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Three Wins for a Daily


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The problem is that the game doesn't appear to have a matchmaking system worth a damn, theres almost NEVER an even game its just faceroll win or epic loss.

Its getting kinda boring tbh...


That you need 3 wins for the daily woudnt be a problem if you on average would win half your games (the objective of matchmaking).

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They need to change it from x wins to x medals and then add more healing medals


Empire players will still get theirs within 3-5 matches and skilled Republic players will also get them quickly enough even if on a massive losing streak

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This is not a troll post.


I am curious if everyone is happy with the way daily quests are currently set up where you're required to win 3 matches to finish it. In theory, I don't mind that it's "win 3" instead of "win 1"; however, in reality, it's such a major time sink. Warzones in TOR tend to be fairly long, and it's hard to guarantee a win since you can't queue a raid.


Anyway, I'm honestly not whining, but I'm surprised that this point wasn't in the main "issues" (stickied) thread and wanted to get more feedback. (Sorry, no 'search' to see if it's already a discussion somewhere.)


It just frustrates me sometimes that I spend all of my free time in a particular day (2-3 hours) running warzones to get my daily done, and not have enough time to do anything else in the game (including open pvp, flashpoints, or other characters.)




1. Dailies require 3-9 wins. Not 3. Last time I won 3 and got 3 wins was last week. I had to win 12 on monday to get my daily done.

2. You don't have to finish they daily quests every single day. Get a win, do something else. Get two wins tomorrow. Daily done. You'll still get around 9 bags a week just for finishing half of the dailies, the weekly quest and from commendations.

3. Get a team. I don't play warzones without a team. We go in, we win, we go out. If the system worked ok and we would be getting all the wins for games we won we'd be done in an hour tops.


I don't always have time to do anything else than warzones (12 wins ftw), but most of the time I do have a lot. Enough to finish Belsavis dailies, 3 hardmode flashpoints and sit chatting and doing nothing for quite a while.




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3 wins is fine. The problem is group queues and solo queues.


The biggest factor to getting wins in PvP is coordination.


So because you can queue solo and face a group of 4 people who are in the same guild and on VOIP you will lose everytime. This is a big problem. This basically forces you to have to group with 3 other people, with at least 1 healer (preferablely 2)


Whether or not this is what BW intended this is the end result. Forcing people to group to win and get rewards in PvP.


Not saying it's good or bad, just the facts.

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I like the 3 wins, but would like to see a minimum contribution requirement I.E. minimum damage/healing/prot/medals. Obviously these would need to be class specific because lets face it, as a Jugg, i have an easier time getting medals than a healer.



I've spawned into WZ's 10 seconds from the end and been credited for a win, while its a nice surprise its not really fair on the other guys who need to grind their way through the full zones, nor is it really how its intended to work. AFKers are also getting rewards for doing nothing.


We need a min requirement in these to keep it so the people who get the rewards are the people who really are deserving of them.

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I like the 3 wins, but would like to see a minimum contribution requirement I.E. minimum damage/healing/prot/medals. Obviously these would need to be class specific because lets face it, as a Jugg, i have an easier time getting medals than a healer.



I've spawned into WZ's 10 seconds from the end and been credited for a win, while its a nice surprise its not really fair on the other guys who need to grind their way through the full zones, nor is it really how its intended to work. AFKers are also getting rewards for doing nothing.


We need a min requirement in these to keep it so the people who get the rewards are the people who really are deserving of them.


While I completely agree with your sentiment and the reasons behind it, I think they'd need to be very careful about how it was implemented.


For example, having someone stand at the flag and call incs on Alderaan is a pretty important job - the downside being that sometimes your node sees little-to-no action for the whole thing, meaning all you come away with is your 1k and 3k Defender Medals. Didn't do much in damage or healing terms - but I'd still far sooner someone was stood there keeping watch than leaving it completely undefended.


That person was still vital to the victory - even if all they did was scare off the chancers looking for an empty node to ninjacap. I'd therefore hate for a system that requires a minimum level of participation to further incentivise running off and leaving it open.


On Huttball it's less of an issue, perhaps, but a team playing strategically might still conceivably station someone on the enemy's top ramp to allow access for the ball carrier or receive a pass - again, it's possible (though admittedly less likely than the Civil War scenario I mentioned above) that they'd see periods of little to no action simply by doing their job correctly.


So yeah - completely agree with you, folk who AFK though and hope for the win shouldn't really be credited and a minimum threshold would be great - but it'd just need to be implemented in such a way as to not punish that kind of "team first" play. Lord knows that defending a node is a thankless enough task as it is!

