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Dear Bioware, your PvP system is flawed, even if you add brackets


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It i sososososososo easy to obtain Champion Gear or at least Centurion, which negates all your arguments about fresh 50s getting rofl stomped.


Even if they do, you got almost the same benefit of loosing a WZ compared to winning, it more depends on how many medals you earn.


there in lies the failure of the WZ's.. its arace to get champ gear.. then a race to get the next gear.. to do what? MORE WZ'S!


PvP in the game is like the space portion.. just a side mini game that doesnt do anything

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there in lies the failure of the WZ's.. its arace to get champ gear.. then a race to get the next gear.. to do what? MORE WZ'S!


PvP in the game is like the space portion.. just a side mini game that doesnt do anything




I enjoy PvP the most of all there is in SWTOR and it is fun when playing with friends. Although we win most WZs, sometimes we get real good enemies which makes the match so much more fun and I can't wait till there are more 50/or the 50s bracket, so Warzones get more challenging.

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It i sososososososo easy to obtain Champion Gear or at least Centurion, which negates all your arguments about fresh 50s getting rofl stomped.


Even if they do, you got almost the same benefit of loosing a WZ compared to winning, it more depends on how many medals you earn.


It took me the better part of a night to get 2 pieces of lvl 50 champions gear, let me tell you i didnt have any fun, at all. I walked in got smashed and died all in about the time it took you to read to this part of the post. Most of the time i just ran around the top section of the starting area (you know the like U shape you can run around forever without triggering deserter) until the match was over watching as my team was butchered WZ after WZ because the only thing we had to fight against was premade fully geared either champion or battlemaster geared players, it's gonna be hard for people, expecially new players, to even think about queing for a WZ when they have no chance to fight back and eventually realize it's not because they're just bad. And then it wont be long until population starts to drop off, and dont think it wont just cause this is a new game, people know what they like and wont pay monthly for something they dont.

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I'm sorry your guild doesn't have that many 50s.


But there was a WZ bug at launch that I won't explain; but basically it allowed people to get four or more times of the exp they should have gotten for completing the WZ. So there were level 50s around the two week mark.


There is a guild on my server that runs around in WZs in full Battlemaster gear already. With Battlemaster Expertise you are lucky to hit them for more than 1200 on a crit as a DPS Juggernaut without full Champ Gear (I have 3 pieces of the set currently).


If you'd faced them, and the other Republic guilds on my server, you'd know how much of a game changer Expertise is.


I'm also sorry that you desire a special stat to set you above the rest when real PvP should be about like geared people meeting in battle and their skill determining who wins. Not what their gearscore is.


I understand the frustration, but if you look at it in a positive light, you will see there is only one direction you can go now. That is up. As you gain gear, they will get easier to kill, and when you get champ gear, they will be on even ground. They can't advance any further.

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sorry but no...expertise does something vital that WoW devs realized and was make pvpers the top dogs in PVP! Expertise seperates those that pvp from those that do not pvp. It makes pvpers stand out from the crowd, and gives us that edge we need. Big issue in older games was that a group of fully raid geared players would walk into battlegrounds and DECIMATE them because they had raid gear! i do not want to that bull happening again!
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I enjoy PvP the most of all there is in SWTOR and it is fun when playing with friends. Although we win most WZs, sometimes we get real good enemies which makes the match so much more fun and I can't wait till there are more 50/or the 50s bracket, so Warzones get more challenging.



ok its fun because you win most of the time.. can you say it would be fun if you lost most of them?


yes its fun to fight other players I get it, having played DAoC for 8+ years ..yo entiendo.



that isn't my point though, WZ's get stale even with the stupid WZ random rotation.


perhaps if you like FPS PS3 on line games then yes, WZ's are just that.. you kill/get killed rinse repeat..


everyone wins as we all get tokens.




I really dislike this; losers never get anything, hence the term/definition of losing!


PvP as a whole was/is horribly designed, or perhaps its simply catered to the FPS attention span players.


Open world PvP dynamic is right there.. DO something with it! open world PvP is so much more fun!

