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TL;DR Tweakz


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overwhelm - should be made into a stun for the duration of the skill OR snare + immunity to cc for duration. honestly, a stun would increase our pve prowess as well. but i'd have a smile with the other option.


gore - should be taken off GCD and/or given +2 seconds to duration


force charge - grant full resolve bar or given immunity to cc for x amount of time


obfuscate - should apply to force attacks as well. and possibly buff to 100%, 90% seems too 'iffy' to the point that it is unreliable. if done like this, lower duration on it. good, but unreliable. not meant to be flamed on.


disruption - successful pummels should "lock" opponent out of ability school for x amount of time.


defensive forms - 15% run speed should be core bonus of talent with ataru form granting an additional amount of %. it would help out combat situations for all trees. we're slow, susceptible to cc ( more-so than other classes ), our up-time will greatly increase the sustained dmg output i believe we should have.


ataru form - increase base dmg of ataru procs and/or lower GCD of all ability by 0.5 seconds.


dual wield mastery - bump this up or something, our offhand is kinda gimp.


narrow hatred - 0/2 talent. 1.5% and 3%.


erupting fury - switch to short fuse and change short fuse to something else. it will allow all trees to spec xx/7/xx. honestly, this should be a tier 1 talent available to all trees. fury is a core mechanic of the class, shouldn't be hindered by NOT spec'ing deep into one tree.


massacre - change the buff to something like annihilate. for every massacre, increase overall dmg/massacre dmg by x amount.


edit: also something to give us an ability to force choke w/o channeling


feedback on ideas please. or input your own.

Edited by ShwagATK
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7% chance to resist any CC x your rage. Lore suggests that marauders are "unstoppable".


Chance to reduce/refresh cooldown on force charge when killing an enemy with vicous throw. This would alleviate our mobility in combat issues by a large margin (not so much on boss encounters)


Bring our base weapon dmg up to par with other class's weapons of equal rating.


Our uptime on boss fights, especially mobility based ones, could be helped a tad by increasing our hitbox slightly

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seems to be aimed more at carnage - but these changes would make us OP , some i Do agree with but some are jus slightly OP


originally this was a carnage post. but some of the these things that i wanted to address werent just carnage. i'd like to know which of the ones you think are OP, perhaps i can look at them again and find a solid compromise but to my eyes, from what i have seen other classes capable off, i find the only thing slightly OP is the obfuscate buff. i say 100% because i find that 90% still just gets hit ...all the time. not very many classes are melee and the ones that are burst with force skills. and ranged still hit me every cast, not sure why. just my 2 cents, keep the feed back going guys.

Edited by ShwagATK
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overwhelm - should be made into a stun for the duration of the skill OR snare + immunity to cc for duration. honestly, a stun would increase our pve prowess as well. but i'd have a smile with the other option.


No. I never have trouble with this skill. You have to know when to use it. Buffing it like this makes it OP. How would you like it if Force lightning stunned you during its duration?


gore - should be taken off GCD and/or given +2 seconds to duration


I agree with the latter. gore needs to last a slight bit longer. I cant seem to get more than 3 moves off, and even that is a stretch.


force charge - grant full resolve bar or given immunity to cc for x amount of time


Again, Overpowered, because immunity to CC is reserved more for tanking classes. I think instead it should break any current Roots on yourself. Might help us against Snipers and Sorc sng that knockback+ root, instead of popping half our control restoring abilties just to stay in the fight.


obfuscate - should apply to force attacks as well. and possibly buff to 100%, 90% seems too 'iffy' to the point that it is unreliable. if done like this, lower duration on it. good, but unreliable. not meant to be flamed on.


The ability is fine. Its only 1 rage, and has a limited range which can be boosted in some talents.


disruption - successful pummels should "lock" opponent out of ability school for x amount of time.


Eh...maybe. But it can be used without worrying about the GCD, just like retaliation. I think its fine. Really fast CD.


defensive forms - 15% run speed should be core bonus of talent with ataru form granting an additional amount of %. it would help out combat situations for all trees. we're slow, susceptible to cc ( more-so than other classes ), our up-time will greatly increase the sustained dmg output i believe we should have.


ataru form - increase base dmg of ataru procs and/or lower GCD of all ability by 0.5 seconds.


