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If they two waves in an hour does that mean all waves will be completed in 2 hours?


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No problem with the waves idea, seems like a suitable plan to ensure stability. However, BW have already done 2 waves today (in an hour) does that mean if they pump out another 2 in the following hour, that's it for today?


As it will be kind of frustrating waiting another 24hours for waves ><


Just curious.

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No problem with the waves idea, seems like a suitable plan to ensure stability. However, BW have already done 2 waves today (in an hour) does that mean if they pump out another 2 in the following hour, that's it for today?


As it will be kind of frustrating waiting another 24hours for waves ><


Just curious.


I feel the same way.

Why not release more sporadically throughout the day :/

If all the people are right on the dot with the server status, they would be able to get more people on without much trouble.


Whatever they do though, we'll get in soon!




Edited by garbanian
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