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[Ven Zallow] Republic vs Empire RP-PvP event. 9pm CST Friday the 13th on Tatooine.


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"Let all who read this know, that the Imperial Special Forces and allies will be immediately seizing new territories in northern Tatooine in the name of the Emperor. Tomorrow evening I, Lord Sourne Mal, will be facilitating negotiations concerning these events with Republic representatives just south of the Republic Outpost Salara in northern Tatooine. I am certain to have the Republics utmost cooperation in these dealings, as they no doubt realize the Empires resolve in matters such as these. However, I will be accompanied with a significant force as a precautionary measure should these negotiations decay. Until that time, I look forward to meeting with the Republics representatives tomorrow."
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All Empire and Republic are invited to attend this event tomorrow night. Any who are interested in the pre-brawl RP please let me know here so we can get some loose organization on both sides before the event. This will be a lot of fun if we get a decent turnout on both sides. Tell your guild and friends!

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A big shout out to everyone who came out for the event tonight on both sides. That was a lot of fun and my empire players who participated really enjoyed it. Great RP and a special thanks to Echu for stepping up and leading the Republic in the RP. Well done! Empire had more and higher levels, but the Republic had some outpost guards helping at times, which helped even the odds slightly. Reps had about 15 fighters while the Empire had a few more, but level wise the Reps were outmatched. Hopefully they will have some higher level representation during future events, but I would still like all level 25+ to participate. Until next time.

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If you are level 25+ you should be fine. There will be level 25-50 on both sides, and hopefully someone the Republic side can step up to help me organize the fight so that lower levels are fighting lower levels, and higher fighting higher, to make it as much fun for everyone. Regardless of what happens, even if you are around level 25 you will still have a lot of fun!
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Thanks for doing this. Seems like our server isn't nearly as socially active as some of the others so it's good to see people putting these sorts of things together. I'd love to join in, but Friday nights are bad for game time for me. I'll see what I can do though.
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