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The reality of it all is simple; placing players on a hamster wheel for gear keeps them playing.




This is the funniest thing i have read in awhile, yes, I do not get out much. Placing players on a "hamster wheel" will not keep them playing, they will surely get burned out and bored. Daoc had a wonderful system, Why Mythic seemed to mess up while working with Bioware is beyond me. Saying that however, more objectives in Frontiers would have been great. Take it from a Daoc PvPer, I didn't pvp because I wanted to get the next gear set or even because I was on a "hamster wheel". I played because of the community and the thrill of the chase in Frontiers.

If I had of played for gear I would have quit after RR9.. So if you haven't had the luxury of playing a real PvP game and we are NOT talking about WoW. Please don't say anything at all. Just sit and like someone else said .. let the grown ups talk . Children should seen not heard.


If you not pvping for the thrill of chase, placing your self against like minded players and for the love of pvp in general you really should just be raiding if your looking just for the next gear set.


players will get bored and stop playing cause if your mooking for gear, you will get it and then what ? Bioware needs to take the pvpers a bit more serious and realize that their voices count too. More content, better content and fix those bugs please.

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It's not the pvp stat that causes this problem.... it is gear... with stats on them. It dosn't matter if that stat is a "pvp stat" or just higher baseline stats, fresh 50's will still get stomped on by more experienced players because of gear. Either grind through it or go play a FPS.

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Thumbs up op. This reminds me so much of rift. Get beat up until you get to r6-r8 and then beat up other people. You get bored with getting beat up only to get bored with beating up people below you. Where is the skill?


I love my fighting games like Street Fighter, MK, Killer Instinct, Dead or Alive, Tekken, etc. One of my favorite genre's. Then I heard about mmo's and their pvp. I loved the idea of taking a customized character to battle. All the mmo's I played left a bad taste in my mouth, and it all pointed to balance. Now I haven't played many. Maybe 5 and 3 none aaa mmo's.


If anyone know of an mmo pvp game that rocks, and still has lots of people, then let me know. I won't give up on this game just yet as its new, but i need something else to feed my appetite.

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I have never agreed with a post so much as I am agreeing with this one.


I am experiencing exactly what he said. I hit fifty two days ago and my WZ experiences are just awful. I get destroyed in seconds, get no medals, and is unbelievably frustrating.


Level 10s get medals. This makes no sense. Did you pvp for the first time at 50?

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There is a guild on my server that has downed all but one of the Eternity Vault bosses and they are in full PvP gear.


So even with Expertise the itemization progression system in this gear is so out of whack it isn't funny.


ohh so true... I kept telling my guildies to forget the regular quest reward blue they were getting at level 40+ and just pvp to get gear that was better. As I hit level 50 my lvl 40 pvp gear was smoking most of thier level 50 PvE blues. One day later I was in mostly centurian and Champion gear that made my guildies hard earned Hard mode flashpoint epics look like some value village trash.


The PvP item distribution system pretty much ruined any enjoyement of incrimentally aquiring better gear. It made post 50 Heroic Flashpoints no challenge and the rewards were laughably beneath me, I now have absolutely no intension of doing any Flashpoints.


What a trainwreck.

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BW royally dropped the ball when it comes to pvp. Basically they have made all the basic mistakes which were made during the last ca. 10 years.


Worst of all is the huge gear gap. If you are smart, you offer only minor stat advantages and people will grind the gear anyway because they take even a minor advantage.


Now...look at expertise. What a killer. The new 50s which will face premades with fully geared BMs etc hahaha what a massacre.


In a nutshell:

You first need to endure a masochistic experience (with hardly expertise on your toon) to get the gear to have some fun. Exactly like in WoW.


I don't know, a game should be fun from the start. I call that horrible game design - and don't get me started about Illum.


Honestly, in 2006 the indurstry didn't know it better - but today .... gaah.




TL;DR, I don't like people having advantage over me in pvp just because they spend more time playing the game while I don't.


