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Animation issues.


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Anyone else feel like our animations are affecting our potential DPS.


It feels like I am getting double tapped for my use of abilities. Between GCD and the slow animations, along with the set up for Combat makes me feel like I am losing DPS to this.


The numbers that we put out for abilities is fine, but it seems like I am waiting for my animation to finally finish to move to another and if I mis-step and hit an ability too soon it will cancel the previous ability and I still suffer from the GCD.


This to me seems to be the weakness in Sentinel so far in PvP. Damage is fine and Survivability is fine, but animations seem to be slowing my DPS compared to previous beta builds.


The abilities that are causing me the most issues is Zealous Strikes, Precision Strike and Blade Storm. Which are key abilities in our rotation in the Combat Tree.

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Nearly all the animations are painfully slow, and they DO seem to have some sort of 'lock out' for the next attack beyond the GCD, but the even bigger problem is the double-triple-quadruple stuttering on button presses before anything will fire.


Even once the stuttering is fixed, the animations need to be sped up/simplified/unhooked from the attack chain, just for reliability's sake.

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Nearly all the animations are painfully slow, and they DO seem to have some sort of 'lock out' for the next attack beyond the GCD, but the even bigger problem is the double-triple-quadruple stuttering on button presses before anything will fire.


Even once the stuttering is fixed, the animations need to be sped up/simplified/unhooked from the attack chain, just for reliability's sake.


This THIS THIS!!!!! OMG THIS!!!!


I thought I was going crazy.

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If I go back to Wow it will be because of the animation issues, I dont mind the challenge of being underpowered and having a horrible survivabilty rate, but the animation and graphical errors are killing the game for me. I can't stand all the lag in my combat comands, and why the hell is my guy winding up twice for a sweep? I have died way too many times because of combat related animation issues and it needs to be resolved before too many of us start to bail. Edited by Inlightened
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The stuttering issue is incredibly annoying.


For example yesterday I had to press Zealous Strike or Blade Storm pretty much 3x for the ability to actually go off (and this was on every pull!).


Goes like this:

press Blade Storm hotkey

animation starts

animation stops midway, no Blade Storm damage

press Blade Storm hotkey again

animation starts

animation stops midway, no Blade Storm damage

press Blade Storm hotkey again

animation finally goes all the way and Blade Storm does damage








Very disappointed because of this.

Edited by Vibeth
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