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Permanently turning off Companion Abilites


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As a shadow consular I am constantly using mind maze on groups to attempt to keep the fights under control, however Qyzen has different ideas. Every time he is re-summoned, or that I get off my mount, his aoe turns on automatically even if I had previously turned it off. It is a hassle to open up his bar every time he gets out and turns it off. I was wondering if there was a way to turn off the ability permanently or if i'm just going to continuously turn it off.
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It is the same for every class. The Smuggler's claim to have a universal battle cry now: "Dammit, Corso!" :p


Some companions have the worst defaults possible and they reset constantly. Going down an elivator? Better check your pet's skills afterwards. It is a constant process. But on the good side, I have learned to turn the AoE's on and off as needed for almost every group and do it quickly.

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Correct, it is kinda broken. However, it will last until the next time they are summoned. So hopping off your mount, moving to a new "zone" or any other phase transition will reset them. Unfortunately you just need to be mindful of it until they fix the issue.
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