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Legacy Rewards: What would you want?


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very nice ideas here,


some of mine, in no particular order




VOSS as playable(they are beautifully crafted and should be enjoyed by all, imo)


pink and purple saber crystals for republic


at least 10 character slots per server (i want my 8 republic AC's and my 2 imps)


Shared money pool and cargo.


would dig on some legit training/cargo/inventory discounts.


Love the shared social points idea.(pvp should remain per character)


like the idea of collected datacrons across the legacy but also enjoy the hunt :p


oh... also info asap so we can plan alts and such accordingly!!!! lol.


did i mention the voss as playable? or cathar? Togruta for sure too.




ill think of more later... WTB more infos on alt customizations and race possibilities! I want my voss QQ!

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1. Ability to skip the introductory planet for any class you already have past level 10.


2. Ability to use your alts as companions. (Predefined skills)


3. Choose a companion from an alt's storyline.


4. Unlock other weapon types.


5. Custom color schemes for armor.


6. Crew missions - 30% time.


7. Titles from other classes.


8. Shared cargo hold.


9. Shared credit pool.


10. Shared social rank.

1-5 won't happen. Either they introduce an imbalance in the game or the game systems aren't build to accommodate them.

6-9 are actually really good ideas.


I personally think that you'll get access to different race/class combinations that were previously unavailable (Chiss Inquisitor or even maybe Chiss Jedi). Maybe new races like Togruta or other races with humanoid faces.


Titles as was mentioned, some vanity items like pets and rare speeders. Ship customizations but again that may be a bit of a stretch.

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1. +20/30% bonus xp for new alts


2. BoA gear (Bind on Account Gear) so you don't have to change mods every second damn lvl and you can pick a set which actually looks decent. (To those that do not know the concept of BoA, it's gear which automatically scales with your lvl at the status of Prototype items. That way you can think about gearing your companions and not run around looking like half trooper, half bounty hunter.


3. Teleport option, so that you don't have to go through 4-5 different loadscreens with airlocks, ship cinematics and what the heck not whenever going from 1 planet to another.


4. Modifiable color crystal (BoA) so that you can chose your weapon color in the color which you prefer instead of being stuck with orange like most of us are.


5. 10% damage buff whenever doing Warzones (high lvl legacy unluckable)

Edited by Paralassa
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1. 'Legacy Name Here' Orange gear that comes withOUT mods for new members of the Legacy, determined by class and can only be used by the toon, not companions


Ex: Fleetfoot Hammer Pistol for a scoundrel


2. BOP or BOE items become BOA for members of the Legacy


3. Special abilities that can be used by any class (mostly instance abilities with long cooldowns)


4. Legacy Skill Tree

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If you have surveyed a planet on one character then the map would be automatically surveyed on the alt. I like filling out the map! It's just a real ***** to get it done on planets like Corellia and Nar Shaddaa because there are buildings pretty much leading you in a linear way. Edited by Chromiie
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- Shared cargo hold (a tab in it).

- Enable to post between imperial and republic characters (practical when my rep. character loots something an imperial could use, but also spec items :D )

- Bound item shared among characters (I can pass down to a new alt)

- Shared social rank.



- Special legacy titles and codex shared among all characters

- Legacy items (like social), same in both factions, and maybe cross faction items available (like imp. uniform for republic)

- Unlocked character options (but only if it's paired with a 'barber shop' and available there too).

- "family" photo on the ship's captain's room, with all the characters :D


Just what comes to my mind... but seen a lot of nice ideas in the topic.

I think it should be more about the alts as a 'family' shared some parts of the game (and the goods in it :D ), not the more quicker, easier, cheaper line.


And by the way:

- Legacy on the friend/ignore list! (I don't want to pick all charecters of my friends, also if I ignore someone, I want to ignore his alts too).

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1. Special modable gear, like masks that can be seen with hoods.

2. Maybe some different gear, so my male sage won't look like a fruitcake at the end.

3. New character creation features, (tattoos, hair, races ect.)

4. Maybe new ship features, like a common cargo (like others have said) and maybe a mailbox and or possibly the AH in your ship.

5. Maybe a storyline based some how on your legacy, with your other characters in it. Might be hard to do. But you never know.


Well, I'm sure there would be more, but I'm done thinking for the moment.

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