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What's my bottleneck?


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Pretty much this.

The game has coding issues and the engine has problems. I know people with higher end machines than mine who cant play it properly without a great deal of frustration. Mine will run ANY game, MMO or otherwise, at ultra settings - except this game, which it runs on low with STILL having FPS issues about half the time.


Bioware has a problem to fix - you probably don't. Though more RAM will help once they get their system in order.


:D I missed you fruitoftheloom!

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I'm guessing you had something else wrong.


Here is my current with 6 GB - I really can't be bothered switching out my RAM again right now but I'm very certain that 4 GB won't make any difference.




No hard faults on that, and hardly any overall on this or with 4 GB. Maybe a little spike every so often but nothing that registers even as a percent over time.


That I don't doubt. But I seriously doubt you can do no hardfaults with 33% less RAM, you see you have over 4GB assigned there (used + standby) and I still bet you'd get some HF on that 6GB system now and then. And if you reduce the memory there by 33% you will get Hardfaults.


Ofcoz I'm not gonna ask you to remove 2GB just to test. I though you had 4GB in now.

Edited by DeeckTator
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Just to expand on this a bit... You may need logging software or a second monitor to really make use of this suggestion.


When you tab out of the game and have it minimized to the task bar you are rendering less graphics and will not get any kind of consistent readings from GPU-Z unless you have something logging the performance.


GPU-Z has a logging feature, but you don't even need it. You can configure it to show highest/lowest/average from the sensors from the entire time it was running. Pretty obvious stuff if you've used it.


You literally don't need anything else besides gpu-z and windows task manager to find out what is limiting you in any game. True story. Nothing needs expanding. That's it.

Edited by Daemonjax
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That area was UNPLAYABLE and I'm on max settings. I normally play on medium settings since this game is hardly optimized enough to be completely smooth on max. That was also in full screen (windowed) with a second monitor up.



Here - http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/BlackSunTaxi2.jpg



Fullscreen (not windowed) with second monitor turned off in windows resolution menu, at medium settings. 59 FPS


Before I upgraded my RAM I couldn't play this fullscreen (not windowed) on lowest settings with shadows completely off.

Edited by Chevex
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That area was UNPLAYABLE and I'm on max settings. I normally play on medium settings since this game is hardly optimized enough to be completely smooth on max. That was also in full screen (windowed) with a second monitor up.



Here - http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/BlackSunTaxi2.jpg



Fullscreen (not windowed) with second monitor turned off in windows resolution menu, at medium settings. 59 FPS


I couldn't play this fullscreen (not windowed) on lowest settings with shadows completely off.


Not sure if you have, but if you turn off shadow you will get a massive increase in FPS

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Not sure if you have, but if you turn off shadow you will get a massive increase in FPS


They were on low in that screen shot. I'd say 59 is good enough for me. I can play now!


See you guys! And thank you to everyone who was constructive and kind.

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66fps -




17.7 fps




Those are practically the same screenshot, same settings.


If the OP had to jump down into the firefight below, his fps would crumble to low teens. It might fix itself temporarily if he alt-tabs, but it always drops down to the shocking low fps in that area.


This is fact, and the OP knows this is fact.

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66fps -




17.7 fps




Those are practically the same screenshot, same settings.


If the OP had to jump down into the firefight below, his fps would crumble to low teens. It might fix itself temporarily if he alt-tabs, but it always drops down to the shocking low fps in that area.


This is fact, and the OP knows this is fact.




Fullscreen (not windowed)

Medium settings

Second monitor off in windows settings



I would just quit and stop embarrassing yourself.

Edited by Chevex
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Yeah well sadly unless you take a video of it we'll never know the truth. My screenshots prove that the game can be 17 fps or 66 fps at almost the exact same point.


I can easily screenshot 60+ fps in Black Sun, but I know it's generally sub-20 fps.


http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/RapidFireSS (1).jpg

http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/RapidFireSS (2).jpg

http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/RapidFireSS (3).jpg

http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/RapidFireSS (4).jpg

http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/RapidFireSS (5).jpg

http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/RapidFireSS (6).jpg

http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/RapidFireSS (7).jpg

http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/RapidFireSS (8).jpg

http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/RapidFireSS (9).jpg

http://www.codetunnel.com/content/images/RapidFireSS (10).jpg


That's the best I can do. I immediately pressed Print Screen 10 times in a row with only about half a second or a second between each screenshot. I am not setup to take video at the moment and nor do I care to because I would just like to play the game now that it runs well. If you still don't believe me then I'm sorry your pride is such a roadblock for you.

Edited by Chevex
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Hey guys, I just had a quick question about my computer setup at home. I have had the opportunity to play SWTOR on my home and work computer. For some reason the game runs a lot faster on my work computer even though my home computer has a better graphics card. However, everything else is slightly worse than my work computer. I'm just curious what you guys think my bottleneck would be.


