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marauder specializations


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All three are viable for levelling IMO.


Annihilation got it easier due to self healing. Carnage has a good burst and feel likes an Early Combat Rogue from WoW. Rage has also a good burst but works best after lvl 30.

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You have to go to the the skills mentor on the Fleet to re-spec, but perhaps there is one in Kaas City as well. Personally, I think Rage is the easiest spec to use while questing due to the AE damage. You'll be killing packs of mobs most of the time, so it's pretty handy to leap at one mob, choke another, and follow it up with a SLAM.
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I'd remove the 2 points in Cloak of Annihilation and put them in Defense Forms (in the Carnage tree). Also, probably the 2 most important talents to get are Dominate and Shockwave. You don't have Dominate. I'd probably change it to something like this:




Your mileage may vary.

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I just tried out Rage when starting on Belsavis and just couldn't get used to it. I see people rocking it every so often though, that's for sure.


My rotation usually is as follows:


Force Charge > Massacre (Blood Frenzy) > Battering Assault (if rage needed) > Gore (for armor pen) > Force Scream (crit while Blood Frenzy active) > Ravage (finish the job)


Then there are times where I'll trip Berserk and go ape s*** with Massacre. Just depends. Throw a Retaliation in when applicable (and when it actually fires, gg delay).


Honestly though I can only follow that rotation somewhat closely during a solo encounter, most of the time elites. Otherwise I just prioritize on the situation: my HP, targets HP, my rage, add situation, CD of follow up abilities (like Ravage for Gore).

Edited by SodaOfYoda
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