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This is LATE Access


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I'm waiting, but the word patience does not apply.


I'm still waiting and lost all patience yesterday


watch, we all get our invite emails on the 19th! IMO they really messed their pre order invite system up! A lot of prissy people out there hahaha!


You really screw up all the pre- order system thousands of people so upset and you ignoring that .


God and you still offer preorder deal for early access???

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I don't know who they think they are fooling. The game released yesterday not on the 20th. The majority of players that will be playing on the 20th have pre ordered the game so by them not being able to play on the day that other people are already playing make it LATE access not early. This is simply the worst launch I have ever seen. I would rather a WoW like launch then having to wait DAYS for a game that is ALREADY RELEASED.


http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/cranberry_glazed_turkey_meatballs/ will cheer you right up

Edited by Starebear
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So I can go to the store and just puckup a copy download it and create andc account and play now??? Since according to your logic anyone should be able to play right now. My copy has not arrived yet due to the fact that it is not availible in stores until the 20th which is also the Official launch day which opens the game up to the entire public and not to the precious few who preordered... even if the precious few are a couple milion people. What if the other 7 Billion people in this world decide to play? Guess they should be able to get into the game today also.
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You would rather have servers crashing for weeks, huge queues, massive bugs and server wipes?


Rather than just wait a day or two to get in sheesh you have weird desires.



we are gonna get crashes and lag anyway as soon as the servers fill up. so people who are in now get 1-3 days of nice playtime, once it is filled up, we get the queues and crashes, and get doubly so screwed

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Awesome. Best thread ever. The fanciest hat I've ever seen was this massive cat in the hat style hat. it was a royal purple with BRIGHT red spots. it had a peacock feather sticking out of a lime green ribbon. The wearer had more swagger than the average man can hope to attain in his entire life. Envy The Hate... I mean Hat.


Hmm, can you actually provide a picture? I only know of cats with stupid hats, but that's what you usually get on icanhazcheeseburger :D

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This is simply the worst launch I have ever seen.


Im assuming this is your first launch then? correct :p. oh and btw the games official launch is the 20th. :rolleyes: please please sort your facts out before QQing ... wait wait, just dont QQ that would make my day

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I laugh when people whine about not being able to get in early. If bioware just let everyone in they would whine that the starting area is too crowded and they can't get anything done.


While I agree with you that BioWare is smart for organizing separate waves to reduce exactly that; starting areas being overcrowded.. people are still waiting for the EARLY access they pre-ordered for. Otherwise I guarantee a MUCH smaller amount of players would have pre-ordered had they known it would turn out like this.

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A release means anyone (the general public) can pick up the game at a local store and play.


This is early access, and most people didn't bother reading preorder details apparently. HURR DURR I get 7 days if i preorder in december RIGHT?


Up to 5 Days Early Access


Up to 5 Days Early


Up to 5


Up to

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This is fully emblematic of how pathetic this new generation is. "I deserve whatever I want when I want it! Me me me! Give me give me give me!"


Stop being such a self-entitled *******. The release date has been December 20th for months, and you aren't entitled to one second earlier of access. IF you are fortunate enough to get it, then that is a GIFT from the people releasing the product.




I came onto the forums looking for updates for the current status of EGA and instead I see thread after thread of complaints about how poor of a launch SWtOR is having. Are you kidding me, people? They originally said UP TO 5 days of early access. They changed it to UP TO 7. We're not even up to the original "up to" date and people are flipping out.


The blatant disregard for other people on these forums is appalling. Rather than think about how Bioware is trying to have a smooth launch for their servers while keeping people as happy as possible, these brats are coming on the forums and complaining how unfair it is to have to wait in line. If they opened the floodgates and let everyone in all at once, do you really think the servers could handle it? How many more people would be on here complaining that the servers are down and they don't want to spend money on their unstable game? Why is it YOU think that YOU should get in before anyone else? Chances are you're not special or more deserving than anyone else on here so please sit down, shut up and wait your turn like everyone else.

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The bioware CEO himself considered the 13th the official launch. You can stop white knighting now.


Wether he thinks it was the official launch or not. It is not an official launch. Why ? Simple an official launch indicates that it is released to one and all. This is early access to those that pre-ordered. You cannot walk into a retail store and buy a physical copy of this game. Therefore it is not officialy launched. As for the other complainers regarding early access time.


You may get 3 to 5 days was the original idea. But they moved it to 7 days, and I'm pretty sure it was to cope with the mass pre-orders they got back in July, so 7 days allowed them to clear this backlog batch. And allows them to get back on track to allows all other pre-orders thier time. I think most if not all but some stragglers will be in by the 16th 17th. this will give the clearly marked 3 to 5 day access for everyone else.


But hey that's just me and logical thinking:rolleyes:, instead of rash rage and white knighting as it was put. See you in game at some point. :)


Btw, where can i get some cool fancy hats ? I want a Merlin hat. hoozahhh!.

Edited by Vroraxxas
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Then give up your EGA code, cancel your pre-order, and deavtivate your account if you think this is launch and that WoW is better. I have played WoW and I hate it there is not even a decent plot! So run alond back to WoW and give me your game so that I can use it to get more of my friends to play.
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I came onto the forums looking for updates for the current status of EGA and instead I see thread after thread of complaints about how poor of a launch SWtOR is having. Are you kidding me, people? They originally said UP TO 5 days of early access. They changed it to UP TO 7. We're not even up to the original "up to" date and people are flipping out.


The blatant disregard for other people on these forums is appalling. Rather than think about how Bioware is trying to have a smooth launch for their servers while keeping people as happy as possible, these brats are coming on the forums and complaining how unfair it is to have to wait in line. If they opened the floodgates and let everyone in all at once, do you really think the servers could handle it? How many more people would be on here complaining that the servers are down and they don't want to spend money on their unstable game? Why is it YOU think that YOU should get in before anyone else? Chances are you're not special or more deserving than anyone else on here so please sit down, shut up and wait your turn like everyone else.


Chance is that they are not any more special? Try they aren't any more special than anyone else. I don't care if the President of the US or the Queen of England got the game and want in if I got the game first I should get in before them.

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i feel sad for you man i really do.




i wish my life could worry around a video game.









Also no its only day 2 of invite silly kid. still 6 WHOLE DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they only really need to give you one to hold up for early play.





i hope and pray you childish people get one day.

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I don't know who they think they are fooling. The game released yesterday not on the 20th. The majority of players that will be playing on the 20th have pre ordered the game so by them not being able to play on the day that other people are already playing make it LATE access not early. This is simply the worst launch I have ever seen. I would rather a WoW like launch then having to wait DAYS for a game that is ALREADY RELEASED.


Best launch in history!

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