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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For those who says there is no mass PvP in SWTOR


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The problem seems to be lack of objectives. With no objectives open world pvp is ganking and people having to organize like this op did. Im getting very concerned b/c ilum was advertised as 100 vs 100 people and since launch it feels like im back on my starting planet. Way to much pve nonsense. I love bioware but i bought the game for open world objective based pvp which i have not seen even in beta sadly. Gabe amateglo your great guy but im losing hope ill give it another 2 months but im sick of wz's that dont even launch 1/2 the time.

(yes i know the game hasnt been out a month yet and understand that)


Why there isnt capturable bases on most planets is beyond me = (

Edited by hargrave
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Now BW think about this and give us reasons for war, not just a story where nothing change the world.


I'm going to use SWG, not the best but you could take over towns and bases. Change of flags and guards. Great fun I had many times.


Just something like that is a good start to spice it up a little.

Edited by Bafucin
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Come on now. If there is no reason to do something, than their is no reason to do it. I mean I love PvP and surely if invited I would love to participate in PvP Events like this but these events are just that, events for the sake of the event and the event becomes the "reason" to do it.. aka its fun to participate in events. But ultimatly without a reason to pvp, the reliance on players to produce reasons through the creation events simply means that their will be very little pvp in the game. This is the first such event in 3 weeks. Even if they bring the ratio up to once a week its hardly sufficient. Global mass PvP should be taking place every day 24/7.


When i log in there should be one going on ready for me to join. Not one scheduled 2 weeks from now at 7:30pm.


I think you understand the difference here, lets not make execuses for a game with a clear cut case of missing features. its forgivable, its a new game and I understand they don't have this in place yet, but its a must if PvP has any future in this game at all outside of scenarios.


Your whole post sums up exactly what is wrong with mmo gamers today.

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We have mass battles on Ajunta Pall on a regular basis. Typically spontaneous....as a result of someone getting ganked and calling for help. It tends to snowball quite quickly.


World PVP is alive and healthy in this game, and lots of fun.


Even when you get *****....like we did tonight :rolleyes:

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We have mass battles on Ajunta Pall on a regular basis. Typically spontaneous....as a result of someone getting ganked and calling for help. It tends to snowball quite quickly.


World PVP is alive and healthy in this game, and lots of fun.


Even when you get *****....like we did tonight :rolleyes:



no it isnt...

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