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Nerf Sentinel/Marauder RIGHT NOW


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im so tired of the whole rage is the way to go argument in marauders. Yeah do rage, geared up it does great!....


for a pure DPS class, the SHARED tree does our BEST, when JUGGERNAUTS who are TANK/DPS HYBRIDS can do the SAME damage only 30% BETTER because of a class only expertise.


Let me do the math, pure dps class x damage, tank/dps hybrid class x*1.3.


I thought pure dps was supposed to be stronger?


Just because its useable doesn't mean it's working as intended!

Edited by lord_mitoh
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Haha, got your attention AND a forum first. Nobody EVER writes those words. Why? Cause we suck.


Stopped reading right there. I'm a marauder myself and I hate to break it to you but YOU SUCK. You're just bad. Perhaps your specc is bad? Perhaps you're a clicker? I've played both Rage and Carnage and I'm doing excellent in PvP. You never see a nerf marauder thread because they're not OP. You don't see a nerf anything but Operative dps/Sorc dps. Does that mean every other class is UP? I can PROMISE you that it's just you being bad, nothing else.

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No stealth? I guess Force Camo was part of my imagination all along. And so was the 30% movement increase and 100% damage reduction from it. I'm gonna compile a short list of my experience so far as Sentinel. As Watchman, this is what you get:



100% and 99% damage reduction skills

Saber Ward (50% melee and ranged defense increase + 25% force and tech damage reduction)

Rebuke (20% damage reduction + deals damage for the entire duration)

Pacify (90% opponent accuracy reduction)

Awe (aoe stun)

Force Stasis (damage dealing stun)

Self/party heals


Not to mention, you'll already have a 25% energy/kinetic damage reduction from stats/armor.



Burn/dot opponents (sustained, no opponent stealth, did I mention self/party heals?)

Burst damage

0-30m or 5-30m Force Leap (whatever you prefer) every 12s

+5k damage blows with several skills

Free Zen/Transcendence/Inspiration every 1 min 15 secs

Crippling Throw (10m, **** damage but opponent healing reduction)

Dispatch (15m)

Overload Saber (stacks)

+15k HP and +1400 STR in full Champion gear with replaced mods


Few things (gunslinger perspective):


Damage redux skills work similar to defensive screen. You give up half your health and can theoretically block more damage with the sentinel version - mine is free on a shorter CD and doesn't hurt me. Yours I can just CC you for with a single flashbang or root you back with a leg shot.


Saber ward - huge CD, once again I can just CC you, knock you back or kite you. Your defense doesn't matter against most skills, so all you're getting is the 25% dam redux - you can't dodge the majority of PVP skills.


Rebuke is pretty good, not enough for me to not faceroll you though.


Pacify - accuracy has zero effect that I've seen in PVP.


Awe - flashbang without any range.


Force stasis - dirty kick is better - doesn't require channel.


Dots - I haz more.


Force leap - I don't need to since I can you know - shoot at stuff.


5k damage blows with several skills - requires biochem/expertise/etc, I can achieve the exact same thing with several skills at range without rage/focus building.


All the other stuff boils down to same stuff as my gunslinger. That being said, I've got more roots, MUCH more AoE, much better dots, better energy management, stronger single target DPS, better sustained DPS, more team utility (flourish, scrambling field), ranged interrupt, 30% slow on one of my DoTs, ability to throw people off bridges, immunity to CC for 20 seconds (hunker down), immunity to interrupts while in cover, etc etc etc etc. Etc.


Marauders are bad. They are bad in a mechanical sense. Every single point I can counterpoint as gunslinger/sniper or merc and do better.

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OFC, level 50 gunslingers routinely hit 300k+ (most I've ever hit was 185k).



Gunslinger's main mechanic is that of an immovable turret. Mobility is most important thing in fast pvp battles; please don't post any more non sense. Roll a gunslinger, level it, then tell me how you like it...

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Honestly it sounds to me like you're struggling to play your class properly. Sentinels are glass cannons that can do LOTS of damage if played correctly. You have 1 ability that hits for 2k? I've been hit with back to back 4k's by a sentinel.


Honestly not trying to sound mean but you really need to learn to play your class better before you come QQing on the forums.


QFT - I am an Operative and fear Sentinels and Marauders the most - they destroy me

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Stopped reading right there. If anything, decent Sentinels are OP, period. Learn to position yourself from one bridge end to the other and not with your back to the edge. Learn to Force Statis and unleash whatever your most powerful skill is (bish will run). Learn to pop your defensive skills whenever needed and not as soon as they're up. Learn to master all four quickbars (three = skills alone) without having to click. Learn to move using the mouse when called for instead of using WASD 24/7.


No stealth? I guess Force Camo was part of my imagination all along. And so was the 30% movement increase and 100% damage reduction from it. I'm gonna compile a short list of my experience so far as Sentinel. As Watchman, this is what you get:



100% and 99% damage reduction skills

Saber Ward (50% melee and ranged defense increase + 25% force and tech damage reduction)

Rebuke (20% damage reduction + deals damage for the entire duration)

Pacify (90% opponent accuracy reduction)

Awe (aoe stun)

Force Stasis (damage dealing stun)

Self/party heals


Please, you're just bad. If you're calling annihalate marauders op, you're bad. period. lol.

edit: since when does awe stun? You don't even know what you're talking about, rofl ;)

Edited by xHPx
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I think that Sentinels and Marauders are good balanced classes, if you have correct Skill Tree skills, and if you can actually play them.

I have Jedi Shadow and Jedi Sentinel, I think that Sentinels also have proper damage output.

I also fought many 1 vs 1 and didn't have any problem to burst down my opponent.

Same when I fought with my Shadow vs Sentinel had some hard time, some times I won, and sometimes I lost.

By the way, BW can't just nerfed classes, if they would only do that, game-play would then suck. I think that if there OP class, then why to nerfed it, instead add some new things for other classes and maybe then search if there is still an OP class, and then nerfed it.

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