PvP server, is pretty much the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I'm not usually one to complain about MMO's, especially one as new as this one, but there's some core problems here when it comes to world PvP.


I rolled on a PvP for world PvP. 30 levels later and I haven't seen a single member of the other faction outside of "PvP mini-games". At this point, I'm pretty sure the rumors of another faction in the game are false so I decide to take a ride over to what looks like their city and I get insta-kiled by an "Exhaustion Zone"? Lame.

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