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Hybrid 23Arsenal/18Pyro viable for pvp?


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Hi all,


as its friday and boring at work i was playing in the skillcalc and found this:




ok the 31 talents are nice BUT isnt this spec more viable or at least a option?


fight would be like:


1-5x Tracer Missile for armor debuff 20% and railshoot damage +30%

Incendiary Missile

Explosive Dart


Unload if proc

another Rail

Vent Heat



thanks in advance

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Been thinking about that a bit myself lately. I'm currently lvl29 and usually finish top dmg in sc's just with what you have specced in pyro. It's great for on-the-move sustained damage and keeping alive by kiting but lacks raw dps/burst when you are able to stand and cast.


I think this build would make you pretty nasty if they let you stand and cast - but still able to dish out the pain while on the move (especially if you've had time to stand and build up tracer lock/heat sigs). Afterburners looks very nice too.

I guess success with this build will depend on knowing when to stand and cast and when to kite.


Not sure if you'd have heat issues though.

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For some reason BW really didn't want mercenaries to hybrid spec at all- the trees just do not support it, due in large part to the cyllindar system and skills obsoleting eachother. You've chosen to go with Combustible gas cyllindar for this one, which I suppose is fine- you will have heat issues since your crits won't vent 8 heat from High Velocity. But the bigger issue is that with this build you're not using power shot, which takes a lot away from pyro. Pyro depends on power shot and unload to proc a FREE Rail shot and take it off CD. Since you'll be using tracer missile, you really won't get free Rail shots which give this more heat issues than a normal pyro build, and you'll have significantly less Rail Shots. And less Rail shots means less heat vented thanks to Superheated Rail. The result will be less damage in this spec than either Pyro or Arsenal will offer.


I think especially due to inherent heat issues, this will just not work in most cases- especially in the hectic atmosphere of PvP.

Edited by Psyka
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I've been trying to find a viable way to hybridize Pyrotech and Arsenal for 6 months now and have never been comfortable with the results. Believe it or not, the biggest problem is Tracer Missile as it is extremely dependent on picking up Terminal Velocity and having HVGC active most if not all of the time. This in turn makes many of the skills in Pyrotech obsolete due to them requiring CGC active.


I'd have a few concerns with the spec you linked. The first being not picking up Terminal Velocity. You wil find yourself heat strapped quite often without it. Before getting to back to that, let's look at a few other skills. Kolto Vents is useless a sit does not work the way people think it does. It only works when you use the Vent Heat skill, not when you vent heat from procs with skills like Terminal Velocity, Superheated Rail, or Gyroscopic Alignment Jets. Congrats, you've just regained one skill point.


While integrated Systems is ok if you were going all the way up he Arsenal tree, it's just another wasted 2 points with your spec. Dump it to have 3 points to spend elsewhere. As much as I love Jet Escape for it usefulness in PvP, I'd prefer to have better heat management, which you have very little of in this spec. Lose it for a total of 5 points. I dumped a couple others in the process to come up with this. You'll notice I still have 4 points left over after shuffling some skills around.


I'd love to pick up Prototype Particle Accelerator but I could only get 2 points into it, and I'd have to spend 2 points on even more useless skills in Pyrotech. Even then, I only have a 20% chance to proc the free Rail Shot. The alternative is picking up Rapid Venting. This allows more wiggle room with how many times you could use Vent Heat in a given situation. Now where to spend the 2 points to even get there. Sweltering Heat is out of the question as this spec is clearly designed to use HVGC at all times. The only real choice that might be of use is Infrared Sensors. Meh. Let's move on to some Arsenal alternatives. Pinning Fire is excellent for PvP, as is Custom Enviro Suit and Jet Escape. Of the three, I'd probably go with PF and CES to spend the last 4 points.


As you can see, it's not easy hybridizing Arsenal and Pyrotech, and should probably be avoided as much as possible. If Pyrotech was less dependent on so many CGC skills early on, and some utility skills were moved elsewhere or redesigned, it would be much easier. In any case, good luck with your build and please come back to let us know how it works out.

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I currently run a 22 Arsenal / 19 Pyro build and I have zero problems in PvE or PvP.


I run HVGC to take advantage of the vented heat from crits. With Incendiary Missile all my Rail Shots are basically free. The free Rail Shot proc from Unload and Power Shot happen a lot. And I don't see that there is any drop off in DPS with the spec.

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Completely non-viable as both trees are so top-loaded, unfortunately. Would have liked for more options for hybridization as snipers, sorcs get some cool ones but oh well.


As for the guy who says he does it and "does fine in pve and pvp"... he doesn't.

Edited by twincannon
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I was original spec'd full arsenal. I think arsenal is great and I like the HSM but I wanted to try something different so for the past few days I ran with this.


Here is the break down of what I noticed:

-Requires more heat management since you don't vent heat with crit missile hits.


-As a test, running around in a hutball match I did 220k damage using only rapid shots 70% of the time.


-I did more dps in general then when spec'd full arsenal but I have never seen the 5-6k crits on HSM that some say they do. (29 crit / 76 surge / 7% expertise).


-Not as bursty as arsenal. The icendary missle is great but it's not the single big punch that HSM is so your damage is more over time than an immediate shock.


I had a lot of fun with it and plan to respec back to a arsenal-pyro hybrid. Just last night I spec'd back to full arsenal to confirm my notes listed above and I feel they are all correct.


Here is another arsenal/pyro spec I'm considering




I would suggest you give Arsenal/Pyro a shot and see how you feel about it. Ultimately, BH has great DPS no matter what you do so anyone who say's it's not valid is being narrow minded. The only thing you have to remember is play to your spec and you should be fine.

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