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New content coming next week - Rise of the Rakghouls


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I don't understand what you mean by "yet." It worked from early access and continues to work.


That is just not the case for many of us.


Myself, I will have sporadic moments of ability lag. A third of the time, everything fires off 100% normally, so i know its not my computer or network, but the rest of the time I get a 0.5 to 1 second delay on my abilities, as if I had 1k+ ping even tho the console shows me at under 50 ms.



^ Like this.


Now yeah, I can load the game and "play" it, so technically it work. That doesnt mean it is in working condition, however, as I (and many others) cannot enjoy it because of this constant "laggy" feeling.


So he is right: Will the game work yet, or not? I have already unsubbed myself, and frankly im really sad about it as I had been waiting for this MMO since it was announced. Not resubbing unless that lag goes away.

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just to give you some perspective


weekly patches beats anything WoW has ever done. You should see WoW's patch history after launch.



It launched on November 23rd.


First Patch


http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_1.1.2 December 6th. two weeks after launch


this is the only thing they fixed


* Removed time zone tabs from realm list for U.S., all servers now appear in one list.



you really want to talk about Useless bug fixes



Dec 18th almost 1 month after launch came their first real patch





And look it's a content update patch with some minor bug fixes


December 21st




* Rolling for items in the French and German will now work properly.

* Resolved an issue with looting in click to move mode that could cause crashes.

* Performance issues occurring with certain CPUs have been resolved.





FEBRUARY 15th Thats right almost 2 months past between the last patch





Sorry but Bioware is doing an amazing job so far with the patches. Now if they can keep it up then they will have my money for a long time.


Maybe because there was no need to add content since it took months to complete the content available at launch. You have to add content this fast when a ton of people blow through the content at launch in three weeks.

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