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Sentinel's biggest problem: Ability Stuttering


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Thing is though, it's probably very difficult to fix. While it is a very annoying factor, you can't just change the coding like that overnight and fix the bug. It may take a very long time, and it could actually be possible that it will never be entirely fixed - this is because you can't just change some of the codings which have gone behind this at this point.


You can be sure that BioWare dedicates a lot of resources to fixing this, but depending on the source of the problem, it may just be a very difficult task that takes a lot of time/cannot be entirely solved. I guess we all gotta be patient and see what happens.


If this is true, I might just reroll now, because there is no way in hell that Im gonna play a class who is A) Underpowered and B) Has broken skills.


I already put alot of effort in playing this class and accepting the unbalance, but not if they keep the abillities broken for so long.

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I rolled a new Jedi Knight Alt at the start of he week as I was finding the game a bit awkward with my Guardian and wanted to try Sentinel to see if that made things a bit easier going, I found that the Sentinel was more suited to my play style, I have never come across this so called bug in over 40 hours of gameplay with my character, I press the button for the attack and she performs the action, carries out the attack and does damage as she is supposed to. It is possible guys that the problem could be with your computers and not with the game itself as surely if the problem was with the game then I and many more people would be experiencing it as well.


40 hours really? I'm on 12 days or game play on my Sentinel and I can assure you stuttering is a real pain in the behind!


When you leap and stutter on the landing thats fun.


When you cauterize and you get stuck in the animation loop in mid air that's like being CCed from the enemy.


How about when you use OS and it animates over and over and over then when it finially hits the person you were hitting had JUST got a heal off! That's awesome fun.



Anyone noticed the delay on using Cyclone Slash too? Awesome Stealth breaker if it did't delay for 3 seconds then stutter back and forth for another 5 seconds... Awesome fun.

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bug is still present. the buttons have changed, they changed the fadeing some, still hard to see.


I vote they let u make them totally blacked out if u CANT even cast, or i rather have a number in the button counting down when i can resue.


on a side note. the skill may come off cool down, but u may not have focus to use it, IMO the button should be still dark... such that u cant miss its not available. until u have both. focus and cool down such that u can now use the skill. or allow us to alter the dim of each of the decisions. 1. off cool down, 2. focus to use a skill.


just my .02

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The only time I notice the stuttering is when I spam the button. If i press it once it fires as expected but if i press it a second time during the animation it's when I get it.


This may be while some people aren't noticing it because they are only pressing the ability a single time.

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The only time I notice the stuttering is when I spam the button. If i press it once it fires as expected but if i press it a second time during the animation it's when I get it.


This may be while some people aren't noticing it because they are only pressing the ability a single time.


You can get strutters without spamming buttons


Sometimes the target just moves a tad and the animation resets


Its painfull, try zealous strike a couple of times to a gold after you leaped in an at least 50% of the time it will reset when the gold moves a tad, you have to reclick it and hope it will launch


Also with merciless which is extremelly painfull since its a 5 focus melee that should deliver about 3k damage and you see it not launching and you go nooooooooo !!

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