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I'm john, and I'm a altoholic!


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With wife, kids, job, sleep, RL obligations, it really really sucks being an altoholic. I should spend my time on one toon and be done with it, but I can't. I am nearly unable to play more than few sessions without logging in a diff toon. I'm sick and tired of Korriban and Drommund Kass. I refuse to start another Republic character. Ord Mantell and Tyhpon seem to take FOREVER compared to Korriban but Coruscant goes alot faster than Drommund Kass imo.


Part of my problem is crew skills and the desire to have the best toon I can have. In other words I want crafted stims for all my alts, therefore I have to play my biochem dude and mail the stims to my other alts, then my alts catch up to my biochem's lvl and I have to level my biochem again.


It's like "Dammit Bill, just sitck with one freaking character and screw the +16 end +6 defense stim!" (for my jugg tank) "But Bill, to be the best tank you can be you need that Fortitude Stim that Necressa (my inq biochemist) can make!"


It doesn't help that I like all of my alts too. I'll spend a damn hour creating one! They have to look just right, the name must be unique or at least really cool and fit the char perfect:


Like Rennselaer my male imp agent, or Zorsha my female sith inq, or Brutakus my sith warrior, or Missile my...what else... BH merc (will have fun with Legacy name if i can ever lvl that high).

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Just wondering how many other people are juggling multiple toons. I just cannot settle on one.


Operative - 42

Assassin - 35

Commando - 26

Guardian - 22

PowerTech - 20






50 assasin

50 sage

34 vanguard

32 commando

31 commando as well

25 sentinel

44 scoundrel lols

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It's the bane of my existance. I'm usually not an altoholic but in this game... I just can't make up my mind.


This is the FIRST game where I have not been an altaholic. I can't live without stealth, and dont like the Empire. So I am down to two classes. And since I box, I am playing both classes. Only decision was Scoundrel/x3 Shadow, or Shadow/x3 Scoundrel. I went for the later. Guess I could go back to the prior if I get bored, as I did create them.



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I've got alts for every class in the game. I swapped the ACs when I started up some Empire characters. So I've got 8 characters all of which are level 20-45. The guys on the Empire are a lot lower level then the Republic ones I don't enjoy those ACs as much as the Republic counterparts. The only Empire guy I am actually enjoying is my Powertech and I'm considering deleting my level 37 Commando or at least respeccing out of Gunnery.
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This game has sort of changed my alt tendancies. Usually I start at least one of practically everything in a reasonably short time. However, in this game I have spent almost all my time with my Vanguard... she's pretty kick-*****. My next will be a male smuggler, and I'm looking forward to that too. I don't think I'll ever have a main... at least not until I roll one of everything. Why on earth would you just keep grinding endgame when you have so many stories to see!
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My name is Toby and im an altoholic.


1. 50 Shadow, shelved and ragequitted after discovering how much more convenient and efficient ranged DPS are in raids and pvp.

2. 50 Gunslinger.

3. 30 Sage.

4. 27 Commando.

5. 14 Vanguard.

6. 25 Sentinel went back to melee for a bit, screw bioware, I'm still gonna roll melee just because I love pain. and currently leveling this.


I have too much time on my hands...

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Well, let me see if I can get them all together:


Zarkon lvl 46 Marauder (main)

Carcon lvl 30 Sniper

Askarte lvl 20 Assassin

Asmodina lvl 19 Mercenary

Ashar lvl 17 Juggernaut

Atlan lvl 12 Operative

Asmodin lvl 1 Bountyhunter and future Powertech

Myxin lvl 1 Sith Inquisitor and future Sorcerer

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46 def guardian which I can barely stand due to being a crappy class but will finish just for the sake of the story.

41 shadow tank - much better

30 gunslinger- a spectacular class

26 commando - meh, but interesting story

21 sage healer - same as above at this level but good heals

19 assault vanguard - another great class.


Planning on doing a marauder but heard some negative thing about the story.

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I am always an altoholic. The only time I wasn't was when I played FFXI and that's because I didn't like paying extra. (Think I had 2 or 3.)


I have one of each class and each race minus human. Some are kind being nameholders for future race/class combos and others I intend to level very soon. But for once I am actually leveling one toon at a time. My trooper has me completely hooked. Once she is maxed not sure who I will turn to. XP


Commando 45

Everything else 5 or less.

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