WAY OVERPOWERED. The GCD thing i mean. No way should we be able to hit more often than other classes. Beserk is jsut fine as an ability we have to work at, we dont need an Easy Button. But i agree the ataru procs are very weak and scale with gear. We need some talents or something to help boost the damage of these a little.


dual wield mastery - bump this up or something, our offhand is kinda gimp.


I would like to see the percentage of damage hits from each do to see how much its contributing, without that i think its hard to say whether or not it needs a buff


narrow hatred - 0/2 talent. 1.5% and 3%.


We already have on average around 7 useless points that are more personal preference than actual damage boosters. Giving us an extra wont do anything for us.


erupting fury - switch to short fuse and change short fuse to something else. it will allow all trees to spec xx/7/xx. honestly, this should be a tier 1 talent available to all trees. fury is a core mechanic of the class, shouldn't be hindered by NOT spec'ing deep into one tree.


This talent is pointless and no one should ever waste 2 talents on it. I forsee this one being replaced with something more viable. No need to change it, we need to get rid of it.


massacre - change the buff to something like annihilate. for every massacre, increase overall dmg/massacre dmg by x amount.


I like, but i think the buff needs to be smaller, maybe boost Ataru procs damage and proc rate. I would like to see it stack too...since we use it so often.


edit: also something to give us an ability to force choke w/o channeling


That i agree with. Maybe a talent to replace erupting fury


feedback on ideas please. or input your own.


My thoughts are in RED. :)

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originally this was a carnage post. but some of the these things that i wanted to address werent just carnage. i'd like to know which of the ones you think are OP, perhaps i can look at them again and find a solid compromise but to my eyes, from what i have seen other classes capable off, i find the only thing slightly OP is the obfuscate buff. i say 100% because i find that 90% still just gets hit ...all the time. not very many classes are melee and the ones that are burst with force skills. and ranged still hit me every cast, not sure why. just my 2 cents, keep the feed back going guys.


I find myself getting hit even when its up too, i wonder if its a bug. Every time i apply it, the first shot they get off at me is a hit. Anyone every see us dodge or whatever an attack while obfiscate is up?

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overwhelm - should be made into a stun for the duration of the skill OR snare + immunity to cc for duration. honestly, a stun would increase our pve prowess as well. but i'd have a smile with the other option.


It's fine as-is, pending a fix to server-client latenct / putting abilities on cooldown when it is invalidated by the server check. Fix the problem not the symptom.



gore - should be taken off GCD and/or given +2 seconds to duration





force charge - grant full resolve bar or given immunity to cc for x amount of time


No. Resolve should simply be fixed.



obfuscate - should apply to force attacks as well. and possibly buff to 100%, 90% seems too 'iffy' to the point that it is unreliable. if done like this, lower duration on it. good, but unreliable. not meant to be flamed on.


Disagree: instead, re-categorize more abilities to be melee/range attacks instead of force/tech powers. The issue is not that Obfuscate only works on melee/range. The issue is that 50 billion abilities are force/tech powers even when they intuitively should be melee/range.



disruption - successful pummels should "lock" opponent out of ability school for x amount of time.


Hesitant: BioWare would have to remove the cd reduction talent or increase the cooldown on Disruption in general. I suspect that not much thought was put into "which trees" "house" which abilities, so this would require a major effort on BW's side. Don't hold your breath.



defensive forms - 15% run speed should be core bonus of talent with ataru form granting an additional amount of %. it would help out combat situations for all trees. we're slow, susceptible to cc ( more-so than other classes ), our up-time will greatly increase the sustained dmg output i believe we should have.


Perhaps 2.5/5% as core with a bonus 7.5/15% for Ataru. Overall, I'd say this change is unnecessary.



ataru form - increase base dmg of ataru procs and/or lower GCD of all ability by 0.5 seconds.


I would avoid tinkering with the GCD. I would suggest a raw damage upgrade to Ataru (25%?) or an additional buff to the +1rage per 6 part -- like adding a 10% crit chance.



dual wield mastery - bump this up or something, our offhand is kinda gimp.


