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pvp fight against operatives


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Here is a problem I keep having when pvping against operatives. Normally I engage the fight without being able to force leap to him while he is in cover and have to walk to him, allowing him to shoot, slow, and stun me while I can't do anything. By the time I reach him, he easily pushes me back and can still slow and stun me. By the time I reach him the second time, I am almost dead and cannot survive long enough to kill the guy. What is another way to approach this situation without being close to dying when I can finally start fighting?
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Here is a problem I keep having when pvping against operatives. Normally I engage the fight without being able to force leap to him while he is in cover and have to walk to him, allowing him to shoot, slow, and stun me while I can't do anything. By the time I reach him, he easily pushes me back and can still slow and stun me. By the time I reach him the second time, I am almost dead and cannot survive long enough to kill the guy. What is another way to approach this situation without being close to dying when I can finally start fighting?


He's the scissors to your paper. Go find a rock.

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I think they are the Sentinel arch-nemesis, you could try approaching him with the invisiblity skill we have (I forget the name). plus once you reach him you could try guarded by the force followed by medpack if you are nearly dead. MAybe throw a force statis as interupts don't work when they are in cover.
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Pacify him. Pacify + Saber Ward = Guarded by the Force... pretty much.


So as soon as you get up to him, maybe throw down a pacify, and a saber ward. And when he knocks you back and slow/stuns you, you shouldn't be taking much damage. And then you have guarded by the force + medpack, combined with the fact that you should have been on rebuke this whole time you've got a good... 25-30 seconds of incredible damage reduction and damage immunity/defense. Just don't take on 2 Operatives in a row...


Surely by this point he's out of energy, yes?

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Are we talking Operative or Sniper here?

Snipers are generally the ones in cover, whereas ops are the pop-out-of-stealth, white-bar-you, kill-you-before-you-can-move class.


Cover preventing Force Leap is definitely bad times, but Transcendence will get you there, especially if he is caught off guard. Depending on how quickly he knocks you back, it might even get you right back into the fight. If that isn't an option, try Force Camo to get in the first time, then, if possible, position yourself such that the KB will have as little travel as possible.

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Here is a problem I keep having when pvping against operatives. Normally I engage the fight without being able to force leap to him while he is in cover and have to walk to him, allowing him to shoot, slow, and stun me while I can't do anything. By the time I reach him, he easily pushes me back and can still slow and stun me. By the time I reach him the second time, I am almost dead and cannot survive long enough to kill the guy. What is another way to approach this situation without being close to dying when I can finally start fighting?


You need to close in from behind on Snipers with Force Camo. Once they knockback, you Force Leap and own their ***.

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Force camo is the ideal. should give you first dibs on him.


Other options are leap to someone dumb enough to stand next to him.

trans speed boost, use line of sight to get up without getting hit too much.

run up while he is dpsing someone else.





are there less then 3 of you? is he geared? if yes to both, you and your friend are going to die. So go ahead and take a bathroom break.

If 3 or more, chain CC him, burn him down. Be sure to cauterize to break stealth with the dot, even if you arent watchman. A fast awe or cyclone slash can do the job too.

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Agree with MBirkhofer. Also note that for Focus Sentinels, Zealous Leap ignores cover. Use that to recover from one of the Sniper knockbacks (and build your sweep at the same time to kill him, naturally). Stasis is your friend if you got knocked back and don't have any immediate closing options, and follow it up with some of your 10m ranged attacks while marching up again.


I wish I had some strategy against operatives... my best plan is still run at the moment :confused:

Edited by shadowflit
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are there less then 3 of you? is he geared? if yes to both, you and your friend are going to die. So go ahead and take a bathroom break.

If 3 or more, chain CC him, burn him down. Be sure to cauterize to break stealth with the dot, even if you arent watchman. A fast awe or cyclone slash can do the job too.


Pretty much unless you are lucky and he doesn't perform his little trick correctly.

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I'm kidding to some extent.


Ops have two "kill you during CC" options. They can stun or knockdown.

And even "sap"/mez a second person. If done right, can totally kill 2people out of stealth in about 10s.

We do have some major def cooldowns ourselves though. If you are fast, you can fight back. A bit.


Break the CC right away. If you are really fast, pacify. if not quite so fast, guarded by the force.

Hit that caut right away, or hell probably just restealth, and wait for your def cd to be down, and now can kill you no matter what. Obviously, getting focus to fight back can be a major issue.

If not alone, both of you need to break the cc/mez. Again, the mez'd guy can go right into a stasis and ruin his day.

frankly, an op can fight us face to face, way better then they should as well.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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If you don't lag, you can hear the distinctive sound of the Ops knockdown slightly before it really goes off so if you don't have earring or sound issues, you can "anticipate" the knockdown.


Noticed that the hard way the first few times I encountered them. Now, they almost never kill me anymore, but I'm forced to Force Camo and flee majority of the time.

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are there less then 3 of you? is he geared? if yes to both, you and your friend are going to die. So go ahead and take a bathroom break.

If 3 or more, chain CC him, burn him down. Be sure to cauterize to break stealth with the dot, even if you arent watchman. A fast awe or cyclone slash can do the job too.


I haven't had a problem against operatives, they are super squish and dont kill me in their opener very often at all. Even if I survive with 10% I typically win. Pop defensive CDS and blow them the hell up.


They do still get me sometimes though which is fine. They die every time I see them out of stealth, its only fair they get to kill me sometimes if they open.

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