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Help me kill Ops and power tech


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I'm a Sentinel watchmen and I can tear through near about anyone but I can never seem to KO these two classes.


They always seem to get to low health than start just healing themselves even though I use force kick. It pisses me off but I have no idea how they do it. I'll try taking a video tonight.


Does anyone else suffer this problem? and what are strategies to kill these two?

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and by heal I mean out heal my damage.


I'm a lvl 45 watchmen 40 valor.


Watchman does incredible damage, but despite some people claming its burst is better than Combat, it's not that easy and Healers are the living proof of this fact. There is nothing easier for a healer than healing DoT damage, no matter how many you stack.


Try Combat to take out healers, but you'll have problems against other classes then..can't have everything I'm afraid.


But if you still want to do it with Watchman, you need to Crippling Throw them at 50% health and then unload everything you have including your Zen while keeping 1 Focus for a well placed Force Kick.


That's the only way I've seen Watchman kill a healer. If you try a war of attrition, you'll lose every single time.


As Combat, it's easier because you can just damage him to 50% then unload everything at once and the damage will be instant, no DoT.


If you can't even get them to 50% solo, then either they have another healer nearby or you need to ignore them and concentrate on what you can actually deal with.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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In these types of games, healers generally do fairly well in 1v1. Afterall, how effective would healing really be if it offset less than one DPS class on a target? That is why it is so important to focus healers down as a group.


Against a healer in a more or less 1v1 situation, you'll often have to resort to psychological tactics. In some of of the previous comments, you'll note a common theme of saving up all of your powerful attacks until you whittle him down low enough with inferior attacks that a good burst could seal the deal. In a way, you are bluffing him... making him misjudge what you are capable of until it is too late to do anything about it.


Another, albeit riskier bluff would be to sit on your defensive cooldowns until you yourself are quite low, hoping to bait him into ignoring his own healthbar while in search of that quick kill on you. A last second Guarded by the Force, Zen'd Cauterize followed by a health pot and Rebuke can buy you a lot of time while looking like you are petering on the edge of death. All of which has been known to make enemies do some really stupid things.


Of course, the trump card to all of this is an intelligent, well informed opponent. At that point, all bets are off... you're in for a fight.

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Watchman does incredible damage, but despite some people claming its burst is better than Combat, it's not that easy and Healers are the living proof of this fact. There is nothing easier for a healer than healing DoT damage, no matter how many you stack.


Try Combat to take out healers, but you'll have problems against other classes then..can't have everything I'm afraid.


But if you still want to do it with Watchman, you need to Crippling Throw them at 50% health and then unload everything you have including your Zen while keeping 1 Focus for a well placed Force Kick.


That's the only way I've seen Watchman kill a healer. If you try a war of attrition, you'll lose every single time.


As Combat, it's easier because you can just damage him to 50% then unload everything at once and the damage will be instant, no DoT.


If you can't even get them to 50% solo, then either they have another healer nearby or you need to ignore them and concentrate on what you can actually deal with.


6sec Kick, 0m Force Leap, Statis, Awe, crippling throw are more than enough for Watchman. 3 stacks of Overload + Zen + surge does some incredible damage that drop healers instantly.

Edited by Acanti
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I have no issues as a Combat Sentinel against Operatives or Powertech.


Just be mindful of your CDs. That is where you really start to shine against these opponents.


I have noticed a lot of Sentinels not using abilities in WZs, such as Rebuke, Saber Ward and Force Camo, Awe and Pacify.


Against Ops the key is surviving the initial attack. If you can do that, you are golden. I usually will start with popping my Resolute if KD'd and then Camo to give me some breathing room and pop Rebuke and Saber Ward. Then I begin with Zealous Strikes, Precision Strikes then Blade Rush then Blade Storm and spam Blade Rush till 25% and Dispatch.

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