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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top Ten Reason Republic Loses WZ so much


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Yeah tell me about it, it's not like alts exist or anything to these people, anyone who is a low level is a horrible noob with no idea of what they're doing. I've been playing since August when I was invited to the beta and I know a thing or two about how to play, but if I show up in a warzone with an alt at level 13 there's always at least one dick that rants about how much of a terrible person I am for wanting to pvp at a low level, and don't even get me started on how I try to tell people how a certain warzone works when I see a lot of people doing it wrong and they call me a kid for having a lower level character than they do.



Can't wait for the 21st, if even half of all these idiots that scream that they're going to leave do, the game will get so much more fun without them around.


I couldn't agree more mate. If anything, this game is going to get a whole lot better once all the whiners get out of here. Every single MMo I play, it's the same thing all over again - then the whiners leave, and things usually blossom from there on.


People always blame something when they lose, what happened to sucking it up and taking it like a man?

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let me correct


emps have much higer % in teh whole population on most servers, that means that ALSO much more % are level 50's. and when you are 50 what can you do in this game ? farm valor. so go to warzone or to ilum.

emps have higher % in population and has higher % in 50's, and higher % in wins, that says all ^^


Does not matter how much higher the population is. Deciding factor is that avg level of emp wz raid is most of the time considerably higher than what reps get ... which leads to ppl often leaving wz prematurely on rep side, which makes the problem worse.


Once 1.1 hits emp PvP skills will drop.

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Problem on legions of lettow is, the republic has no interest in WZ - so you wont even meet them.


I think it has something to do with emps decked in lvl 50 exp gear being too scared to go without premade and 1-2 pocket healers to fight the rep pugs made mostly from <50 players on LoL.

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Pointless, thread is pointless.

Republic owns on basically every WZ I have played on my server.

As well as Republic winning almost every Ilum 'fight'.


Sounds like the OP has been hurt too much.

Probably paying out lowbies to make him feel better?

Maybe his faction gets owned on his server too much?



This post is not meant to emotionally harm any Imperials or the OP

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I think it has something to do with emps decked in lvl 50 exp gear being too scared to go without premade and 1-2 pocket healers to fight the rep pugs made mostly from <50 players on LoL.


As a republic, LoL randoms can be pretty crap yea, but overall each night's pvp we get significantly more wins than losses when I go with friends. Granted, its usually 4 of us + 4 randoms, but almost each time there are 4 people from same guild on empire side as well.


Also, what is this about republic hardly queuing? We often play HuttBall against another republic team on LoL. So that would suggest otherwise?

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Fixed that for ya.


I'm pretty amazed at how badly the lowbies are being treated. Not everyone does it, but a lot of people do. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. If you actually do love PvP, you really should be a lot more open minded - and actually assist your lowbie friends, eventually they will reach high levels and preferebly become PvP players if they have had a good time playing Warzones.


This thread just goes to prove how bad the PvP community can be at times.


Absolutely true. I've seen lots of level 50's complain and tonight I saw an entire level 40-50 premade leave a warzone because there were level 20's in it. This kind of idiocy drives people away from PvP. The game was set up with an option for lower as well as higher level characters to PvP together. Do they need to balance or fix it in some fashion? Obviously yes they do. But it's there, and it shouldn't be a reason for low level players to decide that PvP is awful because high level players act like jack-asses towards them.

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Amusing and sadly true.


Also let's not forget everyone on republic side rolling a Jedi Knight, coz imma gonna protect teh Republic with mah blueh Lightsabah. Hardly anyone plays a healer or ranged.

On Empire side a lot of people rolled sorcs, BHs, etc, coz of, well, lightning and flamethrowers are cool. Also sorcs can heal.


So a typical let's say 6v6 skirmish looks like this: All our heroic Jedi Knights rushing only to defeat "teh bad guy wiht teh red doublesabahs" and engaging the 2-3 empire melee, that are getting healed. All the while being completely oblivious to the fact of being completely demolished by the empire ranged semicircle.


***** please: IMA imperials, ima so evil and dark. I will name my self dark soul black assisins. Ima 13 years old who tells his friends his so freakin evil sithlord. SO COOL

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I completely agree with the folks that say the strats are not good for 4 or 6 OP sorcs.


Of course there would be an strategy to allow you to pwn 4 or 6 players specially if they are sorcs.


As we all know sorcs are OP we need to nerf the so I can kill 4 or 6 without a sweat, because you know ... they are OP !!! if 4 attack me I die !!!!!


We could call it the Chuck Norris patch, where every class could own 4 or 6 sorcs just for the lols. To attain balance you know.

Edited by klathnagma
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Amusing and sadly true.


Also let's not forget everyone on republic side rolling a Jedi Knight, coz imma gonna protect teh Republic with mah blueh Lightsabah. Hardly anyone plays a healer or ranged.

On Empire side a lot of people rolled sorcs, BHs, etc, coz of, well, lightning and flamethrowers are cool. Also sorcs can heal.


So a typical let's say 6v6 skirmish looks like this: All our heroic Jedi Knights rushing only to defeat "teh bad guy wiht teh red doublesabahs" and engaging the 2-3 empire melee, that are getting healed. All the while being completely oblivious to the fact of being completely demolished by the empire ranged semicircle.


and thats an issue that needs to be fixed. Republic players are indeed going to roll a lot of JKs. Making sure they suck at pvp is a stupid thing for the devs to do. Either JKs need a ranged tree (because 3 melee dps trees for sentinels is just absurd) or they need a massive reworking to be viable OTHERWISE the reality is everyone WILL simply roll ranged. Devs, hoping no one will play JK anymore? You're ensuring it.

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I find Republic players in general to be better than Imps now days. The fact that Sith outlevel and outnumber Republic by so much, Republic players had to get better, fast; the ones that didn't ragequit to the Imp side or have been just avoiding PvP. On Dark Reaper it seems like Repub will win 50%-60% of the games in the day (maybe dropping off below 50% in some pockets), but for some reason absolutely DEMOLISH the imp side 80% in the night (night where I live), around 4-7am CST, probably because that's when the repub kiddies are sleeping. Yeah, we just facerolled a game where we had two level 50's and a bunch of <30's and the Imps had like 4+ 50's. I predict Repub rolling Imps when the 50's bracket comes; and the Imps can enjoy their long queue times.


tldr; Republic players had a tough road to the top, while Imps rode the EZ train in the form of stacked teams.

Edited by kckkryptonite
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