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Please implement companion need on rolls


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TBH, if they made it that you can not NEED on an item you can not use as a player, then the GREED button would pretty much take care of the rest.


Adding a NEED FOR COMPANION option would allow those who can benefit from the item to use it, but that would also need to be ability tested to make sure one of your companions can use it else the GREED button would then become obsolete.





  • NEED - You have the ability to equip the item
  • NEED FOR COMPANION - One of your companions has the ability to equip the item
  • GREED - You do not have the ability to utilise the item, but you want it anyway


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We honestly don't need this. Ninjas will be ninjas, if they want the item, no matter what the reason is, they'll just opt to hit Need. The only way this can possibly work is having the Need option taken out for people who can't use the gear, but you still wouldn't need a "Need for Companion" button.


You can't use your companion in Flashpoints if you have a full group, you can't use them in Operations, or in PvP. Almost every planet gives you the option to fully upgrade your companion's gear, which is more than sufficient. There should almost never be a situation where you feel your companion should get a piece of gear an actual player can use instead.

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Instead of flaming the entire thread to oblivion, maybe trying to find a solution to the problem of ninja looting would be constructive.


You're not helping out in any case. You point has been noted, however if you're only going to say "This is nothing new, search the threads", please don't post. We're here to discuss about a problem, not waste our time.


let us consider this a moment. you put in one button that eliminates part of the 'ninja' problem, and the ninja moves up a notch in their creativity to receive LEWTS and GEARZ and MONEY to the exclusion of all else. so then you implement plan b, and said ninja again ups their creative juices, and finds yet another method ... and so on.


let's look at the laws in the united states, shall we? how many of them are so-called 'stupidity laws,' i.e., seatbelts, because if more people ride with seatbelts, the catastrophic results of car accidents will lessen, somewhat. so, rather than relying on people to do what is in their own best interests, we now issue and mandate this stupidity law, and ticket people for not wearing their seatbelt. this is just one small example, and yes, i'm well aware that there's the whole 'just another way for the government to make money' angle someone is BOUND to point out to ignorant little me.


the simple fact of the matter is, NO MATTER WHAT IS DONE, BAD/STUPID BEHAVIOR WILL ALWAYS EXIST. putting the onus of responsibility on the 'government' or 'game-producer' is a bit silly, because you're going to end up with a product that is, at best, unplayable for all the silly rules mandating others' behavior.


drop the arsewipe

kick the arsewipe

ignore the arsewipe, so that calls for grouping/etc are not heard

leave the group


manage your OWN behavior and, at the same time, let the community know said arsewipe is a, well, arsewipe. there will come a point where said arsewipe finally figures out, well, THIS community's no good for easy pickings anymore, time to move on. yes, i do believe server transfers are forthcoming, in some point in the future.


anyway. that's my 2cr worth.

Edited by Isende
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Maybe more MMOs should copy the DDO method of loot drops. Gear only comes from chests and each person in group has its own list of rewards when opening it. If you happen to come across something someone else can use, then you can click give if you wish. Now the control is on the player themselves and not some need/greed button.
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I think pretty much everyone can certify they have run in this kind of situation lately.


You came upon some neat phat loot, you pressed the Need button... but some other person in your group, who cannot equip that kind of gear, or does not necessarily has the stats for it, will still Need it for its companion.


How enraging is that when you lose the item to someone else's NPC character?


I suggest the implementation of a Companion Need button on rolls. The Companion Need would be higher in priority than greed, but lower in priority than regular Need.


So if no one is "reg-needing" the item, whoever "companion-needed" the item will get it.


The other issue to be adressed is class related gear. People should not be able to roll need on gear of a different class than theirs. Companion Need can still work... but seeing Need gets the higher priority you see how it works :p


Me too.




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