I would say leave the damage part as-is and add an "increases offhand accuracy by 5/10/15%".



narrow hatred - 0/2 talent. 1.5% and 3%.





erupting fury - switch to short fuse and change short fuse to something else. it will allow all trees to spec xx/7/xx. honestly, this should be a tier 1 talent available to all trees. fury is a core mechanic of the class, shouldn't be hindered by NOT spec'ing deep into one tree.


Disagree. Rage is currently fine with its Fury management due to the Working As Intended Predation. Erupting Fury blows, but should be changed to something Carn-specific so it doesn't stack with the other trees in an overpowered fashion.



massacre - change the buff to something like annihilate. for every massacre, increase overall dmg/massacre dmg by x amount.





edit: also something to give us an ability to force choke w/o channeling



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thanks for the input. time to rebut :)


ravage - the fact that melee has a channeled attack is already blasphemy enough. i know how to use it perfectly, i even place myself ahead of my opponent ("reading" their movements). its just too easy to negate. blind, stun, push back, invis, all of these are something that ravage has to deal with. its a 30 second cd while knockbacks avg around 20 seconds. which, ideally, it means ravage can ALWAYS be interrupted. they can fix this by starting with my current suggestions OR making ravage a 1 hit skill insta-cast. that would also fix the "burst" problems alot of us whine about.


force charge - yes the resolve thing is op's but the other suggestion is a talent juggs have. we should get it, not them. or both of us. next.


obfuscate - yeah the ability idea is fine but the use is limited to a place that i feel like the devs didnt think through. it doesnt stop skill accuracy, or if it does, it sure as hell doesn't feel like it.


disruption - this is the only one that i will disagree with you whole-heartedly. everyone who considers themselves a 'top-tier' pvper or even a casual oriented pvper KNOWS this is a necessity. i disrupt 1 heal skill, that doesnt matter cuz they instantly cast the other one or just cast the same one again. it needs to disrupt the school ability to put pressure on healers.


ataru form - 0.5 gcd yah, i over did it. i'd never expect this buff but definitely need to see a dmg buff on ataru form. the reason i say GCD is simply because there is nothing "acrobatic" about ataru form as is. 15% run speed is just something the class needs over all.


dual wield - everyone knows our offhand is next to nothing short of visually pleasing. hell, the current FOTM pvp spec doesnt even hardly use the lightsabers at all.


narrow hatred - this is already a talent we have in carnage. currently 0/3 - 1/2/3%. i find myself specing 2/3 in it to get, imo, necessary talents.


i feel like making it 0/2 would just make a build a little more versatile while getting the full bonus from it. just a personal preference.


erupting fury - yes. garbage. short fuse from annihilation tree should be moved to tier 1 on any tree to allow access for better fury management. just said switch with this crap talent as a suggestion.


massacre - if this was like a "next massacre increases dmg from your next massacre by 2%. stacks to 3 times." i would be extremely happy. i dont really think that its broken. maybe lower the %age. rage has saber strength, annihilate has high base dmg and lowers CD. just trying to find a balance for our main 40 talent.

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thanks for the input. time to rebut :)


ravage - the fact that melee has a channeled attack is already blasphemy enough. i know how to use it perfectly, i even place myself ahead of my opponent ("reading" their movements). its just too easy to negate. blind, stun, push back, invis, all of these are something that ravage has to deal with. its a 30 second cd while knockbacks avg around 20 seconds. which, ideally, it means ravage can ALWAYS be interrupted. they can fix this by starting with my current suggestions OR making ravage a 1 hit skill insta-cast. that would also fix the "burst" problems alot of us whine about.


Best solution for this fix, is like it was suggested, get rid of erupting fury, and move the uninteruptable ravage from rage to carnage. How often do rage users even use ravage anyways?