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While I completely agree with your sentiment and the reasons behind it, I think they'd need to be very careful about how it was implemented.


For example, having someone stand at the flag and call incs on Alderaan is a pretty important job - the downside being that sometimes your node sees little-to-no action for the whole thing, meaning all you come away with is your 1k and 3k Defender Medals. Didn't do much in damage or healing terms - but I'd still far sooner someone was stood there keeping watch than leaving it completely undefended.


That person was still vital to the victory - even if all they did was scare off the chancers looking for an empty node to ninjacap. I'd therefore hate for a system that requires a minimum level of participation to further incentivise running off and leaving it open.


On Huttball it's less of an issue, perhaps, but a team playing strategically might still conceivably station someone on the enemy's top ramp to allow access for the ball carrier or receive a pass - again, it's possible (though admittedly less likely than the Civil War scenario I mentioned above) that they'd see periods of little to no action simply by doing their job correctly.


So yeah - completely agree with you, folk who AFK though and hope for the win shouldn't really be credited and a minimum threshold would be great - but it'd just need to be implemented in such a way as to not punish that kind of "team first" play. Lord knows that defending a node is a thankless enough task as it is!


Good point and one I didn't really consider. Maybe adding additional medals to be obtained around the nodes would help. At the moment we get nothing for capping them. Adding an additional medal for 500 defender points before the 1k would give someone an extra medal for doing a pretty important job.


This also translates to Voidstar. I've been defending an empty door for most of the round in some games. Hopefully additional medals can be added to allow players carrying out these roles to not be penalised.


I'd rather have tons of medals floating around than have AFK'ers on my team.

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This is not a troll post.


I am curious if everyone is happy with the way daily quests are currently set up where you're required to win 3 matches to finish it. In theory, I don't mind that it's "win 3" instead of "win 1"; however, in reality, it's such a major time sink. Warzones in TOR tend to be fairly long, and it's hard to guarantee a win since you can't queue a raid.


Anyway, I'm honestly not whining, but I'm surprised that this point wasn't in the main "issues" (stickied) thread and wanted to get more feedback. (Sorry, no 'search' to see if it's already a discussion somewhere.)


It just frustrates me sometimes that I spend all of my free time in a particular day (2-3 hours) running warzones to get my daily done, and not have enough time to do anything else in the game (including open pvp, flashpoints, or other characters.)




Takes me between 1.5-3.0 hrs every day queuing solo. It might be abit much for the casual gamer, but nobody is holding a gun to your head saying you need to finish them every day.


I am more worried about how long the upcoming Ilum daily is going to potentially take on servers with a heavy faction imbalance.

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Takes ages to do on my server, too many empire 50s/premades compared to what republic has, takes about 35 games to get the weekly done. Unfortunately I cant tell 7 other people how to play.


Then, if you do win, it bugs and doesn't add it to your mission.

Had this happen 3 times in a row, 4th win and it gave me 1/3.


Really annoying when we do win because it's rare and then it doesn't give us the points.

I've got about 7 bags worth of wins being lost.


For my weekly, I do 1 a day because it's very frustrating, but even getting a single damned win is irritating enough to make me stop pvping for the day.

Edited by ChrisJSY
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Just my thoughts on the matter ...


1. I am fine with the win 3 for the daily ... and I PUG almost every warzone I play. But like others have said, not getting the dailies to count towards the dailies and weeklies does get very discouraging quickly.


I take a different approach to warzones. Unless I am on a winning streak, I never do warzones back to back. I will do one, run a space mission, or kick around Ilum and do some quests there. I discovered that to maintain my sanity I have to stop pushing to complete the warzone daily as quickly as possible. Take your time, spread it out over a period of time (if possible) and if it happens it happens. I simply ignore the fact it warzone daily is a daily and treat it as nothing more than another weekly. I refuse to let my blood pressure go up simply because I have the odds stacked against me because I PUGGED a warzone.


2. The issue here seems not to be with the daily for the 49 and under, but with the level 50s bracket. Personally, I think once the PVP patch finds it way on live and the 50s get their own bracket, this problem and most of the frustration that goes along with it, will be resolved. Premade or otherwise, once a team is nothing but 50s, the odds of a victory even out because teams all have near equavalent gear.


3. Once you hit 50, it doesn't matter if you win or lose. The true goal is to reach level 60 valor which takes hundreds of warzone completions to reach. Only then do you gain access to the Battlemaster gear. Centurion gear is easy to pick up and the champion gear all but falls in your lap after a week or two simply by PVPing.


So I have no isue with the daily 3 win. If anything I would actually like to see more PVP warzone quests. Maybe another weekly for completing X number of warzones (so people don't desert when things go south).

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