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Healing infavourable?


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Since i'm not max level yet i can't comment on how this is going to turn out, but currently sub-level 20 healing seems to be infavourable in terms of medals/valor gains. Damage output is in a 1v1 situation mostly bigger than the healing output, now in warzones it seems like there is a healing debuff that reduces all healing received by 30%. The requirements for some medals however remain the same for both damage and healing, 75k to gain either medal.


There are also other medals that favours the damage minded people, for example the killing blow one which seems to be a bit harder to gain as a healer, atleast if one is trying to keep his teammates alive. So far i haven't seen a healer-oriented medal to compensate for this to help increase valor gains.


Now, as i said i don't know how this scales with level, and really haven't heard this discussed so might just be me a bit whiny about this? Anyone else feels the same or care to comment on this?

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I agree, healers need more options to earn medals, otherwise its going to make everyone just DPS and TANK... which is bad for everyone!



Maybe heal the target which gains the killing blow or something gives you the same amount of credit...

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Many people are going to be very disappointed if the healing classes aren't rewarded adequately.


That makes people not want to play healing classes, which hurts 2 fold.


1. It hurts all the healers out there who won't have fun so they leave.

2. It hurts the rest of the players because there's no healers.


Hope this gets evened out in a near patch.


It's only day 2 of head start so I'm still hoping for the best from the Devs and their hard work.

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If you're healing you'd better have a partner or two who knows how to fight; preferable someone with some peel ability (someone with CCs that can get attackers off of you) such as a Jedi Knight, or Sith Warrior (preferably Guardian/Jugg).


Sadly, these two classes don't really shine until higher levels. Other than that, if you're a healer, you need to look at yourself like the PvP version of a Tank, you get player aggro. Unfortunately, PvP in this game has more stuns/CCs than it knows what to do with, and the strength of any Sages' or Inqs' heals are pretty tame at best.


All in all, unless you have a group that knows what they are doing, and has PvP'd with a healer on their team (so they know to protect it, not to range it); you're pretty much a free kill or a 20 sec delay machine for a node capture.

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Glad i'm not the only one who feels this way, hopefully bioware notices the problem and give it some kind of a fix. I feel like they are on a good track, and the change wouldn't even have to be drastic. 50k healing instead of 75k seems more fair with the 30% reduced healing debuff, healing a target that delivers killing blow awards the medal too for the healer, include a savior medal or something like that, gives a medal for healing a target below 20% to 80%+ while in combat.
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I have gotten to play 2 warzones (both against my own faction lol)... one at 11 where I had no CC to get away from anyone and I hit 78k healing... and one where the ops window would not show damage being taken and I had a bad time trying to keep people alive where I hit 102k healing.


First game we lost 2-0 (they had 5 SIs) and the second we lost 1-1.


I did think my heals were not healing for much and the lag between my cast bar and when the heal actually went off wasnt quite right, but all in all I did pretty well for the problems I had and dont really think I was off on valor. :/

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This needs a sticky and a dev post. Initially healing was kind of overpowered in pvp leading to healers being almost invincible unless they where focused down by 2+ enemies. The 30% nerf is less of a band-aid to the problem then a full-body cast.


Sorceror/Sage gets the short end of the stick on their healing trees because they miss out on alot of damage abilities to do other things (BH/Trooper and OP/Scoundrel get alot more damage abilities).


Right now I don't see myself getting a lot of pvp healing medals until I am 50 with full battlemaster gear and a pre-made.:mad:

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*IF* it hasnt changed since the end of Beta, you should be fine getting the 75k damage and 75k healing awards. once you get your 2nd more effecient healing ability.


warzones arent as fun until you are atleast 14-16. when you have more class abilities

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The thing is, good healers don't just heal in pvp. If you want to just tunnel heals and good really high heal numbers, then why not pve? The best PvP healers are doing a lot more than just healing and should be rewarded for that. Besides healing they are doing damage and doing cc. This game makes healers and tanks actually able to make a decent damage difference, and being that the health in this game doesn't drop ridiculously fast, they should be taking advantage of these other abilities.


That said, if a healer is doing all these things and still be rewarded improperly, then it needs to be tweaked.

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Seems to be very mixed on this, can't comment on how it goes for other classes as well, i'm playing a trooper.


About a good pvp healer also doing damage, i try to do this as much as possible, but when fightning more than 2 enemies its just not possible, the damage output is too high for me to be able to use resources on anything else than healing.


It might get better with levels and as time progresses, even if there aren't a significant problem right now i hope bioware monitors this as imbalance between damage and healers might end up making people migrate away from what they want to do.

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About a good pvp healer also doing damage, i try to do this as much as possible, but when fightning more than 2 enemies its just not possible, the damage output is too high for me to be able to use resources on anything else than healing.


I agree, there are definitely times when you need to sit and just spam heals, but making that decision is what seperates good healers from average ones.

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