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thanks for the input. time to rebut :)


ravage - the fact that melee has a channeled attack is already blasphemy enough. i know how to use it perfectly, i even place myself ahead of my opponent ("reading" their movements). its just too easy to negate. blind, stun, push back, invis, all of these are something that ravage has to deal with. its a 30 second cd while knockbacks avg around 20 seconds. which, ideally, it means ravage can ALWAYS be interrupted. they can fix this by starting with my current suggestions OR making ravage a 1 hit skill insta-cast. that would also fix the "burst" problems alot of us whine about.


force charge - yes the resolve thing is op's but the other suggestion is a talent juggs have. we should get it, not them. or both of us. next.


obfuscate - yeah the ability idea is fine but the use is limited to a place that i feel like the devs didnt think through. it doesnt stop skill accuracy, or if it does, it sure as hell doesn't feel like it.


disruption - this is the only one that i will disagree with you whole-heartedly. everyone who considers themselves a 'top-tier' pvper or even a casual oriented pvper KNOWS this is a necessity. i disrupt 1 heal skill, that doesnt matter cuz they instantly cast the other one or just cast the same one again. it needs to disrupt the school ability to put pressure on healers.


ataru form - 0.5 gcd yah, i over did it. i'd never expect this buff but definitely need to see a dmg buff on ataru form. the reason i say GCD is simply because there is nothing "acrobatic" about ataru form as is. 15% run speed is just something the class needs over all.


dual wield - everyone knows our offhand is next to nothing short of visually pleasing. hell, the current FOTM pvp spec doesnt even hardly use the lightsabers at all.


narrow hatred - this is already a talent we have in carnage. currently 0/3 - 1/2/3%. i find myself specing 2/3 in it to get, imo, necessary talents.


i feel like making it 0/2 would just make a build a little more versatile while getting the full bonus from it. just a personal preference.


erupting fury - yes. garbage. short fuse from annihilation tree should be moved to tier 1 on any tree to allow access for better fury management. just said switch with this crap talent as a suggestion.


massacre - if this was like a "next massacre increases dmg from your next massacre by 2%. stacks to 3 times." i would be extremely happy. i dont really think that its broken. maybe lower the %age. rage has saber strength, annihilate has high base dmg and lowers CD. just trying to find a balance for our main 40 talent.


I agree with what Easy said on the Disruption, they would have to start classifiying skills like that under paticular types, then we would just be making this game even more like WoW so not sure how i feel about it. I think a new idea/approach is neccesary for any kind of change to be good.


On the Narrow Hatred talent, it seems like this should be Tier 3, its to easily accesible for the other Trees, but as Carnage we find very little use in the other trees as they are all Form specific after Tier 2. Maybe make this talent require Ataru form before speccing into it? That way only we have the advantage of accuracy and not all Marauders...


I really want to see a Power stat boost somewhere in Carnage as the majority of our damage relies on this stat, maybe even have a percentage of our power be applied to Force Scream as well.


I dont think Carnage is Underpowered, we just need some tweaks to help us compete. Any Carnage PvPer will tell you that.

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I agree with what Easy said on the Disruption, they would have to start classifiying skills like that under paticular types, then we would just be making this game even more like WoW so not sure how i feel about it. I think a new idea/approach is neccesary for any kind of change to be good.


On the Narrow Hatred talent, it seems like this should be Tier 3, its to easily accesible for the other Trees, but as Carnage we find very little use in the other trees as they are all Form specific after Tier 2. Maybe make this talent require Ataru form before speccing into it? That way only we have the advantage of accuracy and not all Marauders...


I really want to see a Power stat boost somewhere in Carnage as the majority of our damage relies on this stat, maybe even have a percentage of our power be applied to Force Scream as well.


I dont think Carnage is Underpowered, we just need some tweaks to help us compete. Any Carnage PvPer will tell you that.


i won't go as far as to say carnage is underpowered. if anything, i just feel other classes are overpowered and should be toned down some with the slew of cc's and upfront burst. even with all the people who are riding the FOTM train on rage, we still have to leap in, stack our charges, THEN release. other classes can just upfront burst for...maybe not as much as a CD pop'd smash, but the 2-3 GCDs they use are > than ours. our sustained is okay, but the burst is the biggest complaint.


carnage just needs a few things to keep us on par, i still think ravage shouldnt be a channel ( ravage based heavily in carnage spec ) because it hinders mobility and lowers burst. on top of that, seeing as how it is a channel, it should be damn near unable to be interrupted to get the full effect more often than less. any opponent that is considered a good pvper, even a mirror sentinel/marauder, will absolutely not let ravage finish. we can pummel a ditto ravage to not let it finish btw for anyone who didnt know.

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