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For those who says there is no mass PvP in SWTOR


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Yesterday two guilds at Tomb of Freedon Nadd server fought face to face in order to get control over the Hoth planet.

It was real mass pvp event organized by players them self, if someone says there is no PvP in SWTOR check this video out!

You can also share here your videos of PvP events.



Thanks to Arsacra and KDS guilds for making this happened.

Edited by Vados
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Its awsome to see and its great that it happens, but as already mentioned, this was an event that took planning in order to take place. People don't have any reason to naturally come together and fight for things like say in games like Dark Age of Camelot or Warhammer Online. It was an event that took place for the events sake. There isn't one taking place right now and when I log in their won't be groups already in place out fighting.


You jump on Warhammer Online anytime of the day 24/7 and you will have mass pvp combat taking place.


I think the point to be made here is that SWOTR needs a logical and natural reason for people to get together for PvP, right now, there is no purpose to it and so people don't do it unless someone goes out of their way to schedule events.

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In the end of the day, PvP is about fun for people who like PvP. You should not be pulled or pushed to play in PvP and there can be no award better than self satisfaction. PvP armor, rang and so on come on top when you play PvP, main objective is fun and this won’t come if you expect somebody to push you there.

I hope people will start organizing more PvP events where republic and empire special forces can fight for the victory :D

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In the end of the day, PvP is about fun for people who like PvP. You should not be pulled or pushed to play in PvP and there can be no award better than self satisfaction. PvP armor, rang and so on come on top when you play PvP, main objective is fun and this won’t come if you expect somebody to push you there.

I hope people will start organizing more PvP events where republic and empire special forces can fight for the victory :D


Come on now. If there is no reason to do something, than their is no reason to do it. I mean I love PvP and surely if invited I would love to participate in PvP Events like this but these events are just that, events for the sake of the event and the event becomes the "reason" to do it.. aka its fun to participate in events. But ultimatly without a reason to pvp, the reliance on players to produce reasons through the creation events simply means that their will be very little pvp in the game. This is the first such event in 3 weeks. Even if they bring the ratio up to once a week its hardly sufficient. Global mass PvP should be taking place every day 24/7.


When i log in there should be one going on ready for me to join. Not one scheduled 2 weeks from now at 7:30pm.


I think you understand the difference here, lets not make execuses for a game with a clear cut case of missing features. its forgivable, its a new game and I understand they don't have this in place yet, but its a must if PvP has any future in this game at all outside of scenarios.

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Its awsome to see and its great that it happens, but as already mentioned, this was an event that took planning in order to take place. People don't have any reason to naturally come together and fight for things like say in games like Dark Age of Camelot or Warhammer Online. It was an event that took place for the events sake. There isn't one taking place right now and when I log in their won't be groups already in place out fighting.


You jump on Warhammer Online anytime of the day 24/7 and you will have mass pvp combat taking place.


I think the point to be made here is that SWOTR needs a logical and natural reason for people to get together for PvP, right now, there is no purpose to it and so people don't do it unless someone goes out of their way to schedule events.


QFT. Games should be designed to encourage and facilitate pvp. If players are having to organize it then that's not a good sign.


Some of the last day's on Dark Crag one of WARhammers best servers were spent dualing destro in Chaos wastes.


It's sad when players have to do the designers job's.

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Come on now. If there is no reason to do something, than their is no reason to do it. I mean I love PvP and surely if invited I would love to participate in PvP Events like this but these events are just that, events for the sake of the event and the event becomes the "reason" to do it.. aka its fun to participate in events. But ultimatly without a reason to pvp, the reliance on players to produce reasons through the creation events simply means that their will be very little pvp in the game. This is the first such event in 3 weeks. Even if they bring the ratio up to once a week its hardly sufficient. Global mass PvP should be taking place every day 24/7.


When i log in there should be one going on ready for me to join. Not one scheduled 2 weeks from now at 7:30pm.


I think you understand the difference here, lets not make execuses for a game with a clear cut case of missing features. its forgivable, its a new game and I understand they don't have this in place yet, but its a must if PvP has any future in this game at all outside of scenarios.

I am with you man, and I would love to have all the PvP features and goals, my point is rather lets not wait until Bioware will bring more meaning to PvP (they will I am sure) but organize something by ourselves. Even if PvP is meaningful but there is no desire for players to play PvP - no PvP will happen.

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QFT. Games should be designed to encourage and facilitate pvp. If players are having to organize it then that's not a good sign.


Some of the last day's on Dark Crag one of WARhammers best servers were spent dualing destro in Chaos wastes.


It's sad when players have to do the designers job's.

Players should get fun out of gameplay, and only this is valuable. There is no game that bring physical value for the player and everyone finds his/her own value playing the game and guess what value is that. Same with PvP why do people do this? Because they like it, because they express themselves, because it's fun for them in the game.

PvP is built on players desire to do it that the main driver.

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I personally think they should start small. Make the PvP scenarios fun, balanced and interesting. Thats sufficient for now. I suspect we will never see something as large as a realm vs. realm system even though thats kind of what Im hoping for. But ya of course, the situation is what it is today and I think its great players are getting involved. As a game though, if it hopes to capture a PvP audiance they have much work to do and given how impatient players are and a slew of PvP games on the horizon they really don't have much time. Guild Wars 2 is going to draw a very large player base being PvP focused and their are a number of other PvP oriented, Sandbox games and interesting MMOS scheduled for 2012 like Warhamer 40k, NeverWinter, Archage is getting a lot of attention for good reason, even Diablo 3 is going to create competition for this game all games with clear player vs. player components in mind.


Bioware can not afford to feel safe with this game. Its missing a lot of important features that make for a good MMO and every day that they don't have them in the game is one more day for players to rethink their subscription dollars.


Its a great franchise, a fun game and a great developer. They have every advantage to make this game work, but they have to get this game in much better shape if they don't want to end up like Age of Conan or Warhammer Online. Great games with great franchises and great developers which had great starts, but ultimatly are suffering at the hands of subscribers who simply don't want to pay to wait for a developer to get it together and the road to recovery from unrealized and under developed starts is a very long and hard one, far harder than if you get it right out of the gate.

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I personally think they should start small. Make the PvP scenarios fun, balanced and interesting. Thats sufficient for now. I suspect we will never see something as large as a realm vs. realm system even though thats kind of what Im hoping for. But ya of course, the situation is what it is today and I think its great players are getting involved. As a game though, if it hopes to capture a PvP audiance they have much work to do and given how impatient players are and a slew of PvP games on the horizon they really don't have much time. Guild Wars 2 is going to draw a very large player base being PvP focused and their are a number of other PvP oriented, Sandbox games and interesting MMOS scheduled for 2012 like Warhamer 40k, NeverWinter, Archage is getting a lot of attention for good reason, even Diablo 3 is going to create competition for this game all games with clear player vs. player components in mind.


Bioware can not afford to feel safe with this game. Its missing a lot of important features that make for a good MMO and every day that they don't have them in the game is one more day for players to rethink their subscription dollars.


Its a great franchise, a fun game and a great developer. They have every advantage to make this game work, but they have to get this game in much better shape if they don't want to end up like Age of Conan or Warhammer Online. Great games with great franchises and great developers which had great starts, but ultimatly are suffering at the hands of subscribers who simply don't want to pay to wait for a developer to get it together and the road to recovery from unrealized and under developed starts is a very long and hard one, far harder than if you get it right out of the gate.

Nothing to argue I believe every PvP player wants to have it and it seems Bio knows it as well. There is a PvP base in the game (nice fights, WZ, Illum) and more to come starting from patch 1.1

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Some people are getting to 50 right now, so it's about time.

Expect more of these awsome moments 1 month from now :)

This what I would also assume. Current server population in average has not reached 50 lvl, once lots of people are there, such events will happen more often.

Edited by Vados
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