P.S. During Early Access(started 12/13) few people in my guild has already reach lv50 and start their warzone grinding on launch day(12/20).


P.P.S. Your "crying" is wasted, back to leveling/grinding is recommended, or quit because your logic is flawed and until its fix... there is no fixed for you.


So you don't read a text but spout your crap in a "respons". Man, sorry, but ...DOH!



But let me translate your innovative writing:

"Bwaaah! I need my auto-victory about others with my gear - and no I am super skilled but I need my gear anyway - for what I need gear when I am so über skilled? Man, shut up and don't confuse me with logic! I deserve it because I play 24/7 *stom feet*"

Edited by Desgarden
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It i sososososososo easy to obtain Champion Gear or at least Centurion, which negates all your arguments about fresh 50s getting rofl stomped.


Even if they do, you got almost the same benefit of loosing a WZ compared to winning, it more depends on how many medals you earn.


Yeah this. Also my low level alts have beaten level 50 players of the same spec. My level 25 operative got an assassin award on a 50 operative (who also got the jump on me). The amount of crying in this forum is rediculous, you didnt lose because they were 50, you lost because you werent good at PvP.


The excuses then continue that 'oh they have been 50 longer and have better gear'. Except that you can gear yourself fully in PvP gear in less than two weeks.


Then it will be because its premades with better coordination. Or something else, its never their fault.

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Yeah this. Also my low level alts have beaten level 50 players of the same spec. My level 25 operative got an assassin award on a 50 operative (who also got the jump on me). The amount of crying in this forum is rediculous, you didnt lose because they were 50, you lost because you werent good at PvP.


The excuses then continue that 'oh they have been 50 longer and have better gear'. Except that you can gear yourself fully in PvP gear in less than two weeks.


Then it will be because its premades with better coordination. Or something else, its never their fault.


...and then I woke up, my face on the keyboard, drool dripping over the keys and I know it all was a beautiful dream which I had to share on the boards.


When a level 50 operative opens on you, you lie on your face and you die or the operative player was drunk like a skunk

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Solid Post. Lots of good points.


Pvp development team is bad at their job. Made all the mistakes of the worst pvp mechanics of the past that other companies have regretted making and usually patch later to change with a big "we're sorry, please come back" spam email a few months down the road. (stunlocks, gear imbalance, class imbalance, lack of viability for pvp specs -> pve specs, matchmaking failure, consumables failure, terrible resolve mechanic, etc.)


Also, Mythic isn't what it used to be. Warhammer Online also launched with smelly turd of a pvp system that wasn't even a shadow of what DAOC once was.


This game will lose most of its pvp-centered players as soon as the next mmo hits market.

Luckily they were able to roll fatly into this quarter without many viable alternatives for the mmo pvp gamer who wants shiny new graphics and competitive play.

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Look, Expertise is a good idea imo, flame me if you want, but i PvP a lot, always have, always will. and one thing i hate is PvE players coming in with their top tier gear and being on par with me when i have spent all my time PvPing, Sure you can balance gear out so that they are both equal, but then what happens? Why bother PvEing when its so much easier to PvP without having to buy consumables or pay repair bills, and obtain the same gear? Ok so now what? PvE gear has to be just a little better to justify the cost and time right? ok Now PvE gear is better then PvP gear, so we need to adjust PvP gear to par so that player base is happy... O crap we are back where we started... and no one is happy.... Don't you understand PvP needs a stat to be its own Portion of the game
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Yall talking like we can't reach rank 60 before reaching level 50.

Some done that and got quite nice gear their first day, without relying on the RNG.

Just with their rank 60.

How does it make you feel, casual pvpers ?

Edited by vipeka
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Yall talking like we can't reach rank 60 before reaching level 50.

Some done that and got quite nice gear their first day, without relying on the RNG.

Just with their rank 60.

How does it make you feel, casual pvpers ?


lol you can't pass your valor rank before leveling, so a level 49 will have a cap at valor rank 49, only after hitting 50 you can progress your valor rank further, stop making crap up you have no idea how it works troll.

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