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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game takes travelling back 7 years


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Personally, they need to make it so entering your ship is before the loading screen and not after it. They can easily instance your ship in, you are already in an instance why can't our ship's internal space be in there too.


When you enter your ship bay, your ship and internals load. When you click your door to your ship, you are (secretly) ported to your ship internal area on the map and finally your companion dismissed (since they are in the ship already).


Then you use the navigation system to travel but if not you stay on the same planet and can leave the ship. If you choose to travel, you get the launch movie, then it cuts to a loading screen for the new area you are heading too and finally the landing movie and then you are returned to the internals of your ship where you can exit the ship and go about your business.


ONE load, your done. Questers who need to use their holo can just run in and do it and then leave, travelers can race to their ship and load once. Friends can join you and even travel with you. Just one load screen and a lot less time but still a bit of immersion.

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Get a security token, apply it to account, and get the 1h CD fleet passes sold for 1k at the security key vendor. Problem solved. Yes, it costs you $5, but Bioware is probably making little to no profit on it, and your account is better protected.


Man are you listening to yourself? They aren't making a profit on it??..What kind of dreamworld are you living in? Most hilarious and stupifying statement I've heard to date...


We'll see about the "security" didn't Bioware forums just get hacked? so pay them $5 bucks and the guarantee is?????..............shinola...did you even read the EULA?


Yea a 30 min CD to travel in between the boring overly large expanses just to talk to someone is really immersive and fun(its a time filler) so you enjoy strolling around the emptiness'..that'll be another $15 for another month of bullsit.(they aren't really making a profit on it....wink)

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Get a security token, apply it to account, and get the 1h CD fleet passes sold for 1k at the security key vendor. Problem solved. Yes, it costs you $5, but Bioware is probably making little to no profit on it, and your account is better protected.


is that a reusable or do u have to keep buying it everytime you use it. talking about the 1k fleet pass. always wondered when i saw it, but to cheap to buy it :)

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I do not come to the forums much. I'd rather be in game, but I am starting to agree with the people who say that there needs to be an easier way to get around and be around others. The constant loading screens when you are trying to travel is annoying and archaic.


  • Many games used to pride themselves on seamless worlds. SWTOR spits in the face of a seamless world. By making you and your group mates take 3 forms of transportation to party up.


  • Sharding makes the world feel more empty. Even more so since server populations have started to diminish. Having to "load screen" to join your group is ridiculous.


  • Having to run through 3 sreens to get back and forth to your ship is overkill. Yes it is immersive and believable, but there is a fine balance between that and functionally convenient.


My suggestions would be to eliminate SOME of the load screen opportunities and eliminate sharding. This game has too much potential for it to die by way of an archaic travel system. It feels like the birthchild of Mass Effect and Kotor. Both great games. Both with tons of loading screens during travel.


This game is innovative, didn't you hear!? It innovated the most annoying aspects of every MMO and brought none of the cool features whatsoever! Sweet game BioWare!

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Man are you listening to yourself? They aren't making a profit on it??..What kind of dreamworld are you living in? Most hilarious and stupifying statement I've heard to date...


We'll see about the "security" didn't Bioware forums just get hacked? so pay them $5 bucks and the guarantee is?????..............shinola...did you even read the EULA?


Yea a 30 min CD to travel in between the boring overly large expanses just to talk to someone is really immersive and fun(its a time filler) so you enjoy strolling around the emptiness'..that'll be another $15 for another month of bullsit.(they aren't really making a profit on it....wink)


This game has not, and will not make a profit.

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I was on Tython just now having beaten Lord Vivicar (what an anti-climax, when compared to the equivalent Sith Warrior mission) and then it sent me to the Republic Fleet. So cue running to the shuttle, being surprised, then annoyed when I saw the option to travel to the Fleet only for it to tell me I couldn't do that; heave a resigned sigh as I travelled instead to the orbital station, ran through the orbital station (very pretty but not a lot happening) onto my ship, more loading screens, annoying robot greeting me, travel to fleet (more loading screen) then woohoo finally at the fleet, turn in the mission, get sent BACK to the ship (clenched teeth now) more zoning and running to ship, cut scene of ship taking off, use holo terminal, get sent BACK TO TYTHON!? WHY? For the love of God, why would you do that to someone?
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I was on Tython just now having beaten Lord Vivicar (what an anti-climax, when compared to the equivalent Sith Warrior mission) and then it sent me to the Republic Fleet. So cue running to the shuttle, being surprised, then annoyed when I saw the option to travel to the Fleet only for it to tell me I couldn't do that; heave a resigned sigh as I travelled instead to the orbital station, ran through the orbital station (very pretty but not a lot happening) onto my ship, more loading screens, annoying robot greeting me, travel to fleet (more loading screen) then woohoo finally at the fleet, turn in the mission, get sent BACK to the ship (clenched teeth now) more zoning and running to ship, cut scene of ship taking off, use holo terminal, get sent BACK TO TYTHON!? WHY? For the love of God, why would you do that to someone?


Normally that kinda thing would get a rage quit, followed by a "never-play-that-again."


Why are we giving the Star Wars license so much liberty?

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