Here are my specs for both computers:


Work computer


Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

Intel Core i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz

8gb RAM


Home computer


Windows 7 Professional 64-bit


AMD Phenom 9600 Quad-Core Processor

3gb RAM


My home computer really struggles when there are a lot of NPCs in the area. Particularly in the black sun taxi area on Coruscant. I chug so hard there when I'm at home because of all the NPCs fighting below the taxi platform, but that area runs fine at work.


Would my processor be the culprit or would it be my RAM? Or is there something else you think is holding me up?


Thanks for the help!


Your RAM and AMD sound like the culprit here. I used to run a Phenom X940 or something and 3 gigs of ram, recently upgraded to Intel I7 2600K Sandy Bridge and 8gigs of ram.


Now runs as smooth butta!! Even though Intel is x2 the cost of AMD, I will never go back. Again I am not a college crash strapped student anymore either.


If you are not willing to invest in a new CPU try getting more RAM.

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Many games have problems with the I7? I donot think so. Some maybe...but "many" is not true. I have a I7 and it runs all the games I have tried flawlessly. If a player should run into a issue, you can disable Hyperthreading in the system bios. Now for the money difference versus performance, I would agree the I5 is a better buy.


Ok, I was probably unclear there. With problems I mean not performing optimal and a I5 at the same frequency will be faster on 75-80% of games. Its pretty much only First person shooter engines that are fully threaded.

Other so called threaded games still often have to wait for calculations from a single core before they can thread the rest of that chain. And when you have HT that means they are waiting on half a core really.

And that most certainly is the case for SW:Tor as I see people with HT are unsatified, while those with I5 party at the Tatoiine cantina ;)


I bet we both agree that the I5-2500K is the best CPU for the normal gamer today. Those chips almost get insulted unless you OC them 35-40% :D




Best value for money since the Celeron 300A that overclocked outperformed the PII-450, due to having the excact same core as PII-450, but 128K full spd cache instead of 512kb half speed cache. The Celeron 300A with its full speed cache could do 500Mhz, While the PII-450 needed extra cooling to do 500 coz of the cache used on it. And the celeron cost 1/3 of the PII-450 :)



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That's the best I can do. I immediately pressed Print Screen 4 times in a row with only about half a second or a second between each screenshot. I am not setup to take video at the moment and nor do I care to because I would just like to play the game now that it runs well. If you still don't believe me then I'm sorry your pride is such a roadblock for you.


I'm happy for you that it's working so well now, really.


It had absolutely nothing to do with your new RAM however, and you probably had really ancient graphics drivers causing you problems at first. You should have posted screenshots before changing drivers, but I guess the fact that you didn't says it all. :)

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I'm happy for you that it's working so well now, really.


It had absolutely nothing to do with your new RAM however, and you probably had really ancient graphics drivers causing you problems at first. You should have posted screenshots before changing drivers, but I guess the fact that you didn't says it all. :)




You're unwilling to admit it was RAM but you're perfectly willing to concede that the beta driver made such a difference that I went from unplayable to almost 60 FPS? I did test it before the driver. I only decided to check my drivers after that, which the history of this thread does indeed show.





You sound ridiculous! I truly can't believe you accused me of being blinded by pride. You're too much. I'm literally laughing out loud. LMAO! Good times. Good times.


See you guys around.

Edited by Chevex
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You're unwilling to admit it was RAM but you're perfectly willing to concede that the beta driver made such a difference that I went from unplayable to almost 60 FPS?





You sound ridiculous!


Actually no...in your particular case you were probably running extremely old drivers. Why didn't you screenshot before you changed drivers? Maybe you did and realised you still had the same crappy fps? :rolleyes:


Are you seriously telling me that you didn't change drivers first? You went out and bought more memory before you installed new drivers? :rolleyes: Come on...pull the other one. Show me your windows task manager so we can see how much memory you have, and are using.

Edited by LionRampant
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I'm happy for you that it's working so well now, really.


It had absolutely nothing to do with your new RAM however, and you probably had really ancient graphics drivers causing you problems at first. You should have posted screenshots before changing drivers, but I guess the fact that you didn't says it all. :)


Okay, seriously, think about this for a second.


He was running 3 1 GB sticks of dual channel RAM, 1 matched pair and 1 single stick in the other pair of slots. This means his motherboard switched to single channel mode.


Just making matched pairs, regardless of how much more RAM he has, would improve overall performance significantly since his board is now running in dual channel mode. It effectively doubles the throughput of the pipeline between the RAM and CPU.


Dual channel RAM is a serious performance improvement over single. Do you disagree with that statement?

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You're unwilling to admit it was RAM but you're perfectly willing to concede that the beta driver made such a difference that I went from unplayable to almost 60 FPS? I did test it before the driver. I only decided to check my drivers after that, which the history of this thread does indeed show.





You sound ridiculous! I truly can't believe you accused me of being blinded by pride. You're too much. I'm literally laughing out loud. LMAO! Good times. Good times.


See you guys around.


Enjoy the game Chevex. The forum is always here when you're to upgrade next time :)


May the Swartz